Chapter 4 - Craving

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Warnings: mild threat
Word count: 1911


Light was trickling into the tent through small cracks between the ground and entrance. The rays slowly crept up Peter's face, dappling his skin with lines of gold among shadows.
Slowly, the boy blinked himself into consciousness, and blearily swung his legs over the side of his cot. The blanket slid down from his broad shoulders, leaving his lightly toned chest bare to the flecks of light filtering into the tent at this hour. Grabbing a shirt from a nearby chair, he haphazardly through it over his head.
That was when he felt the fleeting rays of sunlights disperse in place of shadow. His shadow.
"Did you watch her, like I asked?"
Yes. the word was projected into Peter's head, rather than spoken allowed by the black swarming mass in front of him.
"And did she exhibit any traits in line with magical ability?" He continued.
No. There was a pause in the tent in which Peter considered his options. Quite suddenly, more words flowed through the fore-front of his mind:
Her mother is a mermaid, I believe her name is Fauna. I didn't see any Mermen, but there must be some. The shadow paused momentarily, causing Peter to stand from the edge of the bed and begin to restlessly pace back on forth. The shadow finally continued: The mermaids don't treat her well. I'd go as far as to say that she isn't even safe around them.
Pan's gaze snapped up to meet the shadows piercing purple one,
"And why, would that be any concern of mine? I asked you to watch her to find out if she was magical. I didn't ask for you to be her babysitter! Leave."
And with that the shadow dispersed into the air, like it had never been.
Peter put his head in his hands, wiping the sleep dust out of eyes whilst giving him the dark space he needed to think. Of course he fucking cared. God why did he have to care? She made him feel human and that was too dangerous for Pan, even if she didn't have some magical ability. Before he delved too deeply into this thought, he pushed himself up from his cot and straight out through the entrance of the tent.
Pan was yet to realise how early it was, no other boy on his camp was up yet. The air was cold and dew touched the tips of the grass with cold droplets of water. The grass itself gently swayed in the morning breeze, blowing the droplets onto the mossy soil below.
"Pan!" a voice called, he whipped around, hoping to see a long white dress and dark auburn hair. Instead he saw green clothes, just like his, and a cloak covering a long slender face.
"Pan we think a small group of pirates have started making their way over from the east side of the island!" Felix was running down the bank towards him now, into the camp.
"Do you know how many Felix?" Pan returned calmly.
"Probably 3 or 4" he was out of breath, and managed to get this out between heavy pants. This didn't phase Pan; without his help the pirates wouldn't make it far. But he should warn Aurora, in case she goes out on any food trips and gets an unexpected surprise.
"Thank you Felix. Keep watch, and wake the boys up." Pan didn't even turn to look at Felix as he walked away into the forest. Then he murmured: "Lazy bastards shouldn't be sleeping in.".


She'd been up for hours now. Aurora had always been an early riser, and she loved to watch the sun wake up, fleeing gold over Neverland. This morning though, she obviously wasn't the only one.
"Hey!" The whisper-shout came from in one of the smaller rock pools of mermaid lagoon. "Hey! Aurora, I'm talking to you," it continued.
Aurora crept slowly around the edge of the rock, bare-feet sinking gradually into the sand. Once she'd rounded the rock, the young girl could finally see a green shimmering tail that she'd grown to be wary of.
"Can i help you Calliope?" Aurora sighed, and the mermaid simply flicked her tail.
"Oh Aurora I've got such a craving. If you go get me a small, small stash now, i promise you can have double your usual share after I've handed the rest out to the others, oh please Aurora." The mermaid in front of her looked desperate to say the least, holding her stomach in mock hunger.
Aurora did have to admit, double her usual did sound enticing. "Double you say...?" the girl countered, kneeling herself down next to the mermaid's frame in the water.
"Oh yes."
"Alright then Calliope, but just this once. I'm not usually going to go so early in the morning.". The mermaid twirled in the water and giggled happily.
Aurora was deep into the tree line when her hands strayed absentmindedly to her waist line. Shit she'd forgotten her belt. She turned to walk back and bumped straight into a firm chest, falling to the moss-covered forest floor.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now