35 - What's Lurking in the Dark

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"So, that's the detailed story behind your Vision." Ga-Ming looked at me with a frown on his face.

Reminiscing everything about what happened in the past makes it feel like I have this unremovable thorn in my chest. Though I try to forget, it simply hunts whenever it comes to mind and I could never move on from the excruciating pain I felt. It was something I'd always remember even as time erodes everything away.

I looked at the stars, bringing my knees close to my chest as Ga-Ming and I sat under the tree, watching the night get deeper. Luckily, the moon was out and it was full so, our surroundings are bright enough for us to see.

I then rested my chin on my knees before sighing.

"Everything will be alright, Synthia." I heard Man Chai's voice echo in my head. I looked up to see him floating slightly above my head. I then straightened my back and he instantly curled himself up near my chest. I let out a soft giggle as his fur somehow made my skin feel ticklish.

"I hope so too, Man Chai." I gave him a small kiss on the tip of his ear before resting my chin on his head, petting him gently afterwards.

I then felt Ga-Ming scoot closer to me before feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

"No matter what happens, know that you can always trust me." Ga-Ming mumbled. "Man Chai and I will be there for you when the world is against you." He whispered before he lovingly kissed my cheek.

I looked at him and smiled and I somehow felt teary eyed.

I then wondered how I would have been if I discovered this gnarly truth and Ga-Ming wasn't around? Who would have been the person I'd confide in? I'm not even sure whether I'd be able to handle things myself without Ga-Ming's positive encouragement.

"Thank you, Ga-Ming, Man Chai," I sobbed. "You guys are the best."

Ga-Ming let out a soft chuckle before he held my cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. Man Chai, on the other hand, started to peck my cheeks, his whiskers, making me feel ticklish. Ga-Ming was doing the same too, planting kisses on my other cheek making me giggle.

"You boys are so sweet." I cooed. "Thank you again, really."

"No need to thank us. Because, first, I am your partner, Synthia, and Man Chai is your guardian." Ga-Ming grinned. "It is our sole duty to be there for you whenever you need us." He held my hand and brought it to his chest. " And you know that I'll follow you wherever you go."

I smiled at his words. "I know." I smiled, my eyes, starting to well once more.

"Come here," He purred pulling me close to him. He then held my cheek and softly kissed my lips. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, Ga-Ming."

It was already late in the evening when Ga-Ming and I arrived at his apartment. Upon arrival, we immediately tucked ourselves into bed as we were both exhausted from walking.

Not only that, my head is aching pretty badly too. I had seen too many revelations today and I seem to be finding it difficult to process.

Too many questions yet very little answers.

It's been hours now since we decided to sleep and I still couldn't bring myself to close my eyes. I flipped myself, turned over and did almost everything to find the most comfortable position but still, I couldn't make myself drowsy.

I know for a fact I was beat and I thought it would be easier for me to sleep then but, even so, I can't seem to catch some shut eye.

I rose up and looked at Ga-Ming. He seems to be in a deep sleep. Little snores were escaping his lips. On the other hand, Man Chai is nestled on the crook of his neck, lightly snoring too.

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