Chapter 11 - Deceit

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Warnings: none
Word count: 2363


"Pan!" Felix pushed the tent flaps apart and stormed in. The pair jumped apart like the two poles of a magnet. It hadn't been his intention, but he heard a small grunt from Aurora as her hips hit the desk and he couldn't help but let out a short snort.
"Felix, what did I say about entering unannounced?" Pan put on a stern tone. His second in command split his gaze between him and a sheepish looking Aurora, who hadn't looked up from her toes since her run in with Peter's desk.
"Uhh yes sorry Pan," Felix couldn't  seem to draw his eyes from Aurora, so Pan gave a gentle wave in front of Felix's unfocused eyes.
"Felix? Why are you in here?" He finally  found his eyes back on Pan.
"Oh yes uh right, it's one of the boys. Tommy came back from patrol, on the east side of the island. He says that he thought he saw movement on the pirate's ship. But he can't be sure."
Pan didn't reply at first, but he shared a quick glance with Aurora. She looked smug, and he tried to hide the pride from his eyes.
"Right then," Pan strode past Aurora, and then Felix. The light blinded his eyes compared to the darkness of his tent, but he did not let it stop him. He marched to the centre of his camp.
"Come on boys! Let's play."
The cheers that answered him were far louder than the ones he had heard early when Pan announced tonight's celebration. Out the corner of his eye, he could see a confused Aurora looking up at him. "There has been a slight change of plans...Toby, Devin, Finn! Have you left yet?" He yelled this into the crowd of boys, unable to identify them by the top of their heads. A voice called back:
"Not yet Pan, just getting ready!" Devin hollered across to Peter.
"Good. Don't go, Devin; You're coming with us. Toby and Finn, go to the west-side forests to collect firewood. You all still deserve a celebration after all!" There was a combination of nods, smiles and whooping at that.
"But for now, we are going for a hunt!" The boys left their gaggle, running to all corners of the camp to collect weapons of varying shapes and sizes. To his surprise, Aurora was about to follow them. He caught her by her shoulder, and stopped the girl immediately.
"You're not going. You can stay here, or collect firewood with Toby and Finn." He said quietly from behind her. The girl turned furiously, not exactly matching Pan's calm demeanour.
"What? I thought you were using me now Peter? You said I was an asset." He smiled, a proper smile, at her mouth using his real name. "Peter?" God there she goes again.
"Listen, I want you to be useful around here love, but you're not trained in weaponry yet, and that little dagger of yours hardly counts. I don't let Toby or Finn play this game either you know, and you far exceed them in importance." He smirked down at her, hoping the compliment would satisfy her. It did not.
"I could still help! Please Pan." She returned, perhaps she thought that the term of respect would convince him. It did not.
"You stay here, or you collect firewood, your choice." With that, he strode away from her. He had to remove himself from her dominating presence before he caved to that look in her eyes.

"Any idea what we are about to walk into?" Pan walked to Felix's side.
"Well I can tell you there is no way we could be outnumbered. The patrols could've missed one dirty pirate hiding in a bush, but 20? I highly doubt it." Pan nodded at his friend's deduction. He wanted to say more, but there were too many people watching. So he grabbed Felix. He yelled out, suprised by Pan's sudden action. Before his sound could draw attention, he pulled Felix behind one of the tents.
"Aurora." Pan murmured.
"Pan what are you doing?" Felix was grumbling.
"I needed to talk to you in private." He quickly explained. "Aurora guessed that this was Killian's plan. She suggested that he could signal to someone left on the ship, and then this final pirate could move the ship round to the south end of the island to pick up Jones and move him to the location of this treasure. How could she have just guessed something like that Felix?" Pan let his suspicions tumble out of him.
"You think she's a mole? Or a spy. If that's true, then why would she tell us Killian's plan?" Felix looked alarmed by Pan's accusation.
"Perhaps this isn't his plan, maybe she is leading us on a wild goose chase?" He theorised.
"That doesn't make any sense, the girl has been on Neverland long before the pirates came back." Pan wasn't convinced by Felix's words. A silence hung between the two boys. Felix wanted to say something, but he was holding back, Pan could sense it.
"Just say it Felix." Pan groaned.
"You kissed her didn't you?" Felix whispered, and Pan's heart rate spiked at the memory. How could he have let himself do that without considering all his options first?
"What has that got to do with this?"
"Can you not remember what you felt, when it happened? Did you read her mind Pan?" Felix said impatiently. Pan shot him a warning glare, reminding him who was in charge here.
"Not intentionally, but yes, yes I did."
"Well then, lying is a strong emotion, and deceit - in my experience - is always the emotion you seem to sense first. Would I be right?" Felix fumbled over his words. His knowledge of magic was not perfect, but he'd watched Pan figure it out for many days and nights now.
"Yes that is true. Nothing is stronger than the feeling of lying, and the fear of being caught." He conceded.
"Is that what you felt when you..." Felix trailed off, obviously not wanting to continue for sheer embarrassment.
"No. She was, craving something. Excitement. But nothing is concrete with mind reading.". Despite his remaining scepticisms, Felix's words had calmed his racing mind.
"Well that should be enough evidence to not throw the girl out should it not?"
"Yes Felix, it will do." This felt like the general conclusion to their conversation, but Felix wanted to say more, Pan could still feel the tension.
"Felix just say it, or I won't hesitate to take you off this little hunting mission."
So he finally broke their silence.
"Are you going to continue to...with Aurora?" Uncertainty was rife behind his words.
"Felix," Pan murmured, locking eyes with the taller boy, "I couldn't stop now if it was all I wanted."

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now