Family Nathalie

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After his wife had died, Gabriel Agreste had been out of reach for everyone, even his own son for years. His loyal assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur, had stayed at his side through everything, even after Adrien, his and Emilie's son, had been sent to London to attend school there. She felt still guilty for helping her boss and his wife to find the magic jewels, which had caused former actress, Emilie Agreste, to get very sick and eventually die.

But who could have known that one of the two miraculous they had found was broken? Or that the mere use of the peacock miraculous, a brooch in the form and colours of a peacock's tail, would make the owner so severely ill? All she had wanted back then was to find ancient treasures and relics.

She would have never even dreamed of falling in love with a married man, nor that she at the same time would befriend said man's wife. Before her death, Emilie had recorded a video in which she asked Nathalie to make sure her husband wouldn't try to bring her back and to be a mother to her son.

That was the reason she had stayed for so long. Her love for the boy, who really felt as if he was her own son, especially because he had been created with the help of the miraculous, she had helped find, had given her the strength to endure Gabriel Agreste's moods and antics over the years. And just like in the beginning, when she had fallen for him and his passion to fulfil all his wife's dreams, her feelings had grown, when she saw how desperately he tried to bring the ladybug and black cat miraculous into his possession to revive his beloved Emilie.

In the end, they had both been severely injured, and there had been nothing that was able to save them except the wish, merching the black cat and the ladybug miraculous would grant them. And that's what he had done. Gabriel had, in the end, shown his quality and sacrificed his own life to save Nathalie's. But something went wrong, and he survived as well. Just that losing the last chance to be reunited with the love of his life had made him bitter and angry. So much even that Nathalie, despite continuing to work as his assistant after Adrien was at the boarding school and later at college, moved out of the mansion and started to live with her relatives.

Being the oldest of six siblings, her youngest sister and one of her brothers were still living with their parents, as was the second oldest daughter of the Sancoeurs, including her five children, she had from two ex husbands.

There were moments in which Nathalie wished she had never left the mansion, as her days never seemed to end. The moment she returned home, her nieces and nephews clang on to her legs and wanted to spend time with her. Either that or her parents had any tasks for her to do. Mainly organising stuff or making schedules, set their appointments with doctors, for example. On top of that, they wanted her to do the grocery shopping for them all because she was so much better with it than her siblings. Usually, she paid for all the things then. Not that she had to, she just did it as she knew, her parents were struggling most of the time, due to still providing for three of their children, two who still lived with them and one at university. Only her oldest brother, who was married and had two children and a well-paid job, her youngest brother who was barely eighteen by then, was still going to school and had a job to pay for his expenses and herself earned enough money in their jobs to not be still relying on their parents' money. Despite that they wouldn't even take any rent from her.

Today was one of those days. It was only six o'clock in the morning, and she already had enough for two full days of work. Her sister's youngest child was only three months old and had started to cry around midnight. As usual, she was wide awake before Charlotte, the newborn's mother, had even noticed her baby wailing.

So she had sighed deeply and walked into her sister's bedroom, where also her three younger children slept, and picked the crying infant up to calm her down. That was when she noticed that Charlotte wasn't even home. She obviously hadn't returned after the date she had in the evening.

"Great!" Nathalie thought. "Probably went home with the next useless, unemployed moron and got herself knocked up once more."

The one good thing being caused by her sister's lifestyle was that she never nursed her babies, and therefore, Nathalie could fill a baby bottle with formula, and as soon as it had cooled to the right temperature could feed the child. While she waited for the milk to cool, she changed her niece's diapers and was shocked from what she saw. Not only was it so wet that she was certain her sister didn't even care to change it before she left, but also was the little girl's skin deeply red and covered with a severe diaper rash.

Nathalie shook her head disappointedly and quickly searched for some ointment to put onto it. She knew she had bought some for her eighteen months old nephew the week before after finding out through a similar situation that he was suffering from the same issue.

She eventually found it in a drawer and gasped when she saw that the seal had not been broken yet, and according to that, her sister hadn't even cared to use it for the toddler's rash.

Nathalie quickly spread some of the medicine over the baby's skin, then wrapped her into a soft cloth, not even trying to put another diaper over it. She knew the dampness and the lack of oxygen would only worsen the state of the little girl's skin. She also knew that the infant would probably wet her too when she peed, but Nathalie didn't care. Her niece's health was of more importance to her than a little bit of baby urin on her pyjama.

After the child had finished the bottle and let out the air afterwards, Nathalie wanted to lay her back into her cot but a short glimpse at the state of the mattress almost made her stomach turn and she brought the baby back into her own room, placed her in the middle of her two person bed and surrounded her with pillows and cushions to keep her safe. Then she checked on the toddler who shared a bed with his three year old brother and sighed again. Both boys were wearing diapers still, and their bed was in a similar state as their sister's.

The young woman quickly went back into her bedroom, and with quite some effort, she managed to push her own bed through the room to the back wall. As it stood in the corner now, there were just two sides left to secure so the children wouldn't fall off. And so she placed one of her dressers on the bottom and shifted two armchairs to the remaining side, before squeezing the backboard of an old closet in between. After finishing that, she climbed the stairs to the attic in hope of finding something else for the infant to sleep in. She was lucky. Her own cot from when she was a baby was still up here. And even after all her siblings had slept in it too, it still looked a lot better than the one, her niece had been in.

After carrying it down and into her room, she placed the newborn in it, then went into her sister's bedroom and cleaned up both toddlers before she made them a bottle with two different sorts of formula, fitted for their ages, so they would go back to sleep rather soon, and brought them into her own bed.

Luckily her plan worked and as soon as they had fallen asleep, Nathalie went into the kitchen where she made breakfast for them all and packed the lunchboxes for her sister's older children, the seventeen year old boy and the twelve year old girl.

When she looked at the time after doing all of that, she was shocked. It was already six o'clock. If she didn't hurry, there wouldn't even be time for her to take a quick shower before her younger siblings and her father got up to go to work or school.

Nathalie took a deep breath, then rushed into the bathroom, being startled only a few minutes later by a loud knock on the door. It was her mother who needed to use the toilet.

"Can you please use the one downstairs? I need to get ready for work!" She called out to hear her mother mumble something. But she went to the other toilet.

Before she had dried herself, there was another disturbance, being her brother who tried to open the door and bumped into it with his forehead.

"I really need to get a place of my own!" Nathalie ranted as she hurried in just her underwear back to her room to get fully dressed in her pantsuit.

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