Chapter 10 - Enchanted

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Warnings: very light smut
Word count: 1810


"I've been busy Aurora." Pan said quietly, once they were inside.
"Tell me what's making you so busy Pan, please." Aurora implored, her eyes searching his face for any hint of vulnerability. He did not show her any. He couldn't.
"Aurora I don't want you involved."
"I don't care Pan, what if I could help?"
Pan was silent at her words, so she walked towards the boy imploring, but stopped a few inches before his chest. God why did he want her to keep going?
"You said I was your assest Pan, so use me." His eyes visibly darkened at the unintentionally lusty words coming out of her mouth. Aurora's slitted lids widened. He liked that look on her.
"Fine" he said, through gritted teeth.
"I'm playing a game, with Killian Jones. He is one of the Pirates that came on the ship. The rest well, they died or were killed in varyingly gruesome circumstances." Her expression didn't change at his violent words, and he feared how living with lost boys may be effecting her. "He is looking for something. Something on my island. Everything on my island belongs to me Aurora, so here is the game: He knows that I know, he is here to search for something, and vice versa, but the pull of our strategic ability should decide who wins our little battle. I am following him, So he will not go straight to the location of this artefact, but he cannot lead me on a wild chase forever Aurora. It's a simple case of who will crack first." He finished, letting out a deep sigh. It felt satisfying to tell her his troubles. Another weakness.
"You love games Pan, why hasn't this one got you reeling?" Aurora questioned.
"Because his moves are driving me insane. He has started south west, to the far end of the island. Nothing is down there but barren lands of forest and beach. The boys I sent to watch him, they say he has just stopped. He rests in a clearing and has been for almost 3 nights now." This all came out in a burst of worry, he couldn't stop now. Aurora seemed to go into herself for a moment.
"Have you got a map?" Peter guided the girl quickly to his table, where a map of Neverland was spread out. "Can you show me where the Pirates landed in the first place?"
"Why would that matter?" He retorted.
"Please Pan." He grumbled and eventually placed his finger in a small alcove on the north easterly side of the island.
"Have you still got eyes on it?" She continued.
"I sent a magical apparition to watch it, 3 days ago. It came back the day after I sent it, and told me the pirate ship had not moved, and no one was onboard to move it." Peter disclosed. He was shocked the girl didn't look more surprised at the mention of his Shadow. When in Neverland - he supposed she must've been used to magic, after so long.
"Well what if there was?" She interrupted his thoughts.
"What if there was someone to move the ship. You don't have currents on this map, but I've swam round it with the shoal to get food enough times to know them well. Currents are strong in an easterly direction on the north side of the island. However, on the east side of the island that means currents flow out and around the headland in a south easterly direction." Since when could this girl read a map like that? Through his suspicions, Pan found himself impressed. Aurora didn't stop there. "This Killian character, perhaps he somehow got a message, or a silent signal of some kind, to one of his men hiding in the jungle where your apparition did not find him. The signal would be his sign to bring the ship past the headland, to the southernly side of the island, before turning west to meet Killian. The ship could take him far out of your view and then back into the island to the location of this 'artefact' you speak of. Because of the storms, most of Neverland's waters are swathed in fog. Any of your lost boys wouldn't be able to see him until the ship was less than a mile off shore." She finished, looking at Pan with what could only be described as a triumphant grin.
"Fuck." He muttered under his breath, running his tongue round the inside of his mouth. "Well that love, is quite an impressive theory."
"Theory?" The girl turned and her eyes trailed up from his chest all the way up to his eyes.
"Yes I'll have to explore it thoroughly." What Peter was saying was perfectly innocent, but he still let a signature smirk perk up the edge of his mouth.
"Now," she murmured, "will you please relax a little? Enjoy our success on rebuilding your camp hm?"
He allowed his shoulders drop, letting his guard down. "You want me to relax Aurora?" Slowly, Pan wrapped a gentle arm around Aurora waist. He felt the air change. Her breath filled his senses.
"And how should I do that my love? Could me relax?"
Her next move was the most sudden action she had made and it suprised Pan, when she leaned up and ran her mouth of his cheek. His heart threatened to burst from his chest and his eyelids fluttered for he was sure that he must be dreaming. Why was she intent on torturing him like this? Pan wanted nothing more than to but her in his position. Begging for his touch and screaming for mercy.
He smiled against her perfect, rosy lips. They were so close now.
"Have you enchanted me, Aurora?"
The near-mermaid giggled under her breath. The sound infuriated him, but he could've bathed in it and never gotten bored.
"I'm afraid I was never taught, as I am not a true mermaid, so I won't be of any use to you on the 'seducing your enemies' front. But..." she traced a single finger all the way down his chest "...that isn't why you're asking me, is it Pan?" . He let the silence hang in the tent between them, you could have cut the tension with a butter knife. "You think I've enchanted you into falling for me? Oh Pan, if you're attracted to me, you've done that all by yourself.".
That was the only words Pan needed to send him crashing over the edge of sanity. He grabbed her hand to steady it on his chest. He was holding her so tightly that Peter was sure Aurora could feel his erratic heart beat. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes wide with wonder.
"Aurora?" He murmured onto her reddened cheek
"Call me Peter." Her nod was all the permission he needed.
He smashed his lips onto her soft ones, and her hunger was so apparent in every movement she made.
Clutching desperately to his shirt, they spun until her back was pressed against the tent pole. As soon as he had her in this position, Peter let out a groan into her mouth. His vibrations travelled down to her core.


He drew away from her stopping to stare into the pits of her eyes, right to her very soul. God, why did he have to stop? She thought.
"If you're so eager for me to continue just say so love." He murmured quietly. His words made her stop. She hadn't said that to him. Aurora was sure Pan could see her panic, for the his eyes turned another shade of concerned. Then it all came out in a flurry:
"How did you do that? I didn't say that out loud, how did you know I wanted you to continue Peter how?" Pan's shoulders collapsed, and a weary sigh burst forth from his mouth.
"I'm sorry love. Sometimes in fits of passion, it happens without me noticing." Peter said. He looked embarrassed. The girl had never seen him like this. It made her more nervous than when he was angry.
"What happens?" She asked, but he was silent. "Peter? Can you read my mind?"
"Not all the time." He gasped out, like she was making an accusation. Aurora stayed silent, hoping to hear more. The boy in front of her relented:
"I've had the ability as part of my magic for a long time, and it is under exercised, my fault entirely. It's less mind reading than you'd think. I can tell when someone is lying. But when I am..." he chose his words carefully, "... impassioned, or enraged even, it amplifies and tells me things as if they have been said out loud for all to hear."
Pan had stepped away from her during this little speech, so she stepped forward until their foreheads were touching.
"Moments of passions huh?" His low chuckle at her words broke the silence. "If this is deemed a moment of passion, I hate to think what will happen when you fuck me, Peter Pan?" The look he gave her screamed a warning, but the temptation to carry on was just too great. "You will be able to understand my..." her hands found his hair and she gently ran her fingers through. "...Deepest, darkest desires."
The tether snapped. He pushed her hard against the post, tilting her chin with the hand that wasn't holding her body tight to his own.
"Oh I assure you Aurora, when I'm fucking you, I will already know your deepest, darkest desire." He quickly fulfilled her wish from early, kissing her harshly again. Passion was passing between their lips like a river between two great cities. It made her shiver to feel him like this. The shivers, they travelled up her spine, all the way to her mouth and they forced her to gasp. Aurora's noises granted him entrance to that pretty mouth of hers, and he assaulted it with his tongue. His warmth mingled with hers in the hot air of the tent.
Aurora broke first. She gasped, letting her breath fan over Peter's features. She was still pressed so hard to his chest that she could barely breathe and his hand dug bruises into her waist. She loved that feeling. Pan's other hand was still glued to her chin, forcing it up to meet the mischievous green glint in his eyes.
"Did I satisfy you my darling?" He grinned a deadly grin.
"For now." Aurora was matching his grin.
"Well that's good." He murmured
"Because later you will no longer be satisfied, and then I can do it again."
she could barely respond, so she groaned instead. "Oh, and when just a kiss from me can no longer satisfy those desires, I'll make you scream my name.". Aurora couldn't hold back, diving into the feel his soft lips again.
The game they were playing, just became far more dangerous.

( a map is referenced in this chapter, at some point I will sketch out 'my' Neverland and attach it to the story so if anyone's mental geography leaves a little to be desired, you still understand what Aurora is saying.)

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