Chapter 13 - The Joker

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Warnings: Oral sex
Word count: 3251


Darkness had clutched the island in its clammy fingers, but the fire the boys had built did its best to keep the night's hands at bay. The flames danced higher, waltzing into the tree line and playing among the leaves. One might say they danced to music, but Pan new better than to believe in such foolish forms of fantasy. From the other side of the enormous towering flames, Pan could see Aurora roasting a small vole or some other creature at the edge of the fire. In her free hand and between her teeth, were 3 more sticks with small woodland creatures spiked on them. From the heat of the fire, the olive skin of her face was flushed petal pink, and her hair - somehow more red in the firelight - was fluttering in the gentle night breeze. Saints how did she still look like an oil-painting? Her body was leant away from the fire that flickers in the reflection of her brown irises. The  flames jumped and Aurora sot backwards. She was scared. Why of course she was, how could Pan have been so stupid? This girl had lived in water her entire life - perhaps she had only heard stories of fire and it's mysterious and dangerous ways.
Very slowly, without drawing his eyes from Aurora, he took his panpipes from where they sat on his belt. Gently, he brought them to his lips. Her eyes inched upwards as she stood from her place by the fire. They locked with Peter's in a dance where neither of them touched, but if felt as though they were clinging to one another's bodies, and they never wanted to let go. Peter began to play. A song their eyes could dance to. Some of the boys who had been perched on the side logs, stood to laugh or dance, the warmth of the fire heating their bones. But Peter was playing for Aurora.
A commotion by the old elm tree broke the tranquil scene. Pan's music stopped abruptly, and his eyes travelled to Aurora for the source of the noise. Although it was not her who had yelled out, her eyes told Pan where to look. The cage was rocking, the pirate was awake. If Peter Pan believed in gods, he would have prayed. Prayed that Aurora's novice building skills would stand up to a pirate's rocking.
"Pan, he's awake!" Called Tommy, confirming Peter's suspicions. He stood ever so calmly from his seat by the fire, despite the chaos of afraid boys around him. In times a crisis, a leader must be seen indestructible, meaning he must remain calm when others were panicked. He took vast strides across the camp of the lost boys, to stand in the darkness and flickering shadows, by the front of the cage. This pirate was feisty. His arms were thrashing as he made vain attempts to break from the confines of his cage. Peter allowed his glance to stray for mere moments to his right. Aurora was watching from beside the fire, her features were moving in an eerie manner due to the flames. Why did she have to make him feel so helpless without even uttering a word?
Aurora began to approach the commotion but he sent her a warning glance, and she stopped before reaching the old elm tree. The pirates racket drew his gaze from her, he was yelling now. Yelling his name.
"Pan! Let me talk to Peter Pan." The boys parted. All faces turned to their leader like flowers twisting to the sun. The boy himself felt his heart beat quicken, banging against his chest, although he did not let it show on his face. This was not fear. Excitement was cursing his wicked heart to beat faster. What could this pirate possibly need to tell him that it plagued his waking thoughts?
"I must speak to Pan!" The pirate grunted and pushed at the cage bars, although Pan wasn't sure whether he wanted to get free, or simply parlé with the Devil himself.
"You wanted to see me?" Peter smirked, a malicious one.
"Yes! Yes Pan, you must not trust her, she is his disgusting creature and you must not help her! She is to die." This man's voice was rugged, his eyes were bright and wide.
"What did you say?" Murmured Pan, a single eyebrow cocking.
"She should be thrown from you as he threw her from him!" He continued to rave. Pan didn't answer his cries, but instead turned to Aurora and quickly said: "Aurora go wait in my tent."
"But-" she began to argue.
"Don't answer back Aurora love. Wait for me in the tent." He warned the girl with a coo. It could easily have been a trick of the firelight, but something on her face screamed enjoyment from his dominant words. Oh he was going to enjoy dealing with that. As he turned away from her, he could just about hear her feet crunching in the leaves across the camp.
"You speak of her, yes?" He asked the man in the cage calmly.
"Oh she was 18 years ago almost to the day now, and she will belong but never see again the ocean and to him."
The pirate babbled on. This knock to the head must have driven him round the bend, or perhaps he was already mad, you can never be sure with pirates. Was he warning Pan about Aurora? If so, why the fuck would he warn the enemy about Hook's plot, to let Aurora spy? No that couldn't be right. Aurora had not lied, Pan was sure of that now. 'She belongs to him.'. That is what this man had said.
"What did you mean she belongs to him? Belongs to whom?" Pan queried him urgently. Then, finally, the man said something that Pan would understand:
"He considers himself ace but falls below jacks and cannot help but make a deal with the joker."
The other lost boys did not flinch at his words, but Pan did. To them, it was nothing more than the babbling of an insane pirate and Pan hoped that he had acted casual enough for them to believe this. But to Peter well, it had told him everything he needed to know. The lost boys could not find out. They would never understand.
"Felix." Pan murmured into the darkness behind the elm, where he was sure his second in command was lurking.
"Do I recall you telling me that you had isolated that Medalian Corapolius plant, so that it could be used as a sleeping draft?" Pan smiled darkly, but did not take his eyes off the cage.
"Oh yes Pan." Felix's eyes were almost equally dark.
"Then fetch it. And make sure our guest gets a good night's sleep." Peter finished, without glancing at another soul, he made his way across the camp, and into the warm light of his tent.
If Felix or another lost boy were to turn their head in that direction, they could have seen Peter and Aurora's bodies, standing inches from eachother mere moments after Peter entered the tent, their shadows annunciated by firelight.

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