Chapter 7 - Stolen Smiles

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Warnings: Sexual innuendo
Word count: 1808


"You're making a habit of this." Aurora drooled sleepily. She sat up slowly in his cot, wiping the sleep from her hazel eyes. She didn't know how long she had slept, and to be perfectly honest, she didn't care. The sleep Aurora had managed to grasp was well deserved.
"Making a habit of what?"
"Being around when I wake up. You better be careful, somebody might start to think you have sinister intentions."
"Oh i can assure you love," he leaned in oh so close to her angelic, sleepy face "my intentions are always sinister.".
"I suggest that you remove your face from my face if you'd like to keep it in its...pristine condition." she murmured with drowsy abandon. To her, she was still in the dream world, where her words had no consequence.
"I'd be far more careful with your next words than you were with those one's sweetheart.". Peter's slender frame now came more clearly into view in front of her sleep-dusted eyes. He was leaning against the support pole of the tent, one eyebrow half raised in disdain for the girl in front of him. There was something else there, behind his eyes, Aurora thought. Ruthlessness. A love of it. Her mind screamed run but everything else in her body made her stay sitting in front of him.
"What did you do to Calliope, Pan?" She whispered, to herself more than a question to him.
"That, is none of your concern. There is only room for one individual with murderous intent on this island. And..." he approached her, never breaking eye contact "I don't like liars who betray pretty young women like you."
"Is that your way of telling me you won't betray me Pan? Because I'm sorry to say, it isn't very convincing."
Pan let out a slow, inhuman laugh that made her skin crawl, and she hated how much she loved the feeling.
Aurora sat up in Pan's cot fully, and began to push herself off the side of the bed. As soon as she was ready, it would act as her spring board. Feeling Pan's eyes boring into the top of her head, the girl didn't dare to look up. She catapulted for the door. Past Pan and so nearly to freedom. His hands closed over Aurora's wrist, pulling her sharply back to his chest.
"Where do you think you're going darling? I-" the whisperings at her earlobe stopped abruptly. "Aurora, is that my shirt?"
"Well" Aurora swallowed her saliva, "my clothes were wet and I didn't want to get your bed uhh, equally soggy.".
His eyes sparkled like he'd just heard something far more exciting than 'soggy beds'.
"Aurora of Mermaid Lagoon doesn't want to get Peter Pan's bed all wet. Tongues will wag" he gave her a lively smirk. Oh Aurora couldn't resist this one. She could feel blood flowing through her body and the beat of her heart, it gave her the confidence to revel in Pan's vulgar words.
"Oh trust me Pan, all I want to do is drench your bed sheets in my wetness, if only you'd give me the chance.".


A triumphant smirk spread over the girl's usually angelic face, and her eyes lit up with lust that matched his own.
His hand had found her waist and Pan was gripping it through his stolen shirt. Aurora's hands drew circles gently on his collar bone, and their breath was as intertwined as their bodies.
He groaned out her name, not knowing what else to do. Her smell overwhelmed his every sense.

"Pan!" A voice that wasn't Aurora's, brought Pan out of her chestnut eyes - back to reality.
"Pan!" Felix yelled again from outside of the tent.
The boy shook his head, and desperately tried to escape Aurora's gaze. Reluctantly, Pan's hands dropped to his sides, balling into fists once more.
"Uh, where is your dress? Did you hang it up to dry?" He had turned his body from her now, and if Peter didn't know better, he might say the girl looked disappointed at losing his touch.
"Yes, yes. It's over there on that hook." Aurora replied, gesturing to the left side of the tent. Peter flicked his wrist at it, and any residual water evaporated.
"How did you-" Her look of exasperation was interrupted by another shout from the outside. This time Devin was calling for Peter. He couldn't stay in here much longer. 'Tongues will wag.'
Pan put his back to Aurora completely, moving the tent flap to the side. He stopped.
"Oh and Aurora?" Pan sensed her eyes staring up at the back of his head,
"Be a good girl and get dressed for me.".

"Felix, Devin. We have a guest. I believe you both already met Aurora." Pan said matter-of-factly.
"Why the fuck is she staying here Pan? What use is she to us?" Devin's volume was far too high for Pan's liking.
"I suggest you watch your tone Devin," Pan was coiled, ready to pounce if he said another word. "In fact, I don't think you should be involved in this discussion, do you Felix?" He taunted the younger lad, turning to look at his second on command.
"Oh no Pan. I don't think he is mature enough." Felix mused.
"To your duties, Devin." finished Pan.
Devin stalked off, pushing through a crowd of younger boys, throwing the sword he'd been carrying over his right shoulder as he walked.
Felix was the first the speak: "Pan, I trust your judgment, but our enemies are with us on the island as we speak. It may not be the best time to take in a new Lost one, or indeed our first female."
Pan took a moment to grasp onto his options. He should tell Felix, he concluded.
"Do not tell anyone of my suspicions Felix, but I believe Aurora may be of great use to us," he continued in a hushed tone, so the girl in question did not overhear. "I was drawn to her. The moment I saw her. Power draws to power like..." he fumbled for the words, "like wasps swarming to sweet jam. I believe she could be of the upmost help to us against the pirates. In return, we can provide her a safe haven from her family and the pirates. She has lived a sheltered existence Felix. Aurora wouldn't survive a day in my forest, although she seems intent on trying. This girl craves adrenaline, I can smell it off her."
Pan grinned at the final phrase, and Felix returned his malicious smile.
The lady herself now interrupted their conversation, by exiting the tent behind Pan. She looked as fresh as she had mere days ago, when Pan met her for the first time.


Aurora had used the small stone basin in Pan's tent to clean her face and arms of the specks mud. she had done a similar thing to her disheveled hair, making an attempt to wrangle it with Pan's wooden comb. After last night's storm the dress she wore was no longer a pristine white, but slightly yellowed. Like it had aged 20 years in one night. Aurora felt cold like she never had before that day, and despite the sun after the storm, canopies of trees high above obscured most of its rays. For this reason, before putting her belt on top, she'd once again donned Pan's shirt over her now cream-coloured dress, to keep out the chilling breeze.
The girl was shockingly aware of the stares she was given from both Pan and the other lost boys. It was like they'd never seen a woman before, she thought. They had never seen a woman before. Aurora would be lying if she said she wasn't equally disoriented. The only men she had ever been near were mer-men, none of whom really took interest in the malformed land girl.
A sick feeling overtook her body. That must be what her family thought of her. What else could possibly bring them to think up such a horrible plot?
Wanting to distract herself from these wicked thoughts, she turned her attention to Pan. This only succeeded in replacing her wicked thoughts with ones of a slightly different nature, although equally wicked. She was overtaken by the memory of his hand on the skin of her hips.
"I want to help Pan. Give me something to do, please." Aurora begged him.
"Well that's the first time I've had somebody pleading for work." Aurora watched as Pan surveyed his camp, looking for something to take Aurora's mind away from the fate her family had devised for her. "You can help those boys reassemble the cages, some of them was badly broken in last night's gale."
Pan was gesturing to the far left hand-side of the camp. Where, from the branches of an enormous elm, hung two cages. They were formed using planks of drift word, tied together tightly with vines and strung high above the camp. As a constant reminder of their leader's ruthlessness, every time they cast their eyes to the sky, she thought.
"What are the cages for?" Aurora regretted questioning Pan the moment the words left her mouth. He stalked towards her, placing both hands behind his back. Slowly he leant down so his mouth was level with the shorter girl's earlobe: "It is where I'll put you, if you don't do as I say.". His hot breath left her ear before she was even aware of what had happened. Unfortunately, not before she became shockingly conscious of the pink blush spreading over her cheeks. What was the matter with her?
Pan's body had been obscuring her view, when he moved back from her shaken form, she could see Felix. His hands were balled into fists, eyes fixed and the ground.
As soon as Felix felt Aurora's eyes on him, the boy did his best to disguise his reaction.
"Okay boys!" Pan shouted, "Our guest will be made to feel at home, but that doesn't mean she won't be pulling her weight. Toby, Alister?". Two younger boys who had been tasked with rebuilding the cages looked up from their work. "Aurora will be helping you rebuild the cages, and if either you try to lay a finger on our pretty friend, then you will be rebuilding those cages for yourselves.". Upon complementing the girl, Pan turned back to look at her. she gave him a friendly smirk and a small eye roll to signal his words had been appreciated.
'Careful Aurora', she could hear her mother's voice, so unwanted in the back of her head. 'He is far too dangerous to be passing stolen smiles with. Men like him don't ask for what they want. They will take it'.

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