Chapter 15 - Family Portrait

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Warnings: mild injury detail 
Word count: 2529


Brunches tore at his skull and hair, ruffling it further, but he paid it no attention, for Aurora was tearing ahead of him. The girls maroon hair whipped behind her just inches from his face, the ends occasionally tickled his nose. As soon as she had heard his scream Aurora had set off running. Pan, now panting to catch up with the girl, could feel heat on his cheeks and vibrations running down his legs. They burst into the clearing. Aurora shuddered to a shaky stop. Over her shoulder, Pan could see a man he had never seen before, clasping a blade. A mere two more steps into the scene, and he saw why Aurora had stopped. Finn was there.
Peter whipped his hand across the air, a blast of magic threw the pirate against a tree. Aurora was on the move again, and by Finn's limp side once Pan had his dagger to the pirate's neck.
"Try to move another fucking inch, and I won't use magic to tear your limbs out of your body, I'll use this knife so your screams are more real, Pirate." Pan said through gritted teeth.
Much to Pan's dismay due to her disregard for her own safety, Aurora had payed little attention to the man with knife, and all her heed to the injured boy now lying at her feet.
He was propped against a tree. A slow, oozing trickle of blood ran from Finn's forehead to his chin.
"Finn! Can you hear me?" Aurora cried, and Pan didn't need to turn his head from his prisoner to know she was crying.  Finn and Aurora had grown close over the past few weeks, Finn was growing up away from the prejudiced nature of the outside world, and had not let any of the older boy's opinion's influence how he saw Aurora. Children, Pan thought, are the only true readers of minds. Finn had seen honesty in Aurora and she had seen another person to be curious about.
Finn had never been the best knife wielder, and Aurora's skill with a blade spoke for itself - as he watched her slice a chunk from her dress to use as a cloth. So Aurora had given Finn pointers on the more domestic uses of a knife, evidently thinking it wrong to teach a 5 year old to use a weapon.
"Pan he is breathing." Aurora gasped. "I'm afraid I'll be of little help with human injury, but I've stitched up some macerated tails in my time, so I can give it a go." She rambled on, continuing to shake Finn's petite shoulders.
"You can stich?" Pan finally turned from the Pirate.
"Never stitched skin before, only scales." She murmured.
Pan turned back to the pirate: "This magic is holding you here, try to escape whilst I turn my back and I'll hang you from your mast until your eyes are budging from your skull, understand?" The pirate didn't speak, but only gave a meek nod. Peter knelt beside the girl. She was crying. Not actively of course, she had a job to do, and Peter was not sure she was even aware that she was weeping. He extended a finger. Pan had touched her before of course, but this felt, more poignant. The tip of his finger connected with her cheek, and wiped off a single tear. Aurora turned her gaze to him for mere seconds and their eyes met.
"He'll be okay, Aurora."
"I'll make sure of that." She said, returning to her work.
Gently, she took the piece of cloth that had once made up her skirt, and smoothed it out. There was a small babbling stream by Finn's body, and Aurora dipped it in and out in a fast succession. In the same movement, the makeshift bandage was wrapped against the wound in the side of his temple. His eyelids fluttered.
"Finn! Finn can you hear me?"
"Aurora?" Finn said blearily. Pan released a breath he hadn't realised he was holding, he looked down on the waking lost boy.
"There was a pirate!" Finn shook himself in alarm.
"Finn it's okay! Pan took care of him, he is over there, bound by magic to that tree." She paused, turning to Pan, "oh so when you said magic, you meant real magic?"
"Aurora is this really time?" Pan whispered from the side of his mouth, irritated but slightly amused by the girl's sudden realisation. Aurora hadn't seen him do real magic until just then, and too caught up with Finn, the half mermaid had barely noticed.
"Right yes sorry. Finn, when we get back to the camp I must see to your head."
"We can't go back to the camp just yet love. We have to find the others. Finn can you tell me which group you were part of?"
"Lay off the poor kid Pan!" Aurora cried indignantly, "he's got a head injury."
"No it's okay, I was part of the group heading east with Felix. But I...I can't remember how I-" The boys started to panic, there was a confused look behind his eyes, and breathing turned quickly ragged. He was concussed.
Aurora began to calm him:
"It's okay, you've had a bump to your head - obviously something to do with the pirate yes?" The boy nodded "sometimes when you get a little bump your memories all get a bit jumbled. You'll be okay Finn, I promise." Aurora's smile was genuine, but Pan - knowing her tones well now - could hear her doubt.
"We must find the other boys. I think I may have made a dire mistake, Aurora." Pan felt his error already beginning to eat away at him.
"You think there is more Pirate, don't you Peter?" Aurora said quietly.
"Yes, yes I do."

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now