Chapter 18 - Touch

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Warnings: mild violence, sexual intercourse
Word count: 3743


"Aurora!" His voice was hoarse from screaming her name, but it seemed only the forest could hear him.
"Leave it Pan," Felix murmured, "you know what she is now, and the filthy girl has probably run off with her father the first chance she got. Let's just find them and have them take us to the treasure, like you always planned." He said, gaining confidence throughout as Peter didn't move a muscle, or even turn to face his second in command. Birds called high up in the treetops - singing birds on Neverland created a far more sinister screech when it echoed in the caves and cliffs of the North.
"Say that again." Peter Pan breathed, seething behind his eyes.
Felix called to him from a few feet away. "Pan?"
The very unfamiliar feeling of Felix's neck skin beneath his blade suddenly filled his every sense with a far more well-known sensation - hunger for violence.
Peter did not remember turning around or drawing his weapon. All he could remember was needing to draw out Felix's filthy words with blood. Anger shook his hand at the boy's throat and he began to wonder if cutting his voice box into chunks would finally shut him up.
"Felix," he uttered with quiet rage, "I think it is important that you understand who is in charge here. I will always hold the knife, if it cuts your throat well..." Pan let out a sinister chuckle "...that is no fault of mine."
Felix's throat bobbed beneath the blade of his sword and he shook in any attempt to keep back from it.
"No I dare you to say it again." Peter continued to seethe with the mere of idea of Felix speaking about her, "Come on! So confident a second ago Felix, where has it all gone?"
Peter pushed down with his thumb, and the tip of the blade drew a single drop of blood from him. Felix flinched, and his expression contorted in slowly growing pain.
"Pan" he said, now barely a whisper, "I am sorry for my... insubordination. it will not happen again."
The leader almost didn't hear him, too wrapped up in the ideas racing around his mind, of pushing the knife deeper until it broke through the skin and reached his bony spine. He had never hurt Felix like this before and the only one capable of making him want to, was Aurora. Weakness again at her hand. But whilst his knife was pressed into Felix's throat skin, he did not feel weak, he felt empowered by the joy of it. Punishing him for speaking badly about her was thrilling. The pride of it coursed Pan's  veins.
"I'm glad you're are sorry Felix." He withdrew the knife and the feeling faded, "because making you sorry was becoming a rather attractive prospect."
Felix collapsed against the trunk of a tree, grasping with sweating fingers at the sullied skin on his neck. His distress didn't faze Peter, who turned away and faced North.
A high voice rang in the jungle. He didn't catch the words, but it was her, he knew it was her. Shout again Aurora,  I need your words.
His heart thumped so loud that Pan feared he may lose her voice in the sound. All he could hear was Felix's heavy breathing and birds screeching above their heads.
"Pan! I'm here!"

Felix and Pan broke out of the tree-line and stumbled on thick sand. The leader of their duo had not been expecting the terrain change, and his feet stuttered on it.
Aurora stared out to sea. The westerly winds were blowing her usually pristine hair, so that it whipped about her face. It reminded Pan of flags flying in high winds, atop mighty mast poles, or waves tumbling over one another in an attempt to get free of the ocean that bound them.
Her locks were not waves. They were auburn red with flecks of gold catching light on the tips. Aurora's white-stained dress blew the same way, but when his eyes trailed down her form, they were met with a far more sinister sight than just billowing fabric.
"Felix, leave us. Gather the lost boys ready for a hunt. We need food. If you come across a pirate on your travels alert me, but don't be afraid to get violent before I arrive." Pan murmured this without turning.
"But Pan-"
"Just go Felix."
Peter felt his presence depart, slinking back into the trees. He approached her, but she did not turn.
"Aurora," he stalked towards her figure on the shoreline carefully. Still she remained facing the sea, but when her voice graced the beach air, Pan was thankful for it.
"He found me. But that, I think, is what I wanted to happen." She said flatly.
Pan was now mere inches from her turned back. Gently, he wrapped a hand around the sinister object in her left. Aurora was holding a knife. Pressing his front to her back, he clasped her hand and made an attempt to pry the knife out of her fingers.
"Aurora you can't just find our enemy without consulting me, especially after yester-"
"I know what he seeks." She monotoned.
Peter Pan stopped. He halted his progress in attempting to pick the knife from her finger tips. As well as the hand that had slunk its way around her waist - it withdrew.
"You...know?" He paused, not sure what to ask yet. He decided to take it slowly. "How?"
She finally turned to face him. Her eyes were watering slightly, but Pan was sure it was just the wind.
"He trusts me." She said simply, and then scoffed, "that was his first mistake."
"Aurora, I want you to drop the knife."
Aurora would not hurt him, Peter was sure of that, but something about her in that moment screamed danger. The knife fell. There was no clink when it hit the sand, just an unsatisfying thump.
"I'm not here to betray you Peter. If that is what you're worried about." She murmured.
"How can he trust you with information like that when he knows you're working for me?"
She smirked and it seemed to set off sparks inside of him despite their current situation. "I'm working  for you now hm?"
"Well I am the mastermind sweetheart, I'm the one with all the plans, I think 'working with me' may be an understatement of my power don't you think?" He cocked his head to the side and realised how close their lips were now he had tilted his mouth.
"Well step aside, Peter Pan." She said triumphantly.
"If you're not here to betray me, then why does he trust you?"
"I am his daughter, so we cut a deal." She ran her saintly fingers up his arm and Pan so nearly caved. Almost as soon as they had come, her fingers were gone. Aurora sauntered past him to talk more. "All he wanted to know was my name. The filthy pirate said it was all he could think about, the 'not knowing' was killing the poor man. In return, he would tell me what he sought and why, but not where it was hidden." She finished.
Peter couldn't hide it, he was impressed by her negotiating skills and tried desperately to push aside the fact that he hadn't been there to protect her.
"I'm actually shocked, you pull a good bargain Aurora. And?"
She sauntered back to her lover once more, obviously delighting in driving him insane.
"Water?" What in the whole of fucking Neverland was she talking about? Peter thought.
Aurora continued by reciting part of a riddle to him. An ancient riddle, one he hadn't heard in a very long time and one he was only beginning to understand. Then she recited the second part.
"Pan," Aurora faced him head on now, trying to catch his eyes so filled with wondering, he almost had no room for her. Eventually, their eyes locked. "That second part, does it mean what I I feel it means?" She whispered. Her expression was filled with confusion and hope.
"Yes Aurora, I believe it does. Somehow, and I don't exactly know how yet, but somehow, the only way Hook is ever going to get his hands on the healing water, is by using you."
The ocean stopped tossing. The wind stopped moving through the tree-line, so the branches could cease their incessant rustles. The birds no longer chirped but fell silent to allow nature itself to pick up an ear and listen in. In the mind of the two lovers standing on the beach, they could have been anywhere and silence still would have reigned supreme. Their thoughts themselves called for quiet, for a moment of peace, contemplation. When Pan finally spoke, he felt as though it was wrong, as if he was breaking some unspoken pact he couldn't quite remember forming.
"Aurora, I want, no I need you to know that I will burn Neverland to the ground before I let that man lay a hand on you. I don't care that he is your father, he will not get the chance."  She opened her mouth the speak but he silenced her: "You can say that you do not need protection, and I don't care because I am not offering you any. This isn't an offer, it's a decree. If he tries to use you, I'll light the match, and everything you see here will go up in flames. Not because 'without you it means nothing', or 'because life isn't worth it without my love.' , not any of that. I don't do or say things like that and I will not apologise for it. No, I will do it because you deserve better. If I cannot give you better, then I will make it better. "
He had no time to think, but he didn't want any because he had meant every word. That was a terrifying feeling.
Aurora was pushing her lips onto his. Gripping his shirt and moving his body to respond. In the space between their harsh touches, he managed to wrap his head around the memory of where they were. A beach was no place to do this.
"Hold on." He whispered against her lips.
"What are you-" Her words were cut of by an involuntarily scream. Beach dropped below them and was swiftly replaced with an unstable tent floor. The surface hardened. It was obviously not quick enough for Aurora, for he soon felt her presence leave his arms.
"Aurora?" Pan called out. The world solidified and he needn't have asked for her. The girl was bent over the sink groaning and holding her stomach.
"Ugh god! You could have warned me Peter." The girl whined.
"Yes but that was far more fun." He said, smirking.
"If I wasn't about to throw-up I'd be hitting you right now." She laughed despite herself. If he could have held that laugh in his palm then Peter never would have opened his hand again for fear that he'd lose hold of such a precious thing.
But all he did was murmur: "Watch it love."
"Will I ever get used to it?" She asked, finishing her job over by the sink and sauntering towards him on unsteady legs.
"It's taken my entire life. So yes I suppose you will." He chuckled to himself. The nausea was still present in her movements and it made her stumble. Pan caught her. Why did the feeling of touching the bare skin on her arms still shoot and flutter in his stomach when he had done it a hundred times before? Perhaps this time was different. Inch by inch he was leaning in, wanting her lips wrapped over his like they had been on the beach, craving to be tangled in her arms once more instead of talking.
"Will I really be here for a thousand years? And a thousand years after that, and after that?" She queried and looked up at him.
"Time doesn't move here Aurora my love. There are no years, or months or days, those are just fairytales from the outside world." He whispered almost against her lips now, a small smile forming.
"Do ever wonder what they feel like? Days and months I mean. I've always liked to imagine they were thrilling, having a fresh beginning, being able to renew and start again." She pondered aloud to him.
"Do you want to be thrilled?" He asked, and her eyes lit up with excitement.
"Peter, I live for it. You of all people should understand that yes?"
"Then stop talking and let me kiss you."
Finally closing the distance between Aurora and his craving lips.
Early evening light graced the skies above the lost one's camp. Pan had sent boys to go find any stragglers of the shipwreck, but they had long since returned fruitless. Some part of that Pan enjoyed. The thought of Felix getting the glory of finding Hook now was simply unacceptable. In addition, the new information given to him by the beautiful woman standing before him required further... calculations, before he made his next move.

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