6 - Silk Flowers For You(✓)

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"You know, Ga-Ming is not bad for a partner?" Chen teased, poking my sides. My cheeks blushed at his statement.

Chen and I are now making our way to the Liyue Harbor since I did promise him that I'd join him and his "exploits" in the harbor. On the other hand, Fen was left to watch the shop.

It took a little argument before the twins came into terms with the plan now.

"Ga-Ming is indeed a nice guy." I shyly said, giggling to myself. Chen then took this opportunity to tease me again.

"So, you do like him?" He poked my sides even more.

"Heeey. Cut it out." I laughed, trying to deflect his attempts at poking me. He just laughed at me before deciding to stop.

I then let out a relieved breath.

I had a nice conversation with Ga-Ming last night and with the way he talks, he surely has passion with the things that he likes to do. He is also genuine. Although shy, he still manages to tell the truth without sugarcoating anything at all.

I do appreciate those kinds of people because you'll know they'll be the one you'll have the best relationships with.

Once we reached the harbor, my eyes started to look for a familiar face.

There wasn't much of a crowd so I was sure that if Ga-Ming was around, I would definitely spot him but unfortunately, he was no where to be seen.

Somehow, it made my heart sad since I was actually expecting to see him here.

I frowned.

"Awwww," Chen cooed. "What's the matter? Your Prince Charming is no where to be found?" He teased. I just simply rolled my eyes at him.

I guess Ga-Ming decided to deliver parcels first. I mean, judging by how he looks, he seems to be a very hard-working and diligent person so, it's a high chance he prioritized work before hanging around.

I do understand his situation but some part of me still yearned to see him.

Anyway, I removed my thoughts about looking for Ga-Ming and focused more on what Chen planned for us.

First, we started to hang around in familiar stalls, trying out the food that we haven't tried from last night. Chen was a good talker. He always know how to persuade people so, having him around while we ate was never boring. You could basically talk just about anything with him and surely he has something to respond to you.

He does have his own opinions over some topics but, since he knows how to talk, he can point out what he wanted without ever offending anybody so, most of our conversations were light and fun.

After we have finished jumping from stall to stall, Chen decided to bring me to a perfume shop.

"Hello, Ms. Ying'er." Chen happily greeted the shop keeper.

Ms. Ying'er was wearing traditional Liyue attire in a shade of lavender. It matched her sweet chocolate brown eyes and her silky black hair, tied in a half pony-tail, effortlessly dangling on her shoulder. By the looks of it, Ms. Ying'er seemed to be a very sweet lady.

"Ah, Chen. What brings you here in the shop?" The lady asked. "And oh, you have a visitor." Her eyes fell on me. Once we met gazes, I smiled at her. She then approached me and shook my hand.

"Chen doesn't normally bring any woman here. You must be someone special." She smiled.

I smiled back at her.

"Well, this woman right here," Chen walked up to me and wrapped his arms over my shoulder before knuckling the top of my head. "-Is my cousin so," He then pinched both my cheeks. "-she is extremely special!" He giggled before letting go of my face.

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