Chapter 17 - Water

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Warnings: Strong language, smut including edging and spanking
Word count: 3343


Peter shifted in the sun's rising light, in an attempt to keep the rays from his eyes. He had almost forgotten who slept next to him, but clearly his body had remembered. Her pretty thighs were pressed against his clothed length and it was getting harder by the second. The delicate touch of her sleeping body against his head was enough to make him let out a groan. Aurora stirred, but did not wake. Pan let out a small sigh and made an attempt to shuffle away from her under the covers, so he could sort out his...problem. She clenched her thighs, so his hardening cock stayed flush between them.
"Are you awake Aurora?" He whispered, but she sighed in response. "If you are awake my love, I suggest you move away from me, or put your mouth where your thighs are and do something about my problem hm?" He snarled against her earlobe. Her thighs Clenched shut. Oh? So she was awake. She rolled over, her eyes were sleepy but full of lust.
"Good morning Peter." She said, attempting to smile an innocent smile. God she could drive him insane so easily. His patience for this teasing of hers bent, then broke, and within seconds he was above her small body, pinning her hands to the bed and pushing his erection between her bare thighs. Whimpering, she tried to dive for his lips.
"Oh? Somebody is eager this morning," he teased, diverting his head so the girl could not reach his mouth. "If you wanted any kind of satisfaction love, then you won't do that again, do you understand?" He murmured against her collar bone. Aurora still writhed underneath him, and to his surprise, a malicious smile crossed her lips. She squeezed her saintly thighs together, pushing the head of his still covered cock up against her underwear. He let out a stifled groan, and all he wanted to do was push into her and cum all around her insides. Oh she was practically begging to be punished with behaviour like that.
He allowed his expression to turn dark, and enjoy the fear that shot into her eyes at this change.
He clicked his fingers and wished, all you needed to do on Neverland was believe, and her clothes were gone. She lay naked and degraded beneath him. "Wrong choice darling."
"Pan I-" she plead desperately, hoping that perhaps using such formal terms of address, would help her avoid punishment. She was wrong.
Peter plunged a finger inside her wet heat, moving at a relentless, unforgiving pace. Her body reacted immediately, back arching and mouth moaning his name like prayer.
She looked so pretty like this. Taking little time, he curled his long fingers, and she gasped as he hit her spot.
"Pan don't stop doing that please!" Aurora squirmed and squealed at his non-stop pounding of her g-spot.
"Are you close already my love? Oh that is pitiful." He cooed, for this wasn't enough - he wanted her ruined.
To that end, he pummelled harder and added a second finger. The girl was so wet now that her pussy was squelching with every thrust.
"Touch my clit Peter please." She begged him for it.
"Good to hear you begging love," he murmured, and fulfilled her request, letting his thumb rub circles over and over the swollen bundle of nerves.
"Peter I'm about to cum-"
He felt her pussy entrance tighten, so withdrew all touch in one swift motion. Aurora continued to squirm, expecting orgasm, but he tightened his grip on her and kept her pinned down.
"Why the fuck would you-" she gasped at him. Oh, perhaps she needed teaching more of a lesson than he'd thought.
"Don't tease me again Aurora. Otherwise I'll have to further your punishment." He whispered in her ear.
"Yes I understand Peter now please let me cum." She moaned at him.
Oh she didn't understand did she?
"Love, don't be silly, that is not how your punishments are going to work. I think I'd like to do more to you now my darling, but I'm going to need your permission." He sat upright, putting on a serious tone. As much as he wanted to do as he pleased with her, Pan required his lover's consent to continue. Sitting upright but still above her, he spoke:
"I'm going to spank you. If you become uncomfortable, just say 'red', do you understand?"
"A safe word?" She said, the thought making her smirk.
"Yes love." Pan answered simply. "Now turn around. On your knees and face up against the pillow." He growled. She was so obedient that it forced more blood into his cock.
He pulled up her dress more to see her olive-skinned round ass facing him. First, he ran a single finger down her slit, to coat it in her wetness, then he knelt close to her ear.
"I want you to count them."
"O-okay..." she stuttered and it sent him mind reeling at the possibilities of how he could take her in the in position.
With a hand still wet from fingering her, he slapped her right cheek once and massaged it in. Her pretty little moans filled the tent.
"Aurora I said count them." Pan spat down at her.
"...1." She gasped.
"Good girl." And he spanked her again.
"2." She whimpered. Pan was so glad to see she was getting the hang of it. He rubbed the red mark gently, but couldn't help himself - slapping her once on each cheek.
"3, mmany more, please?" She groaned but the wetness leaking from her pussy showed her enjoyment clear as day.
"Just 5 today my love." He cooed in a soothing tone, and smacked her again.
"Ohh 5!" She collapsed on the bed in a moaning mess of herself. Her pussy was still drenched and Pan's eyes were glued to it.
"Good girl." The boy hissed. He had remembered how much she'd enjoyed that the first time. When she spoke, it was desperate and shaky:
"C...can I come now..." he could hear her thinking of any way to get him to obliege his command, "sir?"
"Oh?" He felt himself hardening further at the submissive term of address. With one hand, he continued to pump the cock, and the other he turned her back to her front. He stopped his pumping. "As much as that would be a fantastic start to my morning, I have important business to attend to."
In defeat, Aurora collapsed to the side of the bed. Peter swung his legs gently over the side to look down at her tentatively. It seemed strange to talk business so quick after what they had just done, but Pan could not offered to get distracted again.
"You know I need to find Hook, I mean uhh your..." Pan began to stutter, now unsure how to talk about his sworn enemy. Hatred welled inside him and bubbled maliciously. How could Aurora be the one who made this feeling go away, when she was the spawn of it's causation? Neverland had played a cruel trick with his emotions. She turned around, pulling up her underwear and pulling down her dress. Aurora stared up at him curiously.
"Call him Hook." Aurora murmured quietly. "Call him Hook and treat him no differently. No matter how much you despise this man, oh I can assure you," She paused, looking up to meet his eyes. They were dark. "I despise him so much more."
Peter was stunned to silence, she just continued to smile maliciously. "Peter," she placed a gentle hand to his face, "I want to drive a sword into his chest and straight through the other side. He could be my flesh and blood, or simply a man with a heart of gold and it would still be my only wish to watch the light flicker from his eyes." She said, pupils gleaming, full of violence. It was now the only view he ever wanted to admire.
"Oh Aurora, you are going to be..." he leaned in and connected his lips to her temple, "...Beautiful."

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now