Cold Hands

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(trigger warning, it's sad and I cried)
"So, what did you need me for so badly?" Peter asked as Miguel sighed.

"I need your help on the next mission... You're the only one that can handle this, everyone ever is too weak." He muttered as Peter looked at him with confusion.

"What's so different about this mission?" Peter asked as Miguel brought up a picture of a person, but they were quite terrifying.
They looked like they had died three weeks ago and were still walking around.

"What the hell..." Peter muttered as he stared at the poor soul.

"What happened?" He whispered staring into the person's void less eyes.

"They were supposed to die, but after everything that happened with our last villain... A radioactive spider ended up in their universe and bit them just before they died." He explained, Peter looked at the image sadly.

"Poor thing." He whispered as Miguel looked at him.

"Don't get attached, they ruined the Canon." Miguel growled as Peter's eyes widened.

"You're going to kill her?" Peter asked in shock, making Miguel sigh.

"Peter, they were meant to die." Miguel replied, Peter stared back at the image.

"Why can't we take them here?" Peter asked, he couldn't live with the fact of killing someone due to a mistake.

"Fine, I'll do this myself." Miguel grumbled as Peter sighed.

"No, I'll come with you." Peter said as Miguel rolled his eyes.


Peter and Miguel walked through an abandoned building together.

"This place is creepy." Peter muttered as they made their way through the abandoned apartment building.

"Shut up." Miguel groaned as they found their destination.
They heard soft singing as Peter quickly hid behind Miguel.
They entered the apartment and saw you sitting there with a moldy teddy and singing softly.
Peter felt like he wanted to cry right there.

"Oh god." He whispered as they saw your peeling skin, dull eyes and falling out hair.
Miguel made his way forward and you looked up at him.

"No! No please... Please don't take me back." You whispered over and over as Miguel knelt down.

"You're Y/N, right? My name is Miguel. It looks like you're in pain." He whispered as tears came out of your eyes.

"Hurts... It hurts. It hurts even more when they do those experiments." You replied as he looked at you in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked as he sat on the floor and took his mask off so you could see him.

"They found me... And they tested on me, over and over and over." You whispered as Peter slowly came forward.
He could see something in Miguel's eyes, something other than numb emotions.

"Are you going to take me back?" You whispered, looking at Miguel.

"No, no of course not. We're going to take you somewhere safe, okay?" He said, offering you a soft smile.

"You promise?" You whispered as he smiled more.

"I promise."


You clutched your teddy close to you as you looked around the spider society.

"It's so amazing... Do I get to be a superhero too?" You asked as Peter and Miguel smiled.

"Of course you do, Y/N. You'll be the best hero out of all of us. Hey, can I show you something cool?" He asked as you nodded excitedly.
Miguel took you to a city you'd never seen before, you were on the top of a building looking at all the wonderful lights.

"It's so pretty." You whispered, making Miguel smile sadly.
Miguel went behind a shed and pulled out two lawn chairs.

"Sometimes I like to come here and just look at the city." He said as you smiled and sat in the chair, still hugging your teddy to your chest.

"It's nice... It makes me forget about the pain." You whispered as Miguel sat beside you.
You felt your eyes becoming heavy.

"Get some sleep if you'd like." Miguel offered as you looked at him.

"Will you stay with me?" You asked as he offered you a smile.
He held onto your cold hand.

"I won't leave." He whispered as he watched you turn your eyes back to the city lights.
He watched your eyes slowly close and the muscles in your hand relax.
Not long ago he'd injected a lethal serum into you, one that would take away your pain before you died.
Miguel felt himself tear up as he stood up, he lifted your body up in his arms.

"You can rest now, sweetheart. Don't worry, I'll bury you somewhere nice in your universe." He whispered staring down at your motionless face.

"You did the right thing." He heard Peter say as he saw him in front of her.

"Can you come bury her with me?" Miguel asked, not looking at Peter.

"Of course I can, big guy."

Miguel O'Hara x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now