Cat And Mouse

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(let's go for a cliche one for a change) 

You loved this endless game of cat and mouse...literally.

You ran along the roof tops before you were tackled to the ground. You looked up at the spiderman and smirked.

"Come on, it was just a few jewels." You say reaching up and running your finger along his jawline.

"God, you piss me off." He growled as he felt down your sides and grabbed the bag of jewels.

"You know, we would be good together. Us two in bed... Imagine that tension, ever had hate s*x?" You said with a smirk as he groaned and shook his head.

"¿Por qué no me pagan por esto?" He grumbled before getting up off you.

(why don't they pay me for this?)

You got up and looked at him before moving closer.

You ran one of your claws down his chest, watching him shiver.

"Why don't we just try it...hmm?" You whispered as he looked down at you before gripping your wrist.

"Enough, Cat. You're a weak criminal and I am a hero, I would never stoop so low." He growled as you stepped away and fake pouted.

"Aww... I'm so sad." You whispered before holding up the bag of jewels you just stole back from him.

You quickly jumped off the building and disappeared.



You got back to your apartment and secured the jewels into a safe before collapsing onto your bed.

You wouldn't ever admit it, but you had felt a little rejected.

You'd always had a thing for spiderman, always wondering what he looked like under the suit.

"Well, if you won't sleep with me I'm still going to f*cking t*uch myself to you." You grumbled angrily as you unzipped your suit.


You walked through the streets of Nueva York, a coffee in your hand as you stared down at your phone.

Suddenly you ran straight into someone, spilling your drink all over him.

"Fuck!" You swore, you were really looking forward to that coffee.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" You shouted as you looked up at the tall man, your cheeks blushing.

"Says the one who was on their phone." He grumbled as your eyes widened, you knew that voice.

"Oh, for fuck sakes." You growled as he raised an eyebrow before a look of shock came over his face.

"It's you, isn't it." He muttered as you put on a fake smile.

"No clue what you're talking about, sir. I've never seen you in my life." You said, with fake innocence before he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an alleyway, pinning you to the wall.

"Were you stalking me? What's your goal here?" He growled as you looked at you with annoyance.

"My goal was to go get a coffee and go home but then you ruined that." You growled as he stared at you, panting softly.

"We will never mention this... Right now we aren't them, we aren't criminals or villains." He grumbled backing away from you.

He held out his hand as you smirked and shook it.

"I'm Miguel." He said as you nodded.

"Y/N." You replied, holding his hand for a little longer.

"Just... Two people, that bumped into each other." You muttered, walking closer to him.

He looked down at you, his stone cold face only making you want him more.

"God, you're annoying." He whispered before pushing you back and pinning you against the wall and kissing you passionately.

You moaned and jumped up, wrapped your legs around his waist as you both made out.

So much tension and hate coming out at once.

"I'm not f*cking in an alleyway. Take me back to your place." You demanded as he chuckled dryly.

"So you can fucking rob me? We'll go to yours." He said as you narrowed your eyes.

"So you can arrest me?" You growled back as you looked into each other's eyes.

"Hotel?" You both said in unison before laughing and grabbing his hand, running down the street like two h*rny teenagers.


You laid in a hotel bed completely naked with broken furniture all around you.

"So... That just happened." You muttered as he gave palmed.

"Why did I do that..." He grumbled as you chuckled.

"Don't fucking lie, that was the best you've ever had." You said making him chuckle and shake his head.

"I hate you." He said before you straddled him and kissed him again.

"Show me how much you hate me then."

Miguel O'Hara x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now