11 - Fond of You (✓)

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"How are you feeling, now?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of Synthia's bed.

It's been three days now ever since the incident happened. In those days, I kept coming over to Synthia just to check whether she truly was recovering or not.

So, in order for me to be able to visit her everyday, I made sure I finished delivering the parcels as fast as I could even if it meant waking up in the wee hours of the morning.

"Is everything okay? Do you feel any pain?" I asked Synthia again, questions after questions, as she sat on the bed, looking at me.

I then started to rummage through my satchel and instantly got completely annoyed and panicked once I wasn't able to see what I was trying to find.

"I swear I put the medicine in my bag." I groaned, growing more pissed each second.

"Calm down, Ga-Ming." Synthia let out a soft chuckle. "You're not going to find what you're looking for if you're pissed." She rested her hand on my thigh as I was sitting at the edge of the bed, sifting through my things.

I tensed up under her touch but recovered right away. I then sighed after.

I already feel bad enough after what happened days ago. Boy, was I stupid enough to bring her somewhere far from her home. I couldn't even protect her. I was so pissed at myself; so pissed I want to beat myself to a pulp.

I then felt Synthia scooting closer to me. She nudged her elbow on my waist afterwards, making me look at her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. I frowned at her.

I was somehow, hesitant to tell her, but I still crumbled under her gaze.

"I'm really sorry, Synthia." I covered my face with my palms. "I wasn't able to protect you from being hurt."

"Ga-Ming." She let out a breath. "Look at me." She ordered. I didn't listen to her. I already felt ashamed for not doing my job as her bodyguard. "Ga-Ming." She spoke again, this time, her voice was a bit stern. I sighed before deciding to finally look at her.

Her blue eyes were staring deeply into mine. At first, her facial expressions looked serious but once I faced her, her face just softened.

"I know you feel guilty for not being able to protect me but Ga-Ming, you did protect me." She said. "It was my choice to be a part of the fight because I couldn't just stand there and watch you take the blows." She explained, her voice is much softer now. "And since I took part in the battle, surely I'll get injured. It's normal."

How can she be so understanding with this situation. I just can't seem to comprehend it.

She should have been mad at me but all she ever did was remain gentle and compassionate.

"But, Synthia-"

"Shhh." She hushed me before I could even finish my sentence, by placing her forefinger on my lips.

"It's okay," She reassured. "Now, let us not dwell on that." She smiled.

I sighed, looking away, as I gradually began to accept what happened, I guess, she was right. It was her choice to join the fight but even if I choose to accept that fact, I still hoped that I could have aided her in the fight. Anyway, she did say not to dwell on it anymore, so I won't.

I then looked at her, noticing that she was already looking at me. Once she saw my face, she smiled at me, making me smile as well.

My hand then out of nowhere drew itself in front, reaching out for her cheek. I held her face afterwards, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. I didn't know what came over me but I just instantly had that urge to touch her face.

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