Chapter 14 - Power

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Warnings: oral sex
Word count: 2705


Screaming. Cries in morning light. Cold but not from wind, from absence.
Peter's warm hands were no longer wrapped around her shivering stomach, but were most likely too busy torturing the owner of that scream to keep her warm.
That Pirate had given him all that Peter had desired. And for that, his body now lay - most likely - on the outskirts of the camp, ready to be dragged through rows of trees back to his Captain.  Aurora felt very little remorse, her heart, like her body, in the brisk morning air, was cold to it. In a place as ruthless and unforgiving as Neverland, you must match its own deadliness for any faint hope of survival.
Aurora had survived. Oh she had done much more than that. Thoughts of last night raced into her mind and bound around inside it, paying little heed to her racing brain. She could still taste his cum, feel him in her fingers, touching her breasts and perked nipples. Last night she had been far too tired to think much of it after, but now the thought of bringing him such pleasures caused her pussy to flutter.
Pan was the sort of man that payback could never be demanded from, but she craved to feel his tongue in her. Perhaps he would even obliege her new addiction. Aurora could almost hear him say, only if you beg, sweetheart.
Within moments she was up. Pulling the straps of her dress up higher, and moving to the basin, to wash the sleep from her eyes. Someone beat her to it. Pan burst through to flaps of the tent, most likely forgetting her presence all together. Raising her hand to cough, the girl stopped dead. Blood was splattered up the side of his sleek jawline, and over his arms. How did he still look so fetching covered in the blood of a pirate? Pan turned his back to her, scooping water from the stone basin and lathering his arms, scraping his fingernails over his skin like the fine tooth's of a comb.
"You know if you're going to kill a man Peter, you may want to choose a method that causes less mess - you know - to save us water?" Aurora's words made her presence known, and he spun, the usual smirk from her wit wiped from his face. "Is something wrong?" Her face turned a darker shade of concerned.
"Aurora! Have you been outside yet?" Returned Pan in a panicked tone.
"I was woken up by screaming this morning, but we are on Neverland so I thought very little of it." Her jibe fell short, and a silence hung in the air like a bouquet of flowers above her own funeral casket - Solemn and unmoving.  "Did you kill the Pirate?" Aurora's somber tone broke the tent's silence.
"He was of more use to me dead than alive. His body is with Hook and he has no reason to come looking for the camp now." Pan said, with a triumphant edge to his voice.
"Good." She mumbled, and she let a smile onto her lips as well. The pirate's death did not fill her up with sorrow, but neither did she feel happy. She should be happy, that is what Pan wanted of her.
"You do not have to pretend to be happy about it Aurora. It is perfectly natural and in fact rather attractive to have a heart." He told her, as he gently approached from the other side of the tent.
"I don't feel sorry for him Peter. But why didn't you want hook in the camp, you never did say?" She asked, gazing up at his full height leaning against the tent pole in front of her. His expression of attraction fell.
"Oh well if he came to the camp then he could not guide me to the treasure he is evidently after, and of course I have the upper hand." The girl threw him an inquisitive smirk, so he elaborated: "I have his exact location through my lost ones at any time, and he, is completely clueless to mine. He will be left isolated." He said maliciously, a glint of emerald green in his usually dull eyes.
"Exactly where you want him yes?" The girl carefully approached her leader, wanting to hear more of his plot. The excitement it brought could be matched by none but Pan.
"Yes Aurora love, but I need to tell you-"
"Pan! He's moving fast," Felix flew into the tent as uncontrolled as a bird on unsteady wings. Pan turned on Felix almost immediately, cocking a single interested eyebrow. "The sentimental bastard took half the morning burying his pirate friend, before making a bee-line for the ship. I assume he intends to make a strong-hold of it now he knows that he is well out numbered. 
Pan's next words were so deeply decisive, she felt sure of victory, and the idea made her insides whirl.
"Then come on boys!" He charged outside and Aurora soon followed, boys flocked like sheep from every side of the camp, praying for the next words to be the ones they craved.
"It's time for fresh Pirate blood!"  Pan yelled those words and the boys were drove to insanity. Weapons were brandished, shoulders were slapped and screams rang out through to forests of Neverland. Aurora turned to Pan, hoping, praying.

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