12 - My Delicate Feelings (✓)

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"Hey, Ga-Ming." Chen called out but I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't pay him much mind.

I have been sad since it's been days since I wasn't able to see Synthia due to countless deliveries that had me completely caught up. It annoys me that I can't even be with her at the moment.

"Ga-Ming." Chen called out again but I was still in my deep thoughts. I then heard him groan until I felt him grab my shoulders, shaking me violently afterwards all the while repeating my name over and over and over again. Only then was I able to fully pay attention to him.

"Ga-Ming!" Chen yelled.

"Chen, hey! What's up?" I tried to sound cheery but then I would feel my shoulders droop again. Chen glared at me.

"You're not yourself." He groaned. "Focus, Ga-Ming. We have to deliver this order." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I tried to straighten my back and bring my focus back on the road we were on.

Uncle Tan recieved a huge order just this morning and Chen had to wake me up early in the morning to be able to deliver the parcel. I was still sleepy and groggy earlier that's why I don't even know who the receipient was. All I know is, Chen needed a body guard and I was the man for the job.

I let out a heavy sigh. "How long will Synthia be away?"

"Oh, so that's the reason you are not yourself." Chen took the opportunity to tease me. "You miss Synthia."

"Cut it out." I grumbled, pushing him away from me.

I don't miss her. I just want to be with her that's all. I got used to having her with me while delivering the parcels and letters. It was always fun when she was around because she is always easy to talk to. You can tell jokes, tease her, have deep talks. She will just be chill with it.

I like myself when I am with her. I never had the feeling to hide because I felt free when she was around.

But these past few days, she has been busy as well. I wonder what's keeping her away? Was it because she kissed me that night?

No, that can't be it.

She wanted to kiss me so why is she avoiding me?

Is she really avoiding me or am I just overthinking things?

I sighed. "Where is she anyway?" I asked.

"Father took her to the Chasm to gather some gems for the jewelries." Chen replied.

"The Chasm?" I gasped. "That place is crawling with Treasure Hoarders!"

"Hold your horses, Ga-Ming." Chen chuckled. "Father can protect her. And Synthia is strong too. I know she is capable of protecting herself." He patted me on the back.

The idea of Synthia being with Mr. Tan somehow gave me a slight relief although, I was still worried.

"You sure love my cousin do ya?" Chen tried to annoy me again by poking my sides. "You care so much about her."

"N-No. I don't." I looked away, blushing. "I mean, I do care b-but I d-don't love her at all. Nu-uh." I stuttered.

All of a sudden, I bumped into something. Annoyed, I looked up only to see Chen looking down at me.

"Uuhhhhh," I raised my brow at him.

Out of nowhere, he held me firmly on the side of my arms and looked me in the eye.

"C-Chen?" I nervously gulped my saliva.

"Tell me, Ga-Ming." He spoke, his voice was deeper than usual. "Do you like my cousin?"

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