Family Nathalie 14

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A/N: Here's the next part, smut now right ahead. But still only in the following chapter!

"Oh my gosh, you look so cute together!" Marinette blurted out. She was holding her phone in one hand and was taking several pictures. "Would you be okay if I posted this one on our social media?"

She held the device towards the men and showed them the shot.

Gabriel agreed.

"This one, where nobody can see the baby's face, would be okay to publish. I wouldn't want to let people see her face without her mother's permission or rather not at all. I've learned my lesson with that. Right Adrien?"

"Yeah. I still can't go anywhere without being recognised. It sucks like..."

"ADRIEN!" Marinette and Gabriel scolded him in unison and he blushed and cleared his throat, then looked towards the toddlers. "Sorry." He muttered and spoke to the boys. "It sucks like a bad lollypop!"

"Nice save." Nathalie said teasingly as she returned from her phone calls. "My sister continued to drink until she passed out and my parents had to call an ambulance. She spent the night in the hospital and had eventually agreed to go into rehab right away. My mother asked if we were really okay with having the children until she was better and I told her, she doesn't have to worry, we were enjoying every second of having them here. She has also informed the people at the boys' daycare that you, Adrien, Marinette or the bodyguard will be bringing them or picking them up, so that's taken care of as well. This time both your popularity came in handy, Adrien and Marinette, as they already know who you are."

The young adults looked at each other and giggled. Then Adrien looked at the time and exclaimed.

"Oh cr... well, you know, we need to go. Are you ready, boys?"

Nathalie answered for them.

"There's a bag with the things they need for the day in the foyer. Let me take the baby so you can get up. Hello sweetheart. Please don't cry. Adrien has to go now. But I am certain he'll cuddle with you again, when they return later. Michél, Henry! Are you ready to go with Adrien and Marinette? They will take you to your daycare on their way to their meeting."

As soon as they were alone with Louise, Gabriel laid his arms around Nathalie's waist from behind and whispered seductively into her ear.

"How about getting Adrien's stroller out of the storage room and taking the little princess for a walk? Hopefully she'll fall asleep as we do and then I can continue where we left off last night, because we were too tired."

"Can you think of anything else at the moment?" Nathalie mocked him. "Not that I was complaining. And going for a walk sounds good, as we could walk by some drugstore and get some condoms that won't break."

"Really? I hate those things. But you're right, we shouldn't rush things right now. I want us to last for the rest of our lives so, uhm, I am willing to do it your way until you feel ready to start a family with me too." He sighed.

She turned around to look at him, the baby now calmly sucking on her hand, while Nathalie held her in one arm.

"I love you!" She whispered and kissed him passionately.

"And I love you." Gabriel spoke huskily into her ear. "And despite what I just said, seeing you with the baby gets me into a very special mood and I want to take you upstairs and get you pregnant right now. Relax, I won't try, but the thought alone..."

He grabbed her free hand and placed it on the throbbing bulge in his pants. Then he grabbed the small of her back and pulled her taut against him, causing the woman to moan quietly against the side of his neck.

"Please stop saying stuff like that. I'm trying to be reasonable and responsible here. When you touch me like this, and when you hold me like that, it was that long ago but it's all coming back to me..."

"That's a Celine Dion song, right?" He smirked.

"Yup. But I thought it suited the moment. I've never before felt like last night and I have to admit that I can't wait to do it over and over again. But we just took over the responsibility for three very young children and no matter how much I wanted to stop thinking and give in to everything... Imagine my sister deciding to start a completely new life and leave the children with us. Because that's what she does. It happened with the older children like that. They've been living with my parents even when Charlotte was with her second husband. Caring for three children younger than four years is a lot already. What if I got pregnant and couldn't help you with them anymore? Or if we weren't able to handle four children at once? I..."

Gabriel interrupted her with his lips on hers.

"I get it." He then said. "But even if any of the things you just mention would emerge there would be ways to handle them. First, I can easily afford a nanny, so that would be covered. Second, I agree with you that even three children are a handful already. So I guess, we just wait until we have some new information about your sister's status and future plans and then we can decide anything further. Now let me get that stroller so we can eventually buy those bloody condoms."

They were lucky again. The fresh air and the constant movement of the stroller got the baby to fall asleep on their way home, and they very carefully carried the whole cart upstairs and placed it inside of Nathalie's bedroom. After turning on the baby monitor, they sneaked into Gabriel's room and quickly shut the door behind them.

"How long do you think we have?" He asked her with a raspy voice and pressed her with her back against the door, his body holding her captive.

"I'm not sure. It's been two hours since she had her last bottle, so maybe we should hurry a little. If she'll sleep longer than expected we could still go for a second round." Nathalie suggested lewdly and made him grin.

"I love the way your mind works, darling. And I certainly hope you like that."

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