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"Wh-What? I... Gabriel, what do you mean? I can't just... I... You..." She stammered. He tried to be patient when he explained.

"You said you don't want to hurt your parents by letting authorities take the children away from your sister and them. You also are absolutely right when you say that your sister needs to get her arse up and take care of the problem herself. But at the same time the kids can't stay in there," he pointed at the closed door, "and get severely ill from all the filth. So I offer you the easiest solution. You move back in with me, your room is still the way it has been when you left, and we create a safe and clean home for those infants. I will help as good as I can, while they're staying with us and of course you don't have to do your work for the time being. What do you think? Can you imagine to do that with me?"

Nathalie swallowed heavily. Tears were running down her cheeks.

"I... I don't know what to say. I..." Instead of trying to stutter more words that wouldn't make any sense at the moment, she laid both arms around his neck and slightly pecked his cheek. Eventually she also manage to hum.

"Thank you!"

Gabriel blushed and grinned sheepishly when he muttered.

"No problem."

Two hours later they had brought Nathalie's clothes and personal things back into her room in the Agreste mansion, had bathed and fed the three children and were now on their way to go and buy some new clothes and toys for them. While Nathalie was rocking her niece on her shoulder, so she would burp after having her bottle with formula, Gabriel instructed his driver to take care of buying and assembling beds for the toddlers. He himself went into one of the large storage rooms and searched for Adrien's first cot with the mobilé, Emilie had built herself, still attached. After the quarter of an hour of searching he found it and with grunting and cussing managed to pull it out between two boxes and carried it upstairs into his assistant's room.

"Do you remember this one?" He asked Nathalie quietly to not startle the infant.

The young woman nodded, while her eyes filled again with tears.

"I even remember how long she took to cut the figurines out!" She replied hoarsely. "She struggled most with the pointy star."

Gabriel smiled wearily.

"Yeah, I recall that too. We just should get a new mattress for it. Those old ones can be full of mould and dust and mites and whatever flies through old storage chambers. Are you two girls done here?" He joked.

Nathalie giggled and nodded.

"Yeah. Just need to put her into something warm."

"Oh, one more thing. Do those children have names? You keep calling them your niece and nephews or your sister's kids."

"Oh, well, my dearest sister gave them very odd names. Maybe we should go with their middle names because their actual first ones... She named them after popular musicians. Well, you'll want to know them anyway, so... The three year old is called Meat-Loaf Michel, his brother carries the wonderful title Prince Henry and the poor little girl has been named Madonna Louise." Nathalie very reluctantly informed him.

Her boss couldn't help himself and started to laugh out savagely.

"I'm sorry!" He panted after a while. "But those names are just hilarious. Not for the poor children having to attend school with them one day, but... horses. They would be wonderful names for race horses."

Nathalie joined his guffaw after imagining the horses. Poor little Louise was startled by their outburst and started to cry. The adults instantly stopped and tried to soothe her.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, sweetheart!" Her aunt cooed. "Please don't cry. Look, we both stopped laughing. And we won't make fun of you again, right Gabriel?"

"Right!" He said ruefully but his chin was still twitching and his eyes were showing his amusement. "Can I hold her? Maybe I can get her to stop. I always could stop Adrien from crying, even when he had those stomach aches at that age."

Nathalie shrugged.

"Sure, it's worth a try. I'll get the boys ready in the meantime."

"Okay!" Came from Gabriel as he gently took the newborn from her shoulder to place her on his own. Out of an old habit he kissed her cheek as he did, just like he had done with his wife every time when their son was still a baby.

The shocked woman held her breath as she felt his lips on her skin and closed her eyes. Then she gulped heavily before pulling away and looking around for the toddlers. The man had noticed his mistake, but also her strong reaction. And he had to admit that he liked it. With a deep intake of air he tried to act casually and averted his focus to the infant.

"Well, little darling, have you already let out the air? Or do you still need to do that?" He asked.

"She did, just a few seconds before we scared her." Nathalie called from the other end of her room where she had caught both boys in the middle of playing with each other.

"That's good. So I can get her into the special position only I can do and soon she'll stop crying!"

"Or start puking. Remember, she just had a bottle of baby milk. I wouldn't turn her on her stomach right away." His assistant reminded him.

"Oh, you remember the special position? That's interesting. Emilie never tried to figure out what I did. She was just glad when I took over and he stopped crying for some time." Gabriel said pensively.

Nathalie approached him with Henry on her hip and Michel was walking at her side while holding her hand.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

Gabriel crouched down to be at the same height, then explained.

"We're going to buy some new stuff for you and your siblings. Like new clothes and new beds, maybe even some toys..." He mentioned the toys so innocently as if they were just an unimportant thing. But Michel started to beam at him as he heard it and squealed.

"Toys? Really? New ones?"

Gabriel gave Nathalie a puzzled look.

"What does he mean with 'new ones'?"

"Really? Have you seen their toys? They are all used and old, many are even broken."

The wealthy designer shook his head with a deep sigh.

"Now I'm in a large predicament. I need you to stop me from overdoing it once we're in a place where we can buy toys, okay? But I still want them to have at least the basic things, children their age should have. Especially some educational stuff. Adrien loved them. And don't tell me that his are still stored too. I am very certain that you agree with me when I say that every child should have at least some new things that were bought just for them!" He said agitatedly.

Nathalie smiled and agreed.

"You're right. But as you said, don't overdo it!"

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