Family Nathalie 10

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Gabriel stared at her in shock. Yet he still couldn't help it but grin over her strong and very odd reaction. On top of that, Louise, who had been sleeping even through their loud exclaims of pleasure, woke up and started to cry. Nathalie, still unable to do anything but laugh, tried her best to get it together and tend to the newborns' needs, when the man shook his head with a smirk and kissed her tenderly.

"I'll handle that, love. Just try to calm down, in the meantime." He said before scooting to the rim of the bed and walking towards the baby's cot. "Hey, sweetheart. I am very sorry that we woke you. You must think of us as terrible parents already before we even had the chance to try. Come, let me hold you. Look, there's your auntie and she still can't stop laughing, which I find really cute, you know?"

He had lifted the newborn out of the cot and was holding her to his chest with her head right under his chin as he spoke to her.

Nathalie had eventually managed to get some of her continence back and beamed at how he treated the baby.

"Hey cutie!" She cooed as soon as Gabriel sat down at her side. "Do you like snuggling into Gabriel's chest? I understand you well. He feels so warm and soft that I like that a lot too." She propped herself up on her hand and pecked his lips, then scooted out of the bed. "Just keep her with you as long as she's so calm. I'll go and get her a bottle with formula and go to the bathroom."

He agreed, asking.

"If it's urgent, I can go downstairs and already heat the water. I am sure, little Miss Sancoeur here, would enjoy the little stroll."

Nathalie giggled sheepishly.

"It's not 'urgent'. I just thought I should check if there are any bits of that," she pointed at the ring of the condom which was still around his member, "where they don't belong!"

Gabriel snorted loudly through his nose, making the little girl wince. But she obviously felt safe enough on his body that she didn't start to cry again.

"Come here!" He whispered and gestured to her with his index finger. "Give me another kiss and go get that bottle. I suggest helping you check once this little princess is asleep again."

"Yeah, sure. Aren't you incredibly selfless?"

"Right?" He grinned over her sarcastic reaction.

He laid his back against the headboard of Nathalie's bed, then started to speak softly with the infant again, when he all of a sudden heard a loud squeal from downstairs and then heard his assistant's naked feet on the marble staircase running back up and into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Gabriel had already gotten to his feet and was now approaching her, asking anxiously.

"What's wrong, love? Did anything happen?"

She shook her head, her face scarlet red, her eyes shut and she gushed.

"I totally forgot. A-A-Adrien will be home for the upcoming week. He has a whole week off to do some project and he wanted me to work with him on it. I... He... They..."

He laid a hand on her cheek, humming.

"Shush, relax and breathe. Now tell me what happened."

She inhaled deeply then told him.

"I went downstairs to heat the water for the formula, and when I opened the door to the kitchen, he was making out with M-M-Marinette, on the counter. At least they were dressed still, while I..." She gazed down at her completely naked body. "They had obviously just entered from the back entrance, but... I certainly hope they didn't hear us."

There was a gentle knock on the door right as she had finished speaking.

"Nath? Are you okay? I wanted to apologise. And see if you're alright. You usually wouldn't wander through the house in the middle of the night, without any clothes." Adrien's voice asked shakily.

"Just a minute, son!" Gabriel called out. "We'll explain everything then!"

They heard two gasps from the other side of the door, one coming from the teenage boy the other from his girlfriend.

Gabriel waited until Nathalie had put on her shorts and top, then gave her the baby and put on his pyjama pants. Leaning in, he kissed her passionately again before taking Louise back into his arms.

"Are you okay with telling them?" He asked and though blushing strongly, she nodded.

"Yeah, of course I am!"

"Good. Come in, you two!"

The door was carefully pushed open and first Adrien, then Marinette entered.

"Before you start questioning, Adrien, let me explain a few things. This is Louise, Nathalie's niece. Her two nephews are asleep in the guest room next to your room, so please keep the volume down, whatever you're going to do. It's a long story and I figure it's already getting late and we can talk about that in the morning. But just so you know, I... Nath and I... you know, we..."

Marinette couldn't keep it contained and gushed out.

"You finally confessed your feelings for her? About time if you ask me!" Then she noticed to whom she had spoken and her cheeks turned pink. "S-Sorry, I-I..."

"Relax, Marinette. You're absolutely right. I've been madly in love with this beautiful woman for ages now." He leaned in again and pecked Nathalie's lips. "How about a cup of tea? Nathalie was on her way to make a bottle for the baby, so how about we all go and tell you the story, so we won't wake up the boys in the meantime?"

"Too late, I think!" Adrien whispered and pointed with his head towards the door. There stood both toddlers and stared at them, the smaller one, Henry, on the edge of crying, while Michél called out.


With a sigh, the assistant crouched down and held her arms open for them, but to her astonishment, the younger boy instantly clanged to Marinette's legs, while the older one came running to her.

"Oh, hi!" The half Chinese cooed, bending down and lifting him up. "I'm Marinette and who are you?"

The child only grinned and looked at her.

"His name's Henry. This is Michél, and the little one here has already been introduced. Well, would you agree to the tea? I guess it's going to take a while to get them to sleep again!" Nathalie said with a hint of despair audible in her voice.

Gabriel laid his arm supportively around her waist.

"Come, love, I know you're tired. I'll do my best to keep everything short, and I also will stay up as long as necessary, so you can catch up on some sleep." He said, making his son, who wasn't used to him being like that, raise his eyebrows. Into his loved one's ear he whispered. "And after that little accident earlier, I want to be sure that you're in perfect health if there were any consequences!"

Nathalie gasped and stared at him open mouthed. But Gabriel only grinned and nudged her gently out of her bedroom and towards the stairs.

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