Teenagers' Mistakes?

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Hey y'all, I'm back. It's still a little difficult but I managed to type despite the cast and though I was only trying to do so, I came up with a new AU. I certainly hope you enjoy!

It was early in the morning when a young Nathalie walked out of her bedroom, and with half shut eyes stumbled across the floor into the bathroom of her childhood home.

She had barely made it there, when her stomach turned and she dropped to her knees and threw up into the toilet. After gagging and vomiting for what seemed like an eternity, Nathalie eventually wiped her mouth with a piece of toilet paper, then used another to blow her nose.

"Shit!" She croaked, as it had been the third morning in a row. She knew what that most likely meant. Her period being more than a month late and the growing and hurting breasts were pointing towards the same.

"Nathalie? Are you okay? I heard you being sick. Did you catch something or did you have some bad food?" Her father called out to her. He was a widower since his wife died shortly after giving birth to their only child. He was a sweet and kind man, but he was very overprotective and, what his daughter considered lucky right then, rather oblivious when it came to his little girl growing up.

"I'm fine, Dad. I'll be right down for breakfast, don't worry all of the time."

The almost eighteen year old quickly got ready for the day, then hurried down into the kitchen, where her father was already waiting.

"Good morning." She mumbled, not daring to look into his face. She certainly didn't want him to see how pale she was.

"Morning," He replied without looking up from his newspaper. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yup. A lot. I have a very important exam today. Wouldn't want to miss it."

"I see. Maybe you should get yourself a pregnancy test on your way home after school?"

Nathalie almost choked on the cafe au lait she was drinking. Her father scoffed.

"I might be old in your eyes, honey, but I am not stupid. I know that you and Gabriel aren't just holding hands. And I can also tell the signs. So, will you?"

Nathalie, who had just stopped coughing, cleared her throat. She took a careful sip of her beverage, then replied.

"I guess."

Her father sighed.

"So I was right?"

"It seems like it." The young woman croaked.

Taking another deep breath, Mr Sancoeur suggested.

"No matter the outcome, maybe you should go to see a gynaecologist. I know, it's difficult to talk to your old man about things like that. But..."

"I get it, Dad. And we always could talk about everything. You really were great with all that stuff, other fathers are really weird about."

The middle aged man grinned sheepishly.

"Well, it wasn't always easy, but I tried my best. Now eat. If you're really pregnant, you shouldn't leave out your breakfasts any more. Does Gabriel know that you might be?"

Nathalie was the one to sigh this time, but nodded.

"When I told him I could be, he was thrilled. I mean, I would of course want to keep it, but I wouldn't exactly be over the moon right away." She told her father.

The man whose temples were getting grey already, squeezed her hand and hummed supportively.

"Well, I can't say I'm happy if you are, but I will be there for you and Gabriel. It's good that you're on the same side. What about his parents? Do you think they will..."

"God, no!" Nathalie fell into his words. "They already hate that we're together. I don't even want to think about their reaction if they found out I was pregnant. They have big plans for Gabriel, including his choice of wife. He doesn't want to live by their rules though. But as neither of us has finished our education so far..."

"I'm sure we'll find a way, Nath. Just tell him to come back here with you after school. We're going to find a solution together, okay?"

"Thank you, Dad. I need to go. And don't give me that look, I'll have my breakfast on the way. I don't have time right now, but I am already starting to eat, fee?"

She had bitten off a large piece of her croissant and that had made the last word hard to pronounce.

Her dad laughed and got up to peck the top of her head.

"Be careful. And don't worry too much, yeah?"

Nathalie nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for being the way you are, Dad!"

When she arrived at school, her boyfriend, Gabriel, was already waiting for her.

"Hey, darling. How are you today?" He asked and from her expression he could tell that something was wrong. "What is it, love?" He wondered.

Reluctantly Nathalie told him about her being sick and her father suggesting she should buy a pregnancy test on her way home.

"Stop smiling like an idiot. I'm seventeen and you're almost nineteen. We're way too young to start a family!" She ranted and made him stop instantly.

"Sorry, babe. But you know how I feel about that. I'd be soooo happy to have a baby with you. A gorgeous little girl with your beautiful eyes. Or a little boy, still with your eyes, but tall and handsome like me." He enthused with a smirk.

"Well, aren't you modest, today?" She replied bemusedly.

Gabriel laughed and bent his head to kiss her.

"I love you, Nathalie Sancoeur."

"I love you too, Gabriel Agreste!"

"Go and get a room somewhere!" Nathalie's best friend, Caline, called out. The young couple laughed and stopped kissing.

"Good morning to you too, Callie!" The young woman called out.

They all made their way to their first class together. But neither Gabriel nor Nathalie were able to focus on their lessons. Instead they kept whispering until their young teacher, Mr Damocles, threatened them with detention.

Gabriel stood up and apologised.

"I'm very sorry, Sir. But something happened, Nathalie and I urgently need to take care of. Would you be so kind as to excuse us for the remaining day? I promise we will catch up on everything we'll learn today!"

The teacher sighed.

"Fine. But this is an exception. If the two of you weren't the best students in class, I wouldn't let you leave. Caline? Would you please take notes for them?"

"Of course, Sir!" The red haired girl immediately agreed. To the couple she whispered. "Let me know how the test went, yeah?"

Nathalie tilted her head barely noticeable to let her see she understood and would do so.

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