Finishing school - Part 2

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Gabriel stopped all of a sudden and grabbed her arms.

"Don't. You're almost seventeen you said? Well, it's only a little more than a year until you come of age. Don't give yourself up. I promise, I will help you get through your classes for the time you'll be here. This might be an all girls school, but believe me, I've been to many of the classes, sometimes to be the example, good and bad, sometimes to learn or teach something myself. And I have been to a similar school myself. Once you've learned the basics it's rather simple. And maybe you're lucky and have a room for yourself. I can ask my mother to do you the favour as you're still suffering or something like that. But please don't give up the passion I saw when you talked about your dreams. It would be a pity and probably a great loss for the world of science." He finished his pep talk yet his hands were still holding her upper arms and he looked down into the only slightly smaller girl's eyes. Her very mesmerising, turquoise eyes.

Nathalie too couldn't avert her gaze from his greyish-blue ones and so they just stood there for what seemed like an eternity, staring at one another.

Eventually she took a deep breath and nodded.

"Maybe you're right. Thank you for the kind words and for offering your help. I am sure I will need it. Because I am not used to acting like a girl, much less like a lady."

That made the young man grin.

"Lucky you. You'll soon find out that most of the other girls are the exact opposite. All they do is act like a... I better not speak it out."

Nathalie giggled and a moment later they were both laughing and continued the last steps to the headmistress' office. Gabriel knocked and waited for an answer. It soon came. A soft and kind voice called.

"Yes, come in!"

He pushed the handle and held the door open for her, then introduced her very politely.

"Mum, this is Miss Nathalie Sancoeur. Nathalie, this is the headmistress, Mrs Aurelie Agreste. I'll wait outside to accompany you to your assigned room once you're finished. Mum a word?" He asked and waited for her response.

"Miss Sancoeur, please take a seat already. I'll be with you in just a minute."

She pointed at an armchair in front of her desk, then walked with the young man into the corridor, closing the door behind them.

"What is it Gabriel? I need to take care of the girl!" She questioned him impatiently.

"I just wanted to ask if there's a chance to let her have a room of her own for the first time. I felt as if she was suffering by far enough from everything else that happened in her life. No need to let her share a bedroom with one of the..."


"Sorry. I didn't mean to insult any of the young ladies, Madam. I just..."

He sighed and looked to the floor. His mother placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll see what I can do. Just let me speak with the girl first, yeah?"

He nodded with a beaming smile.

"Thanks, mum!"

There were a few chairs in the waiting area right next to the office and he sat down there until Nathalie would come out of the room again. It was almost twenty minutes later, when the door opened and the young woman walked through, her eyes red and puffy.

He jumped to his feet, furrowing his brows when he saw that she had been crying.

"Are you alright? What made you cry?" He pried.

Mrs Agreste was right behind the girl and soothed.

"Just memories and piled up emotions, Gabriel. But I agree with you that Nathalie has very few things in common with the other girls here. But as long as she's a minor she has to do what her grandparents want her to do." She now faced the girl. "I can't spare you from any of the things we teach here, Nathalie, but I want you to follow your dreams as well. You're ambitious, clever and seem to be determined to reach your goals. The values and the etiquette we teach could become handy once you're travelling through foreign countries. Sadly I can't give you a room of your own here in the school. Right now there is one free spot in a three bed room and I can't make an exception while the other girls have to share. What I can offer you, as long as you're getting used to everything here, is to move in with us. You would have the guest room to yourself. We've taken in other students, who struggled with the sleeping arrangements in the beginning, for some time before so that won't be an issue. Of course I must have a signed permission from your legal guardians, but I am very certain, if your headmistress sends them any form to sign, they will just do it. Now go, let Gabriel show you to our apartment. It's in the small building behind the school and was originally the house staff's quarters. But as we don't have maids and stable workers anymore, just the cook and her two helpers, who live in the next town, I had it renovated for my own family so I could be always available if necessary."

As soon as they had brought some distance between them, Gabriel gushed out.

"Sorry for my mother's ranting. She always does that. Could've just told you the short version and explained everything later at dinner. If you want to join us, of course. If you'd rather eat in the big dining hall with the bitches, you can of course do that too."

Nathalie giggled.

"Oh please, no! I'd prefer to starve. But is it okay for your family if I eat with you? I mean..."

"We get our food from the big kitchen anyway. My parents or I buy only the more special stuff and put it into our own pantries or fridge. So no matter where you eat, it's in the amount of money your folks spend anyway. Now come. I like that you're staying with us. Your new room will be right next to mine. And like that we can have conversations and maybe some projects together all of the time."

Nathalie's grin widened and she laid a hand on his shoulder.

"You're doing it too. The talking. Without ever stopping as it seems." She then exclaimed.

Gabriel sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."

But the young woman objected.

"Don't be. I like it. Being here with you feels a little like coming home. After the accident, when I had to move in with those two old ... 

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