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He was different...

Things slowly started to change, he didn't get me flowers every Sunday anymore, he never remembered any nicknames we gave each other and he didn't remember our daughters friends.

Maybe I was paranoid but it was like looking into someone else's eyes, he was colder.

I sat on the couch with Layla beside me, she was fast asleep.

The door opened and I looked up to see Miguel entering, he smiled and looked at us.

"Hey, baby." He said as I smiled softly.

He bent down and kissed my forehead. 

"I've got dinner with Aaron tonight, are you okay to take care of Layla?" I asked as his smile fell. 

"Why are you going out to dinner with another man?" He asked as I looked at him with confusion evident in my eyes. 

"Miguel, it's Aaron." I said, standing up and getting Layla into my arms. 

I tucked her into bed and closed the door. 

"I don't care who it is, Y/N. I don't want you have dinner with some guy. I don't care if he's your friend." He growled as I continued to stare at him. 

"Miguel, Aaron is my brother. He was at our wedding and there for the birth of Layla." I replied as he faltered for a second. 

"O-Oh... Aaron, yeah I'm sorry I thought you said another name. That'll be fine." He replied with a fake smile. 

"Miguel, what's gotten into you?" I asked as he leant forward and kissed me softly. 

"I'm sorry, baby. I've just been a bit stressed lately." He replied as I smiled and nodded. 

"Okay, love. I'm going to get ready." 


"So, he didn't remember me?" Aaron asked as we walked along the street together. 

"He's been acting really weird lately." I muttered as Aaron looked at me with worry. 

Suddenly my phone rang and I looked down to see it was a number I didn't recognise. 

"Hello?" I answered the call. 

"Miss O'Hara, this is police chief Adams. Is it possible for you to come into the 89th precinct. I'm sorry to call you at this time but it's important." The man responded as my heart started to beat. 

What happened? 

Was it Layla? 

Was it Miguel? 

"Y-Yeah, I can come in." I said before hanging up, Aaron looked at me in confusion. 

"It was a police chief, he wants me to meet him at the station. Can you come with me?" I asked as my hands began to shake. 

"Yeah, come on." 


We made it to the station and met with the chief where he guided us through the halls of the station.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" I asked nervously as I held onto Aaron's hand.

"I'm sorry I haven't said much, Miss O'Hara. But... We need you to identify a body." He said as all the colour drained from my face.

"O-Oh, God. Okay." I whispered, gripping tighter onto Aaron's hand.

We went through into what looked like a morgue and I felt like I was going to pass out.

There was a body on the table covered by a sheet, the chief slowly pulled the sheet back as I braced myself for the worst.

When the body was revealed I felt as though my soul had completely escaped my body.

"Miss O'Hara, is this your husband?" The chief asked as I stared at the body wide eyed.

"Y-Yes... But, how long?" I muttered staring at him.

"He was found three weeks ago, Ma'am." He replied as I turned and looked at Aaron.

The police chief handed me Miguel's ring that had my name engraved on the inside. 

"Oh god." Aaron muttered as my heart practically stopped in my chest.

"If it's possible we would like to ask you a few questions. Especially because you never noted him as missing." The chief said as I felt tears in my eyes.

"Oh god, oh my god." I whispered as I covered my mouth.

"I have to get home... He's-He's at home with my daughter." I muttered as the chief looked at me with confusion.

"Who's with your daughter?" He asked as I looked at him with wide eyes and a pale face.

"My husband." I whispered as he looked at me in confusion.

"Ma'am I don't think I understand." He replied as I quickly ran as fast as I could out of the station.

Aaron ran after me and also three police officers, but I didn't care.

There was a stranger in my home with my daughter.

I clutched my dead husbands ring in my hand as I ran as fast as I could.

When I got to the apartment I practically broke the door open.

I saw Miguel with Layla, they were eating dinner.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I screamed as I ran in and grabbed Layla and backed away.

"Y/N, baby! What's going on?" Miguel shouted as Layla cried and I held her close to me.

Aaron,the chief and three police officers caught up and saw Miguel standing there.

"What the hell?" The chief muttered as Miguel looked at everyone.

"Y/N, darling. Please tell me what's happening." He said as I backed away even more.

"They found his body... They found my husbands body! So, who the fuck are you!?" I shouted as Layla cried even more, I handed her to Aaron who cradled her close.

Miguel sighed and looked at me.

"I'm Miguel, I know your original husband is dead but I'm here now. I can take care of you, I can take care of Layla." He said as I looked at him with horror in my eyes.

I backed away and the officers pointed their guns at him.

His face dropped and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I could've made your life so much better." He growled before disappearing into thin air.

I stared in shock at the space where he was standing.

Everyone in the room was confused.

I stumbled back a bit and I felt my hearing slowly go and my vision fill with white as I fell back onto the floor, unconscious.

Miguel O'Hara x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now