Chapter 19 - Missing

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Warnings: none
Word count: 1594


The King of Neverland had never slept so well, never felt so satisfied, as he did that night. After falling to her side in an intense orgasm, Peter had gently helped her back into her underwear. The boy refused to let her wear that dress of hers in bed though. It had been a short conversation. Aurora was his now, and Pan wanted her naked in his tent, no one else's. Besides, the dress was filthy and sand-worn from her altercation at the beach. Peter Pan had kissed her goodnight, lips pressed to her forehead and hand wrapped gently around her naked waist. Of all the touches his lips had made to her skin that night, this one had been his favourite.
He was a leader, and Pan knew his mind should be focused on the task at hand. On seeking pirate survivors and most importantly the illusive Jones. But his thoughts strayed back to her. Her skin, her lips, her eyes and hair, her perfect mind. Every piece of his energy seemed drained by the infinite depth of her. Peter wanted to take all that deep water into his lungs and simply drown in Aurora. The idea sounded so peaceful.
Turning over very gently in the sunlight, he prayed that the shift of weight on the mattress didn't wake the sleeping girl on his left, but Aurora had once told him of her terrible sleeping habits. So as Pan turned to look back at her, so did she, blinking in the morning rays.
"I hoped you wouldn't wake up." He smirked down to her as he tossed a shirt over his head.
"So you could sneak away again hm?" Aurora retorted sleepily. Peter said nothing to this for a moment. Jones was still running loose on his island. After him and Aurora had left the beach in a rush yesterday, well, their fugitive pirate could have sought his treasure. Although the ships had been wrecked in the storm, Killian seemed desperate enough to find his loot and swim to safety.
"Aurora, I have to understand what that inscription on the map meant. 'mined in the mind's depths', could it be more criptic than that?" He said, sighing and running a tired hand over his forehead and eyes. Last night had been the perfect release for him, and fucking her was something the King of Neverland had been wanting out of his system for far too long now. It did not seem to have helped. Taking Aurora like that had just made him need more of it. Perhaps if he opened up to her, just a lit bit more, it couldn't hurt him any more than this already had.
"I have someone I can speak with. Well not exactly a someone. It has been here as long as I have, but contains knowledge far beyond mine. It could help us understand this riddle"
With that, Aurora shot up in the bed, flinging her legs over the side .
"What do you mean 'it'?" She asked him, but Pan's gaze had already strayed to the map on his desk. "Pan? Is it the  'Magical Apparition' you mentioned before?"
Peter swivelled slightly away from his desk to approach her position, perched on the edge of the bed. With one hand either side of her body, and lips suddenly very close to her own, he whispered:
"I've told you before, you call me Peter."
Aurora's incessant questions were overwhelming this early in the morning, so he drew away from her and bile rose in his bobbing throat.
"Get dressed love, you'll find out soon enough." The boy mumbled as he turned, throwing the tent flaps open. He was met with a terrible sight.


Aurora had been expecting him to storm away at the earliest opportunity. But when he reached just outside the tent, Pan halted, blocking out the light from the morning sun. Commotion was constant in Neverland, and early in the morning, it was to be expected. The usual bustle of the lost boys camp however, had given way into what Aurora could only describe as full-scale pandemonium.
Shouting and the sound of feet thumping on earth was filling the air. Slipping her dress over her head as she moved to the exit, Aurora slid out next to Pan and into the clearing.
Boys darted left and right on heavy feet, compacting earth beneath their make-shift boots. Yells of panic and confusion chorused like an angered flock of song-birds who'd forgotten the melody. The chaos, despite its erratically nature, seemed to have a small speck of reason - it was a search.
Boys overturned every inch of the camp with frantic hands, feet thumping over a thin lining of leaves which coated the forest floor. Some seemed to be preparing for more than a search, sheathing deadly shining weapons into holsters until their bodies were heavy with the weight of silver. And, like a lighthouse in a churning ocean, Peter stood at the camp's centre - unmoving.
At first, his whispers were so quiet, so dangerous, that they were only audible to her: "Would someone tell me," he began. Then his voice grew, "what the fuck is going on!".
Birds fled from the tops of trees. Weapons clanged against the forest floor as if that were the last noise they'd ever make. Every boy had halted where they stood and Aurora felt her throat dry for fear of uttering another syllable.
"Pan," Devin began in a voice coated in fear. Peter's face was contorted into a viscous smirk as he stalked towards the boy; Aurora chastised herself for enjoying the expression of power. The boy continued despite the intimidating movement, "we did not know what else to do, you were asleep and well we didn't want to disturb you with it-"
"Just spit it out Devin!" Seethed Peter Pan.
"He came in the night. He took Finn."
Aurora felt her heart sink into her stomach and hold her there, like a weighty stone. A boy to her right's eyes trailed over his feet in the corner of her vision. Dread hung heavy in the air and every boy seemed to have breathed it in. The initial thrill of the hunt, the weapon gathering that was happening before her and Pan had come to the scene seemed to have worn off. All that was left instilled fear into their frail bodies.
*that bastard will pay for what he has done.*Aurora felt her heart harden. The girl recalled what her mother had said her once - Good men doing bad things for the 'greater good' are worse than villains, for they do not understand the lengths their emotion can take them to. Captain Jones was a good man, but he couldn't take one of Pan's own - one of **her** own - and believe he would get away with his innards still in the right place.
"Next time Devin," Peter's voice brought her from her trance, "you do not act without my permission, although your promptness is commended, do not forget who leads this camp. Don't believe you are going to escape," Pan was practically shaking with rage now, looming above Devin, "without being reprimanded."
Aurora stepped forward, hand out-stretched to remind Peter of the real task at hand here - Finn was missing.
"Pet-" she began, but stopped herself, "I mean, Pan."
But all he did was shrug her hand away, refusing her unspoken warning and staring daggers in Devin. After what felt like a lifetime in that tension-filled clearing, The King of Neverland drew from his subject to address his second in command, leant against the oak tree and watching the events play out:
"Felix, did our pirate visitor leave anything behind, as well as taking one of our own?" Peter questioned.
"He left us a note, but I don't understand what it means." Felix replied darkly.
"Right then, go about your normal duties boys. Felix with me, we will discuss a strategy." Pan hollered to every boy in the clearing. There was murmuring amongst the ranks - disagreement like Aurora had never seen.
The corner of Pan's mouth twitched into a grimace, "If any one of you has a problem with that, you can also follow Felix into my tent, but don't assume you will ever come out of it."
The whispers stopped.
With that, The boy turned on his heels and marched back to his tent, not needing to turn to know that Felix had pushed himself from the trunk of the enormous oak to follow.
Without thinking, Aurora reached out to grab his bicep - she would not be left in the dark, not again. For the first time since they'd stepped outside, Peter Pan cast his eyes down to her own. Leaning from that height, so only she could hear him against the shell of her ear he whispered: "If you have a problem with my ruthless leadership, then I suggest you leave now."
Aurora smirked up at her emerald-eyed lover.
"Who said I had a problem with it?" Not breaking eye contact, she bowed into a graceful curtesy, "Long live The King of Neverland."
Pan's eyes darkened and his mouth broke into a smile that matched her own. "That's my girl," he murmured as a red blush blessed her cheeks. With a flick of his head she was following him and Felix into Pan's tent, leaving the lost boys to stare dumbfounded, before carrying on with their respective duties, more out of fear than loyalty.

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