A Scare In The Middle Of The Night 3

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"Father? Nathalie? Can we come in?" ChatNoir called out when he and Ladybug stood in front of the woman's bedroom.

"Wait, what?" The heroine exclaimed in utter shock.

"Later, M'lady!" The black hero whispered because, at the same moment, Gabriel's voice said.

"Yes, just come!"

The young man carefully turned the handle and then held the door open for his partner. Ladybug stepped into the room, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Claws in!" He said as soon as they could see the adults sitting on the bed. Nathalie under the duvet, Gabriel on top of it holding her hand.

"That's impossible!" The heroine blurted out. Then, a little calmer. "But it explains so much!"

The model gave her a puzzled look.

His father stood up and laid an arm around his shoulder.

"You'll understand soon. But please, Adrien, you can talk about everything as soon as we have made a plan for Nathalie's healing, yeah?" He said soothingly.

"Father, I don't..."

"Spots off!" Ladybug transformed back into her real self. "Do you understand it now? Because all of a sudden, I know why I started to have feelings for ChatNoir. And why you, or rather ChatNoir, started to have feelings for Marinette. But if Miss Nathalie is really as sick as you said, I agree with your dad, and we should speak about her health first."

"Thank you, Miss Dupain-Cheng. If you sat down in one of the chairs, I could explain a little better what has happened in the past and why Nathalie is in that state. And it's even better that it's you underneath that mask, as Adrien will certainly need your comfort once we've been through every part of this story." Gabriel suggested gratefully.

The teenage girl nodded and added a shy.

"Just Marinette, please."

He agreed, reciprocating her offer.

"It's Gabriel and Nathalie, then!"

"Oh, okay!" She replied with a deepening blush while shoving a chair through the room to stand beside the bed. Adrien did the same with a second one, so they were all sitting closely together, eventually listening to Gabriel's narration.

"Wow!" Marinette blurted out after she and her boyfriend had left the assistant's bedroom and entered the teenager's. "That's quite some story. I really hope we can save Nathalie and your father with unifying the miraculous that injured them with mine. We really should contact Felix very soon and either ask him to come here or go there and bring the peacock miraculous back. It seems to become urgent."

Adrien had barely listened to her words. He was still in shock. Not over the fact that his mother hadn't disappeared but died. He was terrified to have found out that he wasn't even real. That one little move with the hand of the one, carrying the peacock miraculous, would be enough to end his existence for good. He was scared, and he felt like he was wrong, like he didn't have the right to even be here.

"...ien? Adrien!?" Marinette called out as she waved her hand in front of his face.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, I was just... thinking." He said before a sob emanated his throat.

"Oh, Adrien, please don't cry. I am here, and I won't leave you alone. I'm right at your side, okay?" His girlfriend cooed as she reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers.

He looked up and into her face, shaking his head as he did.

"Why would you care? I am not even real!" The boy spat in despair.

"Oh no! Adrien, you are! Here." She squeezed his hand a little tighter and pecked his cheek tenderly. "See, you're very real. Or would you think that Felix and Kagami aren't either? Your father and Nathalie are dying. He tried to act as if he wasn't injured that badly. But I think his health is deteriorating even faster than hers. We must hurry, Adrien. Remember when I told you that I love you? You didn't say it back then. But I had the feeling you wanted to. And I saw your dad standing behind the window and looking at us when you went inside, after not reciprocating it. Or at least hugging me. Hearing him say that he was controlling you with those..." She pointed at the two rings in his hand. "...explains why you acted the way you did. And knowing how you came to be changes nothing. Remember how bad you felt when Mayura, or should I say Nathalie, released the other Ladybug from her existence? Nothing has changed, Adrien. You are my boyfriend, and I love you. Except you don't want to be with me any longer. I wouldn't be able to change that... But I would be really sad and..." Her voice slowly got quieter before it almost was gone.

Seeing her so worried and troubled eventually reached him, and he was shocked that she thought he wouldn't want to be with 'her' instead of Marinette rejecting 'him' due to being just a sentimonster. He couldn't bear to hurt her like that and quickly exclaimed while pulling her into his arms.

"Marinette, stop. Of course I want to be with you. And I love you. And I also want to kiss you. And maybe now, my dad won't send me away to London, which you don't know about because I had no idea how to tell you. B-But... I really, really want to be with you forever, M'lady!"

She beamed at him while tears were still brimming her eyes when they both pulled back. About to give him an answer to his sweet words, the young woman's blue eyes looked into his green ones,  and
her voice failed. They both kept staring at each other, neither able to avert their gaze.

Adrien was the first to react, and he timidly asked her.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

His cheeks were just as reddened as the girl's when she shyly nodded and grinned. They both leaned in very slowly, their eyes fluttering closed, until finally their lips met in a passionate kiss.

"Woah, that was..." Marinette gushed out with a sheepish grin.

"Uh-huh!" Came from the boy. This time, it was him who couldn't get out a sound at all.

The young woman averted her gaze to the floor, still feeling flustered and a little nervous. But she also knew that there was something they needed to do.

"W-We should transform s-soon." She stuttered.

"Oh, yeah, uhm sure!" The young man agreed while rubbing the back of his neck.

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