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Ayanna Laniya Smith

"Honey im home.", i heard my mom yell from downstairs.
"Oh shit my moms home", i said whispering yelling.
Mari was just panicking looking for her clothes trying to put them back on.
I grabbed a shirt and shorts from out my closet and handed it to her.
"Baby here put this on and hide in my bathroom she never goes in there."
"ok.." she said sounding a little scared. Wobbling her way to the bathroom i guess i did my big one i thought to myself laughing.

Before I knew it my mom was getting close to my room I obviously had to hide the strap there wasn't no time to clean it right now. I put it back in the shoe box and slide it under my bed and put a robe on considering I was still naked.
"Hey honey." she said in a happy tone.
"Hey momma.", i said trying to act like everythings normal.
"What you doing she said sitting on my bed."
What is this woman doing i said thinking to myself.
" oh nothing really." i said in a shaking tone you could tell i was nervous.
She scanned my room as if she was looking for something.
"What you looking for?" i said raising my eyebrow.
"oh nothing im just surprised your rooms clean." she said laughing.
I nervously laughed back.
She got up and picked up something from my nightstand but i didnt know what it was.
"Whose phone is this?"
oh shit i thought to myself i should've moved her stuff i didnt think about it.
"oh uhh.. thats my friends phone they stopped by but they left it i guess." i said hoping she would believe my lies.
"Ayanna are you lying?" she asked me.
"No why would i be?".
"Because "your friend" left their shoes here too cause i know these aint yours." she said showing me the jordan 4's next to my bed. Damn it man she really had me cause she never let me buy those shoes saying they "too expensive ".
" And that also means their obviously still in my house so you got 5 seconds to tell that lil boy to bring they ass out before i take all yo shit away." My mom said it a stern voice. Shes like a little detective what the hell.
I looked down feeling defeated and let out a sigh."Mari come out"
"Mari whose M-
She came out the bathroom looking real scared and who wouldn't be.
My mom just stared at her then me then back at her.
"Ok yall better explain to me whats going on because im confused." she said in a confused tone.
"Well what do you thinks going on."I asked her hoping i wouldn't have to say what's really going on.
"I think you got scared that i got home and made yo friend hide in the bathroom because i said no strangers in my house after 8pm." she said confidently.
I let out a sigh of relief. " Yeah that's exactly what happened im sorry for breaking your rules."
"I'll let it pass atleast you made a new friend."
I rolled my eyes at her statement looking the other way so she wouldn't see me. She always begging me to make new friends saying im gonna be lonely in this world and shit like that.
"Mari is it? Are you ok honey you look scared."
"Oh no maam i-im okay sorry, and my name is Kamari." She said nervously I couldn't help but laugh she was so cute when she's nervous.
"Kamari what a beautiful name well ill leave yall to it. You can sleep over if you want i dont mind and please put some clothes on yall look like you just fucked each other or something." my momma said bluntly closing the door.
We both stared at each other and laughed.
"Yo mom seem cool,wish mine was like that." Mari said getting her things together.
"Where you going?" She acted like she was leaving cuz where she think she going.
"I gotta head home or my momma finna beat my ass." she said laughing.
"Baby i don't want you to leave please stayy." i said whining and begging to her.
"Its ok love ill hang with you tomorrow and we can go to the movies or something ok?"
"fine." i said a little disappointed but i understand.
I went and gave her a hug which felt like forever and i didn't mind.
"Gimme a kiss." she said
And of course i gave her a kiss.
"Be safe n text me when you get home alr?"
"ight i will bye baby.
And she left im not gon lie i miss her already but i just hopped in the shower and then went to sleep.

Kamari's Pov

I just left Ayannas house and i didn't think this was how my day would go honestly. But im happy we both like each other.

I didnt have to walk to far since we lived two houses down from each other. I opened the door to my house mentally preparing myself to be yelled at.
I walked in and you guessed it my family was sitting at the dinner table staring at me.
I put my stuff down and sat at the table.
"Where the hell you been at Kamari I called your phone multiple times and got no answer."
"Im sorry momma i told yall i was going to the park. And my phone died."
"For 4 Hours? And why do you have different clothes on?"
"She probably fucking somebody." my brother Marcus said.
"Nigga shut up don't lie." i said getting annoyed.
"Mari and Marcus dont use this language at the table understand me?", my dad said sternly.
"Yes sir". we both said in unison.
"But Mari go ahead and explain yourself please."
I need to make up a lie quick. Think Kamari think.
"When I was walking back home from the park I went to the gas Station to get and ICE and someone bumped into me and my shirt got all dirty and my friend was there so she offered to give me something to wear since she already had extra clothes with her."
My Mom and Dad nodded understanding.
"Yo ass lying jit", my brother said.
"Marcus shut the fuck up."
My Dad yelled he never had a great level of patience so I did as he said.

Everyone finished eating and went there separate ways so I went to my room.
I realized i forgot to text Yanna that i got home.

Kamari😚: Hey love js letting yk i made it home

I was about to turn off my phone when i got a message from an unknown number.

authors note
Who yall think its finna be? This chapter was also kinda long but hope you enjoyed it.😚

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