Family Nathalie 3

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A/N: @Mlb0Dame this one will have quite some smut later on. 

She returned ten minutes later, carrying two large mugs with coffee and set them down on the low table in the middle of the room.

"Thank you, Nathalie!" Gabriel said, accentuating her name in a much softer tone.

She quirked an eyebrow to that, yet didn't react otherwise.

With a grunt she sat down in an armchair, leaning her head against the backrest and closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before she leaned forward to grab her cup and take a big sip.

Her employer had watched her all the time and eventually dared to ask what was weighing on him since her call.

"What's going on, Nathalie? I didn't come here to bring the work to you, but because I am worried about you. I've noticed how exhausted you've been for weeks already and then you call and tell me you can't come to work because of an emergency in your family. And now, here you were, trying to take a nap on the sofa instead of your own bed, if I put everything together correctly. So please, tell me what happened. Maybe I can be of some help."

Nathalie stared at him with wide eyes, after her jaw had dropped. When she managed to regain control over her voice, she asked.

"Who are you and what have you done to Gabriel Agreste?"

He laughed and scooted along the sofa to get closer to his assistant. Then he reached out and placed his hand on her thigh, right behind her knee. He felt her tense instantly but kept his arm in place.

"Nathalie. We've known each other for ages. I know, I have been a cold-hearted moron for way too long, but maybe you can remember me from back when I wasn't like I was lately." He sighed. "I'm sorry for everything I did that hurt you. But I am not here to apologise but to find out what's going on in your life and why you look more tired when you arrive at work than when you leave."

Out of nowhere the usually emotionless, controlled woman buried her face in her hands and broke into tears. Gabriel was shocked. Never before, not even when Emilie had died, had his assistant and close friend shown as much emotions as she did just now. He quickly closed the last gap between them and pulled her into his arms. Nathalie tried to fight him at first but eventually gave in and leaned against his shoulder.

They stayed like this for some time until she suddenly noticed her boss moving away from her and felt already ashamed and disappointed at once. But he didn't let go of her, he just made some room next to him to get them into a more comfortable position.

"Isn't that better?" He asked tenderly.

The young woman nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I don't know what came over me. I... I think I should..."

She didn't finish her sentence but tried to pull away and get up. The still concerned man didn't let her and whispered softly.

"Nathalie, please. Talk to me."

She inhaled deeply and repositioned herself then relaxed into his embrace and started to tell him about her sister and how she lived her life and treated her children.

Gabriel listened for a while and as she was done he was furious.

"I can't believe that. Why didn't you talk to me before? At least now I understand why you didn't just move back in with me, when you realised how hard your life was. You felt responsible for your niece's and nephews' wellbeing. But it's not yours, Nathalie. Your sister is the one who should look after them. And if she isn't capable you and your family should have a very serious talk with her and if that won't help, you should call social service or any other authorities. You can't take over her duties and do a full day at the office, dear."

Nathalie straightened herself and took another gulp of her coffee, then responded.

"If only it was that simple, Gabriel. She's my sister. It would break my parents' hearts if their grandchildren were taken away from their daughter. My mum's health isn't the best, yet she still goes to work. So does my dad. They can't help Charlotte with the children. I know, she should take care of them herself, but she, sorry for the choice of words, sucks at caring for others."

The designer chuckled. Then he got serious again and asked her.

"The children are still in your room, am I right? Would you show me their beds? I'd like to see for myself how severe the situation is."

Nathalie was reluctant.

"I'd prefer to not let you see that. I feel embarrassed to even be in the situation. Even if it was my sister's fault, I am ashamed of the state of these children's environment. We should have noticed that much sooner." She admitted.

But Gabriel insisted.

"I know that you're not to blame, dear. And I am very certain that we can do something against the actual state if we work together. Remember all the different beds, Adrien had over the years? They all are stilled stored in the mansion. It's only a matter of a couple of hours to get them here and set up. Or we could just order new ones. It's not as if baby and toddler beds were that expensive. What do you say? Do you accept my help?"

Now his assistant shook her head vigorously.

"I will show you and I am very thankful for the kind offer. But Charlotte needs to learn some responsibility one day. If everytime she screwed up somebody takes care of everything, she'll never change her habits. I would rather see her clean those beds or replace them herself. If her children aren't worth the effort, I will finally admit that you were correct when you said we should inform authorities. Not because I don't want to deal with it. But because her children, especially the two older ones, can see and feel that she doesn't care. Come, but try to be quiet. Their room is right next to mine and I really would prefer if at least the boys would sleep a little longer. I don't mind the baby. She's just adorable."

Nathalie's eyes sparkled as she spoke about her niece and Gabriel who had never seen this expression on his assistant's face beamed at her widely. Placing a hand on the small of her back, he made her get up and followed her into the hallway and then up the stairs.

After seeing not only the state of the infants' beds but also of their clothes and toys and the remaining bedroom, Nathalie felt even worse than before. Gabriel gulped heavily to not shout his anger out loud. He had felt bad for neglecting his son, yet he had 'just' avoided to look at him, while he had taken care that he had everything he needed. This was just... He grabbed Nathalie's hand and pulled her out of the room, slamming the door shut, not even caring if he would wake one or all of the children.

The young woman gave him a furious glare, and was about to scold him, but he was quicker and whisper-yelled.

"Go and pack your things, Nathalie. Now. Do those children have car seats? Yes? Good. After you got your things, you'll out them into theirs seats and we'll take them to the mansion with us. There we can set up a room for the boys and if you wanted you could take the baby into yours. If not, she'll get a room of her own."

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