Chapter 6 - Silver

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Warnings: sexual innuendo
Word count: 1827


Pan dropped the shawl into her arms from the height at which he'd been holding it out of her reach. As quickly as she could manage, Aurora wrapped the shawl around her shoulders to cover her breasts. Pan's voice caused the girl to look up:
"I'm almost disappointed that you took the deal." He said in an amused tone.
"One of them was going to kill me." She blurted out.
Pan raised a singular eyebrow, and his face turned sour.
"What did you just say?".
Aurora didn't bother to repeat herself. She knew Pan had heard her. Trying not to meet his gaze, she noticed the boy's clenched fist at his side.
"Aurora. What was the name of this mermaid?"
"Don't play with me now darling you will sorely regret it." His eyes burned with passion, "what was her name?"
His expression shook fear through her body, and she relented.
"Good girl."
He seemed to pause after this, grasping a moment to think, then he moved on her quickly. "The camp is 30 paces in that direction, go straight and you can't miss it. Once you reach it, just scream and someone will come and deal with you. Now - "
"Deal with me?"
"Yes, if they try to put you in a cage just ask for Felix, he'll know who you who you are." he continued, but Aurora could barely concentrate with the way his slim fingers were lingering on the bare skin of her arms. Through his little monologue Aurora could see he was distracted, most likely by malicious ideas of how he would punish Calliope. The young girl considered how little this realisation phased her, and began to wonder if ,deep down, there was a part of her that shared Pan's ruthlessness.
"Aurora listen, this is important. Get back to the camp and rest, tell Felix I said you could use my tent to sleep. If he argues say the word 'silver', understand?"
"Why 'silver'?" She queried him.
"It's our code word, it just means 'do as I say now and I will explain later.'.".
She scoffed at that, "charming." Her ridicule was cut short by a long finger lifting her chin. She met Pan's eyes and they sent shiver's through her entire body. Aurora didn't think it was the cold.
"Concentrate darling, I may test you when I get back. Now be a good girl and do as I've told you to." He cooed.
The new nickname was certainly growing on her, and she despised the warm feeling that nestled in her chest when she heard it once more. Shit, had  she smiled? She couldn't remember. Pan seemed to be looking at her with new found cruel glee. The two Neverlanders found themselves close together once more. Breath mingling in the air in front of them. Aurora felt his breath move to her neck, it fanned ever so delicately over her collar bone.
"Do you like it when I call you that, Aurora?" He spoke softly but the vibrations sent shockwaves straight through her. It took her a moment to realise he was waiting for a response, and, not able to speak, she shook her head unconvincingly. "I think you do. Tell you what, darling, I could be moaning that in your ear if you only gave me the chance."
The cocky bastard. She quickly thought better than saying that allowed. Aurora hated how easily Pan could get her riled up, and it was as though he was hardly even trying to.
"Pan" her tone was meant to be a warning, but it came out more like a prayer. This feeble attempt didn't stop him.
"please don't stop". God had she said that out loud? His hands lingered further down, glancing the sides of her waist. Then it all stopped. The loss of his touch and warm breath made Aurora  sway slightly on her feet.
"Be good while I'm gone." His back was to her now, and he disappeared into the jungle before she could think of a reply.


He lost all control of himself. Fuck why was he enjoying himself so much? She had become his new addiction, his new craving and he didn't know how to stop. Pan knew she felt it too. Every time they touched, it was like lava flowing through his usually cold veins and directly into her very soul. Heat like no other, he thought. The bare skin of her collar bone had been mere inches from his lips, and all he had wanted to do was mark it as his own. But he'd restrained himself. Pulled himself back from her. Pan needed to know if this connection was real, or fictitious.
All mermaids could sing like magpies at the rise of the sun, but, like magpies, some had the ability to steal something as they did so. There were tales of the enchanting mermaids that dwelled in the Neverland Lagoons, and their immense ability to lure a passing sailor to his death. Pan had no evidence that Aurora did have this trait, or, even if she did, whether she was aware of it and had used it on Peter, but a part of him wasn't willing to take the chance. What else could it be? Pan had never felt this kind of lust before . It was a weakness. One he was sure that he would give into,  if he got another chance.
Mermaid Lagoon, spread out in front of him. This ought to take his mind off her, Pan smiled to himself.


The camp was the lifeblood of the forest. Boys of a variety of ages roamed everywhere she cast her eyes. Aurora had never seen this many land-dwellers in her life, and the sight of all their...legs was overwhelming. The camp was built in a clearing, over-looked by a canopy of trees which obscured most of the sun's rays. Any morning light that had managed to escape their bony,  finger-like protrusions dappled the moss-carpeted floor with blobs of sunrise. She must have slept through the storm. Pan hadn't found her till early morning then. Anything could have happened to her, and she internally scolded herself for being so vulnerable.
This was the first day of her life when she hadn't been there to see the sun wake up. Aurora felt like she was losing  an old friend she had known for a very long time. The boy's stares broke her away from her mesmerised state.
"Who the fuck are you?" Said one of the eldest looking. She was aware never to trust age on the island where time stood still. He had maroon hair, and skin with the kind of pallor you only gain from a life living in shadow.
"Oi!" A second boy piped up from a few metres away, he was younger and was covering the ears of a tiny boy - he couldn't have been older than five. "Enough with the language, Devin, Finn is right here!" he gestured to the boy at his feet who squeaked out an "I don't mind".
Before Aurora had time to process his movements, this Devin person had a hand on her arm.
"Hey!" His cold clammy hands were dragging her along, and she was scrabbling to gain her balance. It was only then that she became fully aware of how tired she was. All she could think about was dropping her head onto something soft and laying there forever. Without thinking, Aurora pushed her head down and bit Devin's hand.
Instantly his grip was released. The boy recoiled, disgust and a trace of admiration of his pale face.
"Thank you!" She said, giving him an exasperated look.  "Can you get Felix for me please." .
Devin narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "Why should I?".
There stand off was miraculously interrupted by a cloaked figure. By this point a small crowd of boys had formed around her and Devin's altercation, and this lean boy swept through the group with ease. Aurora saw the younger lad from earlier pull little Finn out of his path.
This particular boy towered above her, and despite the cloak that veiled his eyes, the end of a long scar could be seen tracing a path down his cheek.
When he spoke, it took Aurora almost by surprise. His voice had an emotion to it that she wasn't expecting:
"It's you. I knew you'd come here eventually." He muttered.
"Oh yes! Finally, you must be Felix," she continued to blabber when he hadn't moved an inch. "Silver, okay now I've said it, Silver. Can I go to sleep now?" She burst out triumphantly.
He smirked in a way that was almost similar to Pan's, but far less attractive. She chided herself for even thinking of that. There was the small trace of a nod from beneath Felix's hood, and soon after he yelled:
"Okay boys, about your duties!".
Devin groaned, "So I don't get to put her in a cage?"
Felix whipped his head around to face the boy, "Unless you want Pan to rip your heart from your body and bury you in a grave without it, then I suggest you go about your duties.".
"Sorry Felix." Devin said glumly, sloping off to his aforementioned 'duties'.
Felix turned to face her, and as he did so, he removed the cloak masking the rest of his face. "Sorry about that. Pan's tent is this one over here." the lean boy began to stride to one side of the camp. She had been given no instruction to follow, but she did so anyway.
"How did you know me?" She asked sheepishly, expecting a vague answer.
"Well Pan asked me to observe the mermaids, and your little food trips caught our attention." Felix helpful answer surprised her.
"Was it you I heard that day a few weeks ago? You were rustling around in the bushes.".
He gave a single laugh, "Ha, yes that was me."
"Guess you're not too good at your job then." She joked.
"Well I'd been watching you for weeks before that and you didn't hear a thing" he murmured under his breath.
"Hm? This one is his. I'm sure he told you to make yourself at home."
Just before he closed the tent flap to push her under the folds into darkness he half sung, "don't drip all over the floor!" And then the flaps were closed. She removed her dress gently, once she was sure the flaps of the tent were closed. Her eyes landed on Peter's shirt draped over a chair. Aurora was sure he wouldn't mind...
Within seconds Aurora was on the bed, drifting away from Neverland to a far off place in her mind. There, thoughts of Pan's lips finally touching her collarbone could roam as free as the young girl desired, without the constrictions of self-doubt to halt there progress.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now