51 - The Calm Before The Storm

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"How have you been?" Ga-Ming whispered near my ear as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I lifted my head up and cupped his cheek. "I missed you," I gave him a small smile before lovingly pecking his lips. He giggled afterwards. "I'm sorry I left you behind," My small smile turned into a frown.

I never wanted to leave him in the first place but things got so dire in my perspective that it was a need to leave him behind. I love Ga-Ming more than anybody else and his safety is my top priority.

Ga-Ming playfully pinched my cheek. "You don't need to be sorry," He murmured, kissing my cheek. "I am just glad you are now safe," He held both my hands and kissed my knuckles. "I want to leave everything in the past." He smiled at me. I smiled back at him but sooner or later, the emotion left my face and it was replaced by sadness.

My heart had always longed to run away with him; leaving everything behind with no care in the world. I have always wished for it to happen but then, we are here, caught in between the storm caused by my own kin.

"Why did you choose to stay with me?" I asked as tears began to pool in my eyes. I then felt Ga-Ming lift my chin up, my blue eyes locking gazes with his own pair of orange eyes. He pursed his lips before smiling at me.

"I chose to stay with you, because I love you," He whispered. "I love you more than anything else. I'll go wherever you go even if it was at the end of this world," He pecked my lips. "You are my everything. I could never bring myself to stay away from you,"

I cried at his words. Oh how his love feels so warm and tender; so caring and delicate. I could have never wished for more.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed. "I'm sorry you are caught in this. We could have had a good life,"

Ga-Ming then pulled me into a hug making me sob on his chest. His hand would then rub my back in circles, patting it in between. "A good life is a life where we are together," He said before kissing the top of my head. "Without you, life would be meaningless for me,"

I pulled away from the hug and smashed my lips on his. I held his cheeks as I kissed him deeply while his hands would run up and down my waist, squeezing some of my skin in between. Moments later, I pulled away from the kiss, leaving the both of us breathless.

Once we were caught in each other's gazes, we both giggled and blushed. Ga-Ming then held my hand and kissed the inside of my palm.

"We will face this together," He grinned. "I promise, we will stay until the end,"

I held the hand that held mine. "And I promise to keep you safe,"

Ga-Ming giggled before kissing my forehead. I then let out a breath of relief before resting myself in his arms; a feeling that I would always crave for.

I could not explain the feeling whenever I was with him. Because, when we were together, everything was just at peace and the world just seemed to pause for a moment and I am given enough time to indulge this very moment with him.

The solace that we both shared was then broken when someone walked into the room. Both our heads then turned to the entity that entered, seeing Daniel emerge from the door.

"Daniel," I whispered, lifting my head up from Ga-Ming's shoulder.

"Hello, Miss Synthia," He smiled.

"Is it time to cook?" Ga-Ming beamed happily.

"Yes," Daniel giggled softly. "Mind helping me for a moment?"

"Of course," Ga-Ming chirped. He then kissed my cheek and jumped off the bed.

"Can I help?" I asked but Ga-Ming stopped me as I was about to jump off the bed.

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