30 - Moments Like These (✓)

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I sat on one of the benches on Thoma's balcony as I rested my arm on the railings with my head laid on top of it. I watched as the leaves swayed with gentle winds, rustling and falling as the breeze danced through them.

I still could not get over the fact that my father would do such horrible things towards me. I could not also believe how much someone could change so quickly. I was only there in Liyue for almost a month and father seemed to have drastically changed out of the blue.

It breaks my heart because I used to look up to him. He used to be my prime example of kindness, generosity and intelligence but what I witnessed last night was far beyond from what I expected him to be. Surely, father has his anger issues but never in my wildest dreams have I thought of him going through such lengths just to ensure that his will would be followed.

I sighed, feeling my shoulders slump as the sadness slowly engulfed me. Not only was I betrayed by my own father, I also put the life of my only love in danger.

Somehow, I knew I might put Ga-Ming in danger but not this way. He was badly hurt because of me and if ever he died, I would have never forgiven myself.

I felt my eyes water as I continued to think of the worst case scenarios that could have happened. I was lucky enough that Thoma was around. It was a miracle that the Ga-Ming and him met. What could Ga-Ming have done if he was all by himself? Would Man Chai be strong enough to fend off any threat?

I let out a heavy breath, feeling my heart sink to the bottom as I continued to succumb to the depression I was currently feeling.

I could not believe these were all happening.

I got too indulged in my thoughts that it took me some time to realize that somebody had already had their arms around my waist, hugging me from the back.

I turned my head to the side only to see a familiar face resting on my shoulder.

"Hello." Ga-Ming spoke, his voice, soft. "You're up early." He chuckled softly.

"I wasn't able to sleep." I said weakly. "I'm scared to even close my eyes." I stood up and quietly wept, turning around to face Ga-Ming. I then felt his hand on my cheek, lifting it up, allowing me to gaze into his orange eyes.

"I'm here. I'll keep you safe." He mumbled, brushing away the stray hair that was covering my face. "You know I'll keep you safe."

"I know." I mumbled in between sobs. "But I could not even protect you. Look at what happened to you." I stressed. "What if something worse, happened? I could never forgive myself and I will never forgive myself for it."

"Hey, Synthia." Ga-Ming held both of my shoulders. "I'll be okay. See, Thoma and Shinobu helped me. Also, Shinobu's weird putty seemed to work well because I can't feel any pain now. I'll recover soon." He leaned in and lovingly kissed my cheeks. "I know you're concerned about me but I will be okay. I'm just happy you weren't hurt." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile as well.

He hugged me tight afterwards. How I felt safe in his embrace. Whenever he does this, my problems will just easily melt away and I could feel at home in his arms. His warmth is something I would always crave for, may it be during a storm or even on cold nights. I'll always crave for him no matter what.

"We'll be okay." He breathed on the side of my neck before I felt him kiss my skin, leaving pecks as he made his way down my collarbone.

He then carefully tugged the shirt I was wearing, partially revealing my chest. He kissed them gently, leaving a love mark on the soft spot afterwards.

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