Finishing School

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A/N: Another new idea. After watching luxeria's reaction to British reality TV on YouTube, these episodes being about the show 'Ladette to lady', which inspired me to write this AU.

Nathalie was feeling devastated. Her parents, who she loved dearly, had just been killed in a car accident, and her grandparents, who were a pair of snobbish, old people, had sent her to a boarding school. But this wasn't just any boarding school; this was a finishing school for high society girls where they would be taught all the skills a young female would need to find a suitable husband.

As if being forced to move to England hadn't been bad enough, now she would have to share a room with some posh girl she had most likely nothing in common with.

But all pleading and all arguments hadn't been able to convince her derogatory ancestors to let her at least attend a regular public school.

Her Grandfather had just lifted her heavy suitcase out of the trunk of his very old, huge car and was about to leave, yet not before telling her to behave and not act up or embarrass them in any sort of way.

Nathalie sighed deeply.

"Thanks for the kind and loving goodbye!" She called after him as she watched the vehicle drive away. Then she grabbed her luggage, being said suitcase, a duffle bag and the backpack she used for school before. Climbing the stairs to the large, intimidating building, she soon began to sweat.

"Can I help you?" The young man who had posed the question looked very out of place in an all girls school and made her hesitate.

"I don't know. Who are you and what are you doing here? I thought there were no male students allowed."

The tall, probably seventeen or eighteen year old boy grinned at her mischievously and replied.

"I am not a student. I am the headmistress' son and therefore I am living here as well. My name is Gabriel."

"Nathalie!" She gave back and put her suitcase down to hold out her hand. The boy looked at it and smiled then took it into his own and instead of shaking it, as Nathalie had intended, he brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on its back.

The young woman gasped. Never before had anyone done this to her. And she would have never even expected that from someone around her own age.

"Is there anything wrong, Miss?" He asked courteously.

"It's just Nathalie or Nath. I'm not that kind of person. I hate the way people like my grandparents act. As did my parents before... It doesn't matter. Not anymore." She turned around to pick up her things again, when he reached for them at the same time and accidentally grabbed her hand. The girl froze in the spot and Gabriel quickly pulled his hand away, mumbling an apology.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you."

Nathalie shook her head.

"You didn't. Here, if you really want to help me, you can carry this."

She handed him the duffle bag which was a lot heavier than he would have thought it to be.

"Wow. What's in there? Rocks?"

Nathalie grinned sheepishly.

"To be honest, there are indeed rocks inside. And fossils, gems, crystals. I like all sorts of archeology and geology. I'd like to become somewhat of a female Indiana Jones some day. But sadly I've been sent here to have them turn me into a decent young lady."

She sighed deeply.

Gabriel beamed at her.

"That sounds amazing. How about ancient languages? Do you like them too? Because I have quite an amount of books about them. So, uhm, if you were interested, I could show them to you once you've got some spare time."

The young woman's smile widened as she agreed.

"That would be great. What languages are you talking about? Already known ones or even the ones that still have to be translated or deciphered?"

The boy raised his brows.

"You already have looked into those things too, right? I like that. Maybe I can even show you a few special things. Because I have a couple of rocks and some petrified materials in my collection as well. If you don't mind, can I ask how old you are?" He wondered.

"Sixteen, almost seventeen. You?" She was quick to reply and ask him the same.

"I'll be nineteen in two weeks. Come, I'll take you to my mother's office so she can welcome you and tell me to which room I can bring your luggage." He offered and she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you, that's nice."

After entering through the two winged, wooden door, Gabriel led her down a long, narrow corridor until they reached a staircase. There he put down the bag and told her to do the same with the things she had been carrying.

"There is no need to take them any further with you, because those stairs lead to the dormitories. We'll go this way," he pointed to another hallway on his left, "to get to my mother's office."

"How is your mother? Is she nice or rather scary?" The girl pried timidly.

Gabriel chuckled.

"She can be scary if she has to. But mostly she is kind and what's more important, she's always fair. If you follow the rules you won't have much of a problem. The other teachers are the ones you should be scared of. My mother is mainly here to make sure that you're treated like humans and not like dolls. Some of the girls have literally been sent here to be trained as their families called it." He told her.

"Yeah, same here. My grandparents think I am a spoiled brat, not capable of acting appropriately for a young lady and much less able to find myself a husband soon. As if I needed or wanted one at all. I'm not even seventeen for fuck's sake. All I want is to finish my education and travel the world to find ancient treasures, extinct species, stuff like that." Nathalie spat angrily.

The young man laughed.

"What if you met someone who would like to do all of that together with you. And on top of that would like to be your husband and soulmate. And I am not saying that you need this kind of education to meet one. I am just curious if you have even considered the thought itself."

"The thought of some guy trying to have me subdue to his will? No thank you!" She said contemptuously.

That made Gabriel scoff.

"What about being in an equal relationship, each of them supporting the other, neither trying to dominate? You have a very old fashioned, one sided imagination of a marriage. Though I agree with you that two people who are in love can be together without getting married. But I read a lot and it turns out that most want to get some sort of ceremony to prove their love for each other. My parents, for example, only got married to please their families. And even though they had me before they were, I carry my father's name."

"Oh yeah? What's your last name by the way?" The young female asked him curiously.

"Agreste, yours?"

She sighed then answered quietly.


"Oh! You are..."

"I am what?" She hissed threateningly.

"Well, I heard my mum talk about you. Your parents recently... Uhm, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of it. Come, we're almost there." He tried to change the topic to not make the situation even more awkward.

"It's okay. I have to start coping with it at some point right? And just like my name predicts, I will just turn off all my feelings and emotions and become the braindead, functioning robot my grandparents want me to become."

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