36 - It Is How It Is (I)

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"Are you sure you want me to do deliveries today rather than find that person who was spying on you last night?" Ga-Ming asked as he stuffed his satchel with plenty of parcels that had been left undelivered for almost a month.

"I'm sure." I slumped my shoulders on the table and let out a heavy sigh. "We don't have much to lead on anyway." I sighed again before nibbling the inside of my cheek. "I'll help you."

"No. You can't." Ga-Ming handed Man Chai a small sack and started filling it with envelopes.

"Huh? Why not?" I peeled myself from the table and stared at Ga-Ming with a confused look.

"Because if the spy lives here, he could easily spot you especially during the day. Who knows? He might have brought some extra croons and inflict danger on you." He turned around to look at me, placing his hand on his hip.

"But you'll be around me, right?" I frowned. "We can follow the same route. We don't need to split the deliveries."

Ga-Ming sighed before approaching me. He then pulled out a chair from the table and placed it in front of me, plopping himself on it afterwards.

"Okay. It seems I could not keep you here." He held my hand. "Just stay close to me, okay?" He smiled.

I smiled back at him and nodded.

"Please don't walk away without saying something." He gently squeezed my hand.

Man Chai then floated towards us. "Don't worry, Ga-Ming. I'll look after her." The Suanni sounded so happy. "I have a keen eye you know. No one can escape my sights."

Ga-Ming and I chuckled.

"Thanks, Man Chai. I know I could rely on you." Ga-Ming petted the creature and it was extremely satisfied. "Let's go. Our first stop is Mr. Zhong Li. The usual." He giggled.

"Okay, I'm right behind you."

Once Ga-Ming had settled everything, we went out and did the delivery.

While we were walking, I couldn't help but fall prey to my thoughts. I was already traumatized enough about some of my closest friends betraying me and now somebody is spying on me.

It's not because it's new, I mean, father did tell me that I have been spied on ever since I set foot on Liyue. What bothers me the most is who could that person be? Did Father really went through great lengths just to keep track of what I am doing?

Could he really be this eager to have me marry Akihiro?


I felt a nudge on my arm.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Ga-Ming frowning at me. "You look unwell."

I shrugged my shoulders, trying my best not to start another convesation regarding the spy. I seriously did not want to talk about it right now but even so, I could not stop myself from thinking about it too.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

Ga-Ming sighed. "You can head back home if you want." He said.

"No. I don't want to." I argued back. "I'll be fine. Let's just focus on the work we have now." I tried to walk faster but careless as I am, since I have my eyes glued on the pavement, I did not notice that I had already bumped on to someone.

I toppled down, landing with a thud on the ground. I also heard another thud so I believed the person I bumped into also fell. I then heard shuffling afterwards.

"Synthia. Are you okay?" Ga-Ming dropped his satchel and hooked his hands underneath my arms to pull me up from the ground.

"Ga-Ming!?" I heard a loud exclaim. Only then did I look at the person I bumped into.

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