The New Intern - Part 2

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They parted their lips only to gasp for air. Gabriel beamed at his assistant widely, then teased her.

"Just imagine, darling, if you hadn't pushed me away all of the time, we could have felt like this for years already. What do you think? Still up for that wine? Or would you rather come upstairs with me and we continue this in a more cosy and private place?"

Nathalie closed her eyes and leaned against him.

"I don't know. I honestly am really hungry. But I also would like the other option." She sighed deeply.

The grey haired man pulled her against her chest and whispered.

"I've got an idea. How about I'll go into the cellar and get us some wine while you order something to be delivered, and then we meet in the kitchen and wait for the food to take into your or my room with us. Would you like that?"

"Hm," came her response. "What would you say if we went upstairs and worked up an appetite and then did as we planned before? Because," she snaked her arms around his neck, "I would really like to see where this is going."

"Oh? Really? How's that? I'll just lift you up, and..." He was interrupted by her squeals when he picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the stairs.

"Gabriel!" She shrieked. "You'll kill us both on those marble stairs!"

He laughed and objected.

"This isn't the first time I am carrying you up those steps. You weren't as scared back then, love!"

Nathalie scoffed.

"That was five years ago, I was at least a stone lighter due to being hurt from the miraculous. We've both gotten older, Gabe!"

"Oh, yeah? I am very certain that I am still capable of that. Would you please be so kind as to trust me at least a little?" He gave back rather snappy.

The woman looked at him guiltily, then gave in.

"I'm sorry. But if you trip and we both fall, I will remind you of it every single day for the rest of my life!"

That made him smirk.

"I'd like that. The part where you mentioned the rest of your life, I mean. I'd really love to spend the rest of our lives together. Only if you wanted that too, dear!"

"Gabriel, what... what are you trying to tell me?"

He smirked but shook his head.

"Wait until we're not on the stairs anymore. I don't want to risk anything!"

"So you're admitting that you struggle with..."

"Just shut up! No need to rub it in!" He squeezed through gritted teeth.

Chuckling, Nathalie held on tighter to his shoulders, a subtle attempt to make it easier for him to carry her. Gabriel was grunting and panting when he finally reached the door to Nathalie's bedroom and opened it with his elbow.

With a sigh of relief, he laid her onto her bed, letting go a little too early, and with another squeal, Nathalie clang on to his neck and pulled him down with her.

He groaned like an old man as he fell and made the assistant laugh.

"Will you now finally admit that you overestimated yourself?" She mocked him.

"Let's find out if you will still think that, after we..." Gabriel hummed seductively against her ear while his hands wandered down to the hem of her shirt and took a firm hold of the red fabric. "Only if you allow me, of course."

"Well... How else could I possibly find out where this is going and if it will be as sensational and amazing as I always imagined it to be?" She replied.

He chuckled over her cocky answer, and with very slow movements, he pushed it upwards until he could see the dark, shiny fabric of her bra at the very edge. He paused and took a deep breath.

"I honestly love the colour, darling. This deep purple suits you incredibly well. It always did. The contrast between the blue and this, I already adored you as Mayura, love."

"Did you really? You always denied it when I asked you about it."

"Could we maybe stop the teasing and mocking? It's kinda ruining the mood."

"You're right, sorry for that. It's just... I gave up on the idea of 'us' ages ago. And then... then you all of a sudden start to kiss me, I mean, really kiss me, not the way we did before. And now everything feels new and exciting, and it makes me nervous and scared. Yet, at the same time, I feel overly happy, and I have no idea how to handle all my emotions and feelings. You know that I am bad at opening up or showing how I truly feel." Nathalie tried to explain.

"I love you, Nathalie Sancoeur. I love you so very much. There is no need to be scared. I love you, and I want you, and I always will. That's what I was talking about when I was carrying you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not just as friends. I want to kiss you and spoil you and make love to you every single day. You are one hell of a woman, Nath. You're the one!"

"Fuck!" Was all she gushed out, before taking control and flipping them both over, straddling him as he was lying on his back and lifting up both arms so he could finish what he had started and take off her shirt. As she did, she could feel him harden underneath her, and her immediate reaction was feral. Letting out a deep moan, when his swollen member rubbed along her most sensitive parts, she pushed strongly down with her lower half. As she started to grind on his big, throbbing erection, the man between her soft yet well toned thighs closed his eyes and let out a loud groan.

"Are you trying to make me spill everything into my pants before we even got started, love?" He gasped. Throwing her turtleneck shirt to the floor, he let his hands wander over her soft, slightly tanned skin, along her back to her hips, then further to the button of her usual work pants.

"Oh no! Before I let you do that, I want to see some bare skin too."

And with that, she began to open the buttons of his dress shirt one after the other, her lady parts cringing in agonising anticipation, as she revealed more and more of his shaved, well toned chest.
Leaning forward, she opened the last one, just as her lips met with his skin. The sensation her very light touch caused made him not only squirm but also grab her by her buttocks and press her firmly against his manhood.

"Ah!" Nathalie cried out in bliss. "I can't wait to feel you inside. Your..." She sheepishly glanced down to the bulging pants. "...feels so hard and big. I..." She threw her head back into her neck and mewled. Gabriel had thrusted upwards and purposefully hit her little hypersensitive bundle of nerves.

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