Chapter 1 - Berries

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Warnings: cursing
Word count: 929 ( shorter than the rest of the chapters I intend to upload .)


She sat on a rock above the water, watching her mother glide her shimmering tail over the surface. She'd always secretly wished for one. To belong to the shoal that lived in mermaid lagoon just as her mother did; she tried her best not to think of her heritage that way, and instead just watch the water splashing on the shore line.
It was a warm autumn afternoon in Neverland, although the seasons themselves changed when they desired, never according to a clock that anyone could track. On the island that time stood still it could be summer one day and winter the next and you wouldn't know one from the other. Despite the frozen state of Neverland's clocks, the weather always kept the mermaids on their toes - or more accurately, their fins - so that whenever a freak rainstorm broke the calm skies they had to dive beneath the rocks to hide from the downpour. Aurora herself, without at tail,but still the power to swim and hold her breath far longer than any normal human, could usually find a little pocket to hide from such storms as well.
"Aurora?" Called her mother from the water, bringing the girl out of her thoughts, "can you go get some of those blue berries? The bushes just the other side of those trees should be baring them."
Aurora nodded at the woman, and slipped - bare feet first - off the side of the rock she'd been perched on.
She smiled as she stood at the edge of the forest. As much as she had always tried to hide it from her beady-eyed mother, she lived for this part of every week. The mermaid with no tail ventured mere metres into the jungle around her, but that was enough to satisfy her need for something more, something exciting.

Six, seven, eight and nine. That was nine berries for now, and there were many more on the upper bushes.
Aurora perched on the tips of her toes, reaching for them. She felt her white Cotten dress stretch around her waist, fearing that it may even rip. Finally, her slender fingers closed around the berry at the very top of the bush, and she pulled it from its plinth. That was when she heard a rustle from behind. The girl whipped her head around to meet the sound. There was nothing there. Her breathing was still ragged and she clutched the berries so hard that she was scared that some of them may have been squashed. Watching the spot intensely, the one that lead deeper into the jungle, she backed away and walked briskly back into the clearing that she called home.
Seeing the lagoon once more felt comforting, but it was paired with a sense of uneasy, a tiny voice at the back of her mind. It told her that perhaps she should've followed the rustling sound far deeper into the woodland beyond. Then, things would've been different.


"I told you to be discreet Felix." Pan murmured. His hands were spread out over the desk in his tent, and Felix stood looming in the doorway, like a bad omen. "If you believe, that the lovely mermaids of the lagoon have a human helping them collect food, and I tell you to find out what the fuck is going on on my island Felix," he approached the boy standing in the entrance with slow, considered paces, "i expect a level of discreetness that would leave you unseen by this person."
Felix spoke up for the first time, "yes Pan, I'm sorry.".
"Get out Felix." Pan murmured, his back turned to his second in command. The leader quickly reconsidered this:
"Actually Felix, can you give me a description of this human, something concrete. So i know what to look for." Felix turned sheepishly back to look at his leader and, he hoped, his friend.
"Uhh, it was a girl Pan. Wore this long Cotten dress, with a green belt around the middle, and she didn't have any shoes on, walked bare foot she did. Her skin was certainly darker than ours, but that's to be expected from a mermaid, for all the time they spend out in the sun, isn't it Pan?"
The boy nodded back to Felix, expecting him to continue.
"Something was different though. It was her hair. The rest of the mermaids are blonde, practically whitewashed. Her hair was a rich, dark brown, almost black. And when the light hit it, well it shined red Pan. Red." The boy finished with speechless admiration.
"Carefully Felix," Pan tutted "You cannot become distracted by her...enticing looks, you have no idea what she may be capable of."
With that, Felix left Pan to his thoughts.
He doubted this young woman would be capable of much, although the way Felix described her, that he could not get out of his head. People with magic are drawn to each other, like lonely lighthouses blinking in a vast ocean of nothing. If she was a magical being, how had she managed to hide herself from Peter all this time? It was an impossibility. Perhaps, she was magically protected, or perhaps it was as simple as the fact that she hadn't fled far enough into the Neverland's forests for him to sense her magic.
But then again, he could always just ask her, once she was standing in front of him. A sight than Pan could already feel himself craving.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now