Family Nathalie 11

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They all sat around the counter in the middle of the kitchen, while Nathalie, who had lifted Michél up and placed him on Adrien's lap, put a kettle onto the stove to heat water for their tea and three bottles of formula. 

"I am Michél, what's your name?" Asked the toddler.

The young, almost adult, grinned.

"I am Adrien. It's nice to meet you. How old are you, do you know that?"

The boy nodded vigorously and proudly held up three fingers, while proclaiming loudly.

"I am three!"

"Wow!" Adrien cooed. "So you're already a really big boy!"

Michél nodded again.

"Yeah, right!" He beamed at the teenager.

Marinette addressed Henry. 

"Do you know how old you are too?" She asked. The timid infant held up one finger. "Hey, well done, honey."

"Henry!" He corrected her. Nathalie had heard that and whirled around with her eyes wide open. 

"Oh my gosh, Henry. You finally got it right! Come here my little boy and let me hug you." To the others she whispered. "He had trouble pronouncing his name all of the time. Mostly thanks to my very caring sister who called them by both their names!"

"What are their full names?" Adrien wondered and Nathalie and Gabriel changed a glance, then sighed. "Meat loaf Michél, Prince Henry and Madonna Louise! But please, try to forget about those in an instant again. I don't know what the future will bring but I certainly hope that Charlotte, that's my sister's name, will come to her senses and create a proper environment for her children."

The young couple narrowed their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Asked Marinette and with a frown the older pair began to explain.

While they did, Nathalie turned back to the stove and took the by now whistling kettle from the plate, then poured the steaming fluid into the baby bottles and the teapot she had filled with a mixture of herbs and fruits.

"Let's see if they'll accept to drink it while being with the two of you." She said softly, after letting all three bottles cool in a jar of ice cubes she had made with the freezer. She handed one to each boy, then held out the third to Gabriel, then turned to get mugs and sugar for their own beverages.

Michél immediately took the bottle from her, and looked up into Adrien's eyes. 

"Can you come and tuck me in?" He asked the young man. Adrien gasped and looked at the woman he considered his mother, asking. 

"Would you be okay with that?"

Nathalie shrugged. 

"If you wanted to take him, I have no idea why I wouldn't be. Henry, do you want me to take you into your bed?" 

The toddler shook his head and pointed at Marinette. 

"Well," The young woman chuckled, "I feel as if we have just been adopted by those two!"

"Only if that's okay with you, Marinette. You don't have to, you know!" The older female was quick to tell her.

But the girl waved her off. 

"It's fine. I think I am already a little in love with this little man. I will tuck you in 'and' read you a story, if you promise to sleep very fast, okay?" She asked the young boy. He nodded and beamed widely, the sucker of the bottle clamped between his teeth and the bottle therefore hanging from the corner of his mouth. 

 Marinette giggled and stood up while holding him on her hip. 

"Come on, Adrien, let's take them to their room." She said, then mouthed for only him to hear. "And if your dad and Nathalie did what I think they did, a little practice for your future sibling wouldn't be too bad, right?" 

He snickered softly and picked up Michél to place him on his shoulders, like he had done back then with Manon at the photo shoot on the place de vosges. The boy squealed happily and held on to his hands, while kicking with his legs against Adrien's chest. Laughing Nathalie told them once more.

"You really don't have to do that. Only if it's really okay with..."

"Stop it, Nath. We're fine. And if we're not practicing for possible future siblings, well..." The teenager gave his girlfriend a loving glance.

"Woah, kitty. back off. You know that I have plans for my future. And even if they might include children with you someday, someday being after finishing education and building a life of our own, meaning a place to live, a good job, stable income and so on. But I would totally like to babysit a couple of your little siblings." She said the last words with a mischievous grin at the older couple who were now sitting close to each other, Nathalie holding the baby in one arm and the bottle in the other. 

Gabriel beamed back at her then looked at his beloved woman with a longing smile.

"I honestly wouldn't mind that. How about you, love? Can you imagine, calling a little beautiful baby girl like Louise our own?" He asked tenderly. 

Nathalie didn't look at him but shrugged.

"I don't know, Gabriel. Wouldn't you think we should find out if this will work out at first? I mean... look at my sister. Each of her children has a different father because she isn't capable of staying in a relationship for more than a couple of weeks. I certainly don't want to put my children into a similar situation." She tried to be reasonable.

The designer kissed her cheek. 

"That won't happen, darling, I promise."

"I am sure father is right. You've known each other for so long and even when he was at his worst, you tried to cope with everything he threw at you. And we both can tell that he has changed a lot over those last years. Especially since you moved out. It's wonderful to have you back by the way. But now we'll try to get those two to bed, okay? And you can go on with planning my future siblings. I would suggest a June wedding. They have predicted a warm and sunny one this year and it would still leave you more than a months to plan." Adrien said quickly then pulled Marinette out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Michél giggled happily as the boy jumped onto each step. Then the door fell shut and they could hear them only faintly.

Gabriel laid an arm around Nathalie and pulled her closer, then turned her face towards him with his free hand to kiss her passionately and with all his love.

"I was serious, by the way. Seeing you with the children, especially with this one here, made me realise how much I would like to have children with you."

The young woman looked at him with hooded eyes.

"How about a compromise? As soon as we figured out what will happen to Michél, Henry and Louise in the future, we can talk about children. Until then, I wouldn't exactly mind, working on our technique, if you know what I mean." She said hoarsely and winked at him.

"What if tonight... I mean, who could have known that something like that would happen? Why did you have condoms with you in the first place, by the way?"

Nathalie blushed deeply, but her response was honest.

"Let's just say, over all those years I never lost hope completely and wanted to be prepared. But maybe I should have been more thorough and exchanged them for new ones every few years, huh?" 

Her cheeks were scarlet red by then and she didn't dare to look into his eyes.

Gabriel though laughed and kissed her again.

"I love you, Nathalie Sancoeur, I love you so much. And I totally agree with Adrien. A June wedding would be wonderful!"

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