14 - Ought To Be Yours (✓)

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"Here you go, Ma'am!" I happily handed the lady her parcel. She then gave me a huge smile, thanking me afterwards.

Today, I decided to take the half day since I had plans on taking out Synthia. I was planning to take her to go sight-seeing. I mean, Liyue has a lot in stored for any tourist who sets foot in the country. Either than the harbor, there is plenty of scenery that are waiting to be seen.

Synthia did tell me that she wouldn't be staying in Liyue for long so, it's best to take her somewhere she would forever remember.

Now that I was finished with the last parcel of the day, I hurriedly went back to my apartment, crashing onto the bed as soon as I arrived. Despite having a half day, I still feel exhausted. I did wake up really early to be able to deliver all the parcels before noon.

Man Chai then appeared, nestling itself on my chest afterwards.

"Hey, Man Chai." I petted him. He then let out satisfied purrs. "Ready for the date?" I chuckled nervously. He looked up at me and nodded excitedly.

I then let out a sigh. "Should I really ask her?" I lookd up at the ceiling as doubts started to weigh on me. Man Chai then came to view, blocking my line of sight.

Of course! You like her, right? He signed.

I nodded.

"I do like her but, what if she doesn't like me back?"

Really? Isn't it obvious enough? He rolled his eyes to the side making me laugh.

"I don't want to assume, Man Chai. You know what happened before." I sighed, remembering that little hurt I got from someone I used to like before.

It's too painful that I didn't even want to think about.

The Suanni then floated towards me again, nesting itself on my neck, pecking my cheeks as he snuggled. It was Man Chai's way of comforting me. He was well-connected with my emotions and even if it's just the slightest change of mood, he would instantly notice it.

I petted him again making him peck my cheeks more. I giggled as he did so.

Synthia won't hurt you. He signed.

I just looked at him with a smile.

I hope so too. I thought.

Man Chai and I rested on the bed for awhile and once we got the needed break, I jumped off the bed afterwards and headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

As soon as everything was in order, Man Chai and I then headed to Synthis's place.

As I near her place, I could feel my heartbeat race. I was slowly growing anxious regarding the date.

Until now, I was still scared of getting hurt especially after what happened to my previous love interest.

It was like a thorn in my chest, though, it's been long in the past already.

Man Chai poofed out of nowhere and began comforting me again by entertaining me. Of course, he just effortlessly amuses me.

Now, I am at the door step.

I feel, hesitant to do so.

Man Chai carefully nudged on my arm, letting me know that it was alright.

I smiled at him and knocked on the door once I had the courage to do so.

Moments later, the knob twisted open and Fen was brought into view. Man Chai then disappeared from sight.

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