A Scare In The Middle Of The Night

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A/N: Here's another one which already has a couple of chapters after this one, just I'm lacking the bit in between so far but maybe you still like to have a glimpse into this reality.

Gabriel woke up with a start. He opened his eyes and tried to figure out what had pulled him out of his most wonderful dream in the middle of the night, when he noticed a sleeping figure under his duvet and scratched the back of his neck in confusion.

Adrien wouldn't come into his bed in the middle of the night. He had stopped doing this, when Emilie was still alive. He scoffed. It of course couldn't be her either, right? The person moved and he saw a bit of dark hair with some pink and took a sharp breath. Nathalie!

As he just thought her name, she pulled one hand out from under the covers and patted around, obviously trying to touch him. The moment her hand found his arm, she felt for his hand and interlinked their fingers.

"Gabriel, why are you awake? Just get your arms back around me, I am freezing. I had a strange dream. I woke up in my old room, the one I almost died in. And it even was the same as back then. Odd right?" She muttered sleepily.

He inhaled deeply, not sure what was going on.

"N-Nathalie? Why are you in my bed? And what have you been talking about?" He questioned her sternly and she turned towards him to look at his face.

"Maybe you tell me, what you're talking about, darling. Did you dream too? Maybe we have talked in our sleep and influenced one another. Just lay back down. You've been in Shanghai all week and I've missed you. And the children missed you too!"

He gasped.

"Nathalie, I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't been in Shanghai since I failed to get a hold of the prodigious. What's going on? Did they give you some new medicine that makes you disoriented?" The designer started to panic.

"Nice one, darling! Now stop messing with me and give me a kiss. I am tired as fuck and I need to get a little more sleep so I can get up to wake Adrien. And I've already been up twice to pee!" The assistant demanded and pulled him down and against her, his chest pressed to her back, she placed his hand on a slightly protruding belly. "I eventually can feel the baby kick, darling. I am sure, you will be able to as well very soon."

He gasped. It wasn't possible. There had never been a situation in which his assistant could have gotten pregnant. He tried to remember if there had been a slip but shook his head. He was sure that the few times they had both given in to the desire, they had been cautious. Right now he could feel the pregnant woman get agitated because he acted weird and decided to approach this topic in the morning.

"Gabriel? What is it? Something is going on, I can feel that. Please tell me."

He pecked her cheek very softly and laid his forehead against her nape.

"Don't worry, love. Just get your well deserved rest." He whispered.

As he felt her snuggle into his warmth, he started rubbing her small bump, not even being aware at first, that he did.

When he heard her breathing deepening, he eventually noticed his hand and he couldn't deny that he liked the feeling of caressing 'their' baby. 

With a deep sigh, Gabriel Agreste, aka Hawkmoth, aka Shadowmoth, aka Monarch, closed his eyes and, to his own surprise, woke up when it was already daylight.

Nathalie just walked into the room from his bathroom, drying off her hair as she did.

"Good morning." She said timidly.

"Good morning!" He gave back with a tender smile. "When I look at your face, I can tell that you figured out that something is terribly wrong."

The pregnant woman nodded.

"I just ask you one question. Was it you who opened the gate between the dimensions again or someone else? But you acted rather shocked when you woke up in the middle of the night, so I figured that it wasn't you."

Gabriel nodded.

"You're correct. I was completely overwhelmed by the whole situation."

Now Nathalie looked puzzled.

"Then why did you..."

"Why I held you in my arms anyway?" He got up and approached her. Taking her arm and leading her towards the bed and making her sit down, he then knelt before her and laid his hands onto her legs. "I could tell that you're pregnant, and I certainly didn't want to get you all worked up in the middle of the night. I may not be in the situation myself where I come from, but 'my' Nathalie is very important to me, and I could never cause her any harm. Well, not more than I already did."

He looked to the floor.

This time it was the woman who placed her hands in a comforting gesture on his.

"We found a cure for the damage the broken peacock miraculous caused. You, I mean, my Gabriel, couldn't handle seeing me suffer and so he... he gave up everything and asked Ma... uhm, asked Ladybug for help."

"I think I went way too far to find a cure for her. I have almost every miraculous except..." Nathalie interrupted him.

"Except the peacock, the bunny, the black cat and the ladybug miraculous. I know. Have you already been cataclysmed?"

He gasped.

"What do you think?"

With a smile, Nathalie replied.

"If you were, there is a similar way to cure you injury. The poor little ladybug kwami will have a bit of work to do once you're in your own reality again. We just need to figure out where the portal is and how to get everyone back into their own reality. Because I certainly don't want to face a really evil version of you."

"Have you met others before? From different universes or whatever?" He asked, and she nodded with a scared expression.

"Yes. But we were sure that wouldn't happen again after the miraculous' were all returned to the guardian and kept safe in Tibet." Nathalie explained. "If you're here, either something happened to the monchs or someone in another world found a way into ours without needing the counterpart in this reality. And what's even worse, if neither you nor my Gabriel caused this, then no one can tell how many of you were exchanged or how to get everyone back into their reality."
she buried her face in her hands and started to cry quietly.

Gabriel climbed onto the bed and sat beside her, laying an arm around the woman and pulled her to his chest.

"Shush, dear. I promise to find a way. But it's certainly not good for you or the baby if you get all worked up like that. I know, I am a stranger to you, and most likely not the slightest bit like the Gabriel you know, but I still remember very well how Emilie felt when we found out, she couldn't get pregnant the regular way. There is nothing that could make me act in any way ending in harming either of you."

Nathalie sniffled, then looked up and smiled at him softly.

"You are very similar to 'my' Gabriel. Too bad that you and 'your' Nathalie never got that far. Maybe you would have changed already if you did." She whispered.

Now, the tall man blushed. With a quirk of her left eyebrow, the pregnant woman made a sound.


Gabriel cleared his throat.

"Well, uhm, there might have been a few occasions when we got a little closer. We, well, it all started with..."

"I don't think I want to know. It feels a little awkward. Don't you think?"

He laughed almost soundlessly through his nose.

"Yeah, you're right. How about breakfast? You're certainly hungry. And even if you're going to tell me that you're not, I won't let you do anything before you ate something!" He then said sternly.

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