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With a grin he lifted both boys from her lap, the younger one still sobbing while the three year old had understood and was smiling at him. This time he was very well aware of what he was doing, when he kissed the crying woman's cheek.

"I know, we agreed on talking later. This was just a tiny reminder that your sister was just talking s-h-i-t!"

She opened her mouth to reply but he left before she was able to form a coherent sentence.

Half an hour later she went to the boys' room to check on them. When Nathalie looked inside, she started to beam. Gabriel was sitting in Michel's bed, one of the boys in each arm, both sleeping with their heads on his chest, while the man's head had fallen to the side and he was lightly snoring and even drooling a little bit.

She quietly walked towards them, and picked up the eighteen months old to carry him to his own bed. The movements woke Gabriel up and he grunted and circled his head a couple of times to get rid of the stiffness in his neck.

Then he noticed where he was and that Nathalie had just brought one of the children to his bed and grinned sheepishly.

"Exhausting, right?" She mocked him in a friendly manner and held out her hand to help the tall man get up from the low futon.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let you wait even longer to get your own well deserved sleep."

But Nathalie just smiled and said.

"That's not it. I was just worried. I am too worked up still to go to sleep right away. But we can talk in the morning if you prefered to go to bed already."

Gabriel yawned as he laid a hand on the small of her back and gently pushed her out of the room and towards her own.

"I think we should talk the most important things through before going to bed. Especially concerning the children's future whereabouts and guardianship. Once your sister is sober, we can try to have a normal conversation, I hope." He explained and the woman, though incredibly tired herself, was completely sharing his opinion.

Once they stepped through the door Gabriel looked at the sleeping newborn on his assistant's bed and a smile spread over his face.

"You were right, she really is adorable." He turned to face the young woman. "How are you, Nathalie? The things, she said, I certainly hope you don't believe they're true."

Nathalie shrugged.

"I don't know. Of course I would never use the children for anything. And I would also never take them from her to fulfil my own dreams. It was the way she said it. The way she thinks of me even when she's not wasted. To my family I am the hard working, reliable woman who never even thought about falling in love or having a family. None of them even thinks I am capable of making myself attractive enough to draw a man's attention." She said bitterly then buried her face in her hands, while sitting down in one of the armchairs on the other side of her room.

Gabriel crouched down in front of her and laid his hands on her back and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Forgive me, dear, but I will be rather insulting with my next words. But I need to tell you, if everybody in your family thinks of you like that, they're all stupid morons." He spat.

Nathalie looked up with her mouth ajar.

"Yeah, right. If anyone had asked you about me, about me finding someone to love, what would you have told them?"

He smirked playfully before he answered.

"I would have told them that you're not available."

The assistant sneered at him.

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