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                 Kamari Anne Davis

Me and my brother were just chilling in my room when we suddenly heard loud banging on the front door.

Me and him were the only ones home right now and we weren't expecting company.

"Who the hell banging on the door like that?" i said getting up to go see who it is. Low and behold it was Ayanna's Mom?
"Hey Ms. Smith what are you doing here?" I asked confused.
"Sorry but i don't have time to chit chat i need you to go see Yana its an emergency!" she said.
I Didn't think twice so i just walked with her back to their house. I walked upstairs to find Yana in the corner of the room on the floor hyperventilating.
"Hey hey baby what's wrong?" i said trying to calm her down.
She just kept giving me weird hand gestures but i didn't know what it meant. "w-what are you trying to say? i d-dont understand." i said trying not to freak out.
But then i realized she's pointing to her chest.
"You can't breathe?!" I asked extremely concerned.
She shook her head no at my statement.
"Ok ok look just follow me ok in and out." i said also doing hand gestures.

She tried breathing exercises but it wasn't working.

And before i knew it she was unconscious.
"Shit. HOLY SHIT, Yana wake up baby please wake up." i said tapping her face trying to get her to wake up. No response. I called 911 since i was going to get Ms.Smith.
911: 911 what's your emergency?
Mari: "Please send an ambulance my girlfriend wont wake up" i said crying in the phone.
911: "Ok what happened to her."
Mari:" She was hyperventilating and then she said she couldn't breathe and i don't think she's breathing right now either."
911: "Ok whats the address?"
Mari: "Uhm it ****** sw 123rd st Atlanta, GA.
911: "alright the ambulance is on its way."

I hung up and told her mom what happened. Ive never been so scared in my life. I mean i can't lose her no matter if we're fighting or not.

10 minutes later-
The ambulance was outside so i picked her up and gave her to them. All i saw was them strap her to the rolling bed and quickly closing the doors.

Ive never seen her like this before. What if somethings seriously wrong?This is all my fault.

Yana's Mom drove us to the hospital following the ambulance.The car was filled with nothing but silence.
What if her mom hates me now?
What if I never get to see her again?
Im just causing them unnecessary problems they don't deserve this.

"Mari. Helloo?.." Ms. Smith said. Snapping me out of my thoughts.
"yes?" i said confused. "Were here." Ms.Smith said looking at me with a weird look.

I let out a deep sigh and got out the car running into the Hospital.

The doctors didnt let me in so I just waited in the waiting room for the next hour.

Shit got real boring real fast. I don't really have a lot of patience but I waited the entire time without complaining go me i guess.

I took a little nap while i waited for the nurse to tell us anything.

"hello, Ms. Smith?" a nurse said walking up to us.
"Hi yes that would be me. Is she going to be okay?" Ms. Smith asked concerned.
The nurse nodded in response." Yes she is going to be fine it was just a little panic attack but she can be released soon. You guys can go speak to her if you want." The nurse said giving us a soft smile.

Her mom turned to look at me.
"Kamari." Ms.Smith said while grabbing my hand.
"I think you should go in there ill wait here for you too." She said patting my hand softly letting go.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
She nodded in response with a reassuring smile.

I quickly got up and went to the room she was in. And there she was laying in the bed with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. I felt so bad.
"Hey.." i said softly.

She turned to me and frowned. "Hey." she said blankly.
I reached for her hand but she quickly snatched it away. I sighed in response.
"Yana im sorry ok, i really am." She just stared at me then looked down at her hands.

She looked hesitant before she spoke." I-I shouldn't be mad at you for doing what you did but I am." She said letting out a deep sigh."But I-"Let me finish please." she said cutting me off. I just nodded and let her continue.

"I know what I did was wrong texting Niyah and shit but..did you really have to go fuck on some nigga?" she said with tears in her eyes.

I know this girl is not bouta cry."Do you hear yourself right now? So we're just gonna pretend like you didn't go behind my back and cheat on me with that bitch?" i said yelling.

"Ok yea i did that but what you did was way worse you cheated on me with a whole nigga not to mention I SAW YALL FUCKING WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!" She said yelling back at me."I don't even know if you like me for real Mari." She said lowly.

I can't do this right now im stressed out enough as it is i need a break.
"I think we should break up." i said blankly. She looked at me like I was stupid. "Yea just go ahead and run away from your problems, can't even believe you right now." she said scoffing.

I quickly left the room and sat at a bench outside the hospital. Who does she think she is trying to manipulate me because i cheated back shits just crazy.

I called my brother and asked him to come get me since I didn't wanna walk home. 10 minutes go by and my brother came to pick me up.

I got in the car and we quickly drove home.
Authors note: What yall think about this chapter i feel like its kinda boring idk🤦🏾‍♀️
I didn't proofread so wtv

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