Chapter 16 - Leave

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Warnings: emotional scenes, very light smut
Word count: 2533


"I'm so glad you have finally returned, oh leaving you was my biggest mistake I-" why was he still talking? She felt the colour draining out of her cheeks, and the shades seemed to drag out to the world around her, leaving it monotone. Peter became a distant blur, and the blue ocean and swirling grey mass. Hook stood at the centre - the cause of draining joy. He carried on: "you can come with me now daughter oh I am sorry I ever left." He pleaded, hands outstretched and walking towards her sullen form.
"What did you say?" It was barely a whisper that left her lips, but enough to stop him dead.
"Well you can come away with me now. God I don't even know your name, but you surely cannot want to stay with him eh?" Hook said, gesturing to Peter. "He's a bloody demon!"
She finally spoke:
"You think," oh her voice was so quiet, but it spoke mountains.
"I would leave what i have found - the lost boys - god if they will even take me back now, for you? A man who forgot me, with murderous mer-folk? You are no father to me, just a man who lacked the morals or guts to take his disgusting hybrid daughter to safety." her rage overtook her now, eyes wild and temper soaring.
"Do you know how much pain you could have saved me?" She was quieter now, but somehow more dangerous. Hook took a wary step back, for his daughter held a dagger, outstretched in her fury-shaken hands.
"They tried to kill me! And you expect me to love you like a doting daughter? Stay the fuck away from me Hook."
On her final words, she raised her knife to strike him, but the familiar feeling of Peter's breath on her neck stopped her. His hand closed tightly around her wrist, stopping all movement.
"Aurora," Pan murmured, her anger couldn't be calmed. "If you don't relax, our powers will repel off eachother, and this could be a lot worse."
"What could be a lot worse?"
The floor swept itself out from under her. Waves of sickness hit her, the first knocked her back and the second pushed her under. Aurora could taste her own thoughts. The calm in this storm was Peter's strong arms; she clung to them.
They were gone. So was the ship, so was the sky and the ocean and Hook. Replacing this open landscape was the dull, tight tent interior.
A third wave of nausea swept her back, and she clung to edge of the basin for support ( and for fear that she might bring up her lunch.). The girl's head swirled with confusion. Could Pan teleport? That fucking demon was going to answer for this.
Hoping that walking and rage would help the sickness subside, she stormed for the tent exit.
The exit had other ideas. the air had been thickened, to the point where she practically bounced off of it. She tried again: pushing the tip of her finger through, before the resistance became too much and it was propelled her back again. Helplessness was eating her up inside to out, "Pan!" She screamed, but was expecting no response. Despite that she tried again and again and again. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she could no longer put a reason to each tear as it fell - it was all just water now.


Aurora had had to be removed. She was volatile, and unpredictable in a state like that. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the thought of her alone and crying - for he could hear it in his mind - distracting him from the task at hand.
If Pan believed in any god above, he would have thanked them for blessing their teleportation. Peter was all too sure that Aurora had some great power, perhaps one she herself was not aware of. If their two spirits had clashed during a teleportation of that distance, he could've lost her.
"Pan! Where did you take my daughter?" Hook hollered, bringing Peter out of his anxiety. How dare he talk like that? Even Pan knew Aurora belonged to no one - not even him. The King of Neverland drew his sword.
"She is not your daughter, and I will take her where I please," Pan smirked, "she is on my island after all.".
"Pan, I am not here to kill you. Just let me be." Hook sighed.
"What are you here to retrieve Jones? do tell me." Mused Peter. Hook was silent, a lovely change from usual. "Fine, if you won't tell me, I'm afraid these lovely new men of yours will just have to go, and I'll have you take me to the treasure myself. It's time boys!" Peter yelled these last words, he signal for the lost boys crouching in wait to join him in on ship, and the others to pelt across the beach to assist. Their swords would taste blood

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now