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Ron helps Harper up, letting the brunette lean against his body, while glaring at Malfoy who looks away from them. "I wonder what your father would think about this." He seethed, rubbing his hand on Harper's back.

"He'll kill her." Draco said without hesitation, glancing down at Harper before looking away.

"Good." Ron said, looking away from Draco's surprise face.

Time passes in the Umbridge's office. Harper can now stand on his own without Ron's help and Draco is now pacing in front of them.

"God, I can't wait until all you Weasleys have been expelled. Your stench has been fouling this castle for too long." Draco said.

Ron glares at him. "Shut up, Malfoy!"

Draco smiles and punches Ron in the gut, knocking him to the ground. He was confused as to why Harper didn't react to Ron getting hurt, but he guessed Harper can't take care of Ron forever.

"That's for speaking to me. You know, you Weasleys are just as bad as Mudbloods!" Draco said.

Harper looks down at Ron, who has fallen down near the pile of wands on the floor.

Draco ignores Harper and sneers at Ginny. "You know, Weasley, it's really too bad father put that book in Harper's cauldron and not you."

Ginny struggles against Crabbe, who is restraining her.

Ron snatches up his wand, pointing his wand at Crabbe. "Stupify!"

Crabbe falls over. Ginny leaps at Draco, who is knocked to the ground. Luna kicks her restrainer in the shins. Harper turns to look at Marcus, who backs away at the sight of his red eyes. Neville slips out of the strangled-hold he'd been in and snatches up his wand.

Goyle waves his wand, but Neville is faster. "Expelliarmus!"

The wand flies away as Ginny rolls away from Draco, scooping up her wand. She waves it at him, and he's blasted backward into the wall, slumping down to the floor.

Harper helped Ron from the floor, a small frown on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked, holding onto Ron's arm.

"I am now." Ron said, not looking at Neville and Marcus talking with each other.

"Can you two kiss already?" Ginny said, looking at Ron and Harper who pull away from each other, blushing.

"We should go." Harper said, clearing his throat to Neville and Marcus who pulls away from their small making out to look at them.

"Yeah." Ron said, fixing the collar of his shirt and walks out of the office with the others behind him.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

"What are we supposed to do now?" They heard Harry ask Hermione.

"That's just what we were wondering." Ron said, appearing around Hagrid's hut with Harper, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Marcus.

Harry and Hermione look surprised.

"So, how do we get to the Ministry?" Ron asked, tossing Harry and Hermione their wands.

"I'd imagine we should fly." Hermione said.

"We've got no brooms." Harry said.

"There are other ways to fly." Luna said, nodding in the direction of the forest. "I mean, they can fly, and they're very good at finding places you need to go."

Harry and Harper turn around and see four Thestrals watching them.

"What are those?" Harry asked, looking at Harper for answers.

"Thestrals." Harper answered, finally looking at Harry in the eyes. "Can only be seen by people who've witnessed death."

"I can see them too." Neville said, voice quiet.

Harry claps his hands. "All right, then. Get on one, and we'll be off."

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

The sun has set behind the mountains in the distance.

Harry and Ginny, Harper and Hermione,  Neville and Marcus, Ron and Luna are each paired on one Thestral as they fly over the British landscape towards London. Though Ron is flying close to Harper and Hermione, watching over them.

They soar between buildings and finally set down in front of a telephone booth.

Ron jumps off of the thestral shakily. "Never again..." He said, voice shaking slightly.

"You can ride a broom, but you can't ride a thestral?" Harper asked, helping Hermione off from the thestral.

"That's..." Ron didn't know how to respond to that.

"You should just give up, Ron." Hermione said, fixing hers and Harper's hair.

"What now, Harry?" Ginny asked.

Harry leads the way to the telephone booth. He opens the door and steps in, the rest cram inside with him.

The lift grinds to a halt and the doors swing open. Harry and the others step out to the receptionist area with the golden fountain.

The place is deathly quiet and completely deserted.

They fan out, wands at the ready. Harry waits a moment.

"All right, come on." Harry said, heading past the fountain and up the steps into the Ministry of Magic.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《

This larger lift clinks downward slowly. Finally, it grinds to a halt.

"Department of Mysteries."

The doors open and Harry leads the others out. This department is also abandoned.

"Where is everyone?" Harry asked.

"The Ministry closed a half-hour ago. I expect they all went home." Ginny said.

Harry nods grimly. "That's how Voldemort got in unnoticed."

They walk until they reach the hallway from Harry's dreams.

"This is it. Come on." Harry said.

They make their way down the long hall until they reach the door at the end of the hall.

Harry tries the handle and it opens.

"Stay close." Harper said, standing beside Harry.

Gryffindor boy - Ron Weasley x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now