Chapter 12 - Carrot on a Stick

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Warnings: mentions of violence and very light smut
Word count: 2415


She lost her footing and so nearly fell. Toes scraped the tree's thin trunk to hold herself in place, and her fingers flung out to her left to grab hold of some foliage for extra support. Despite this quick save, Aurora's heart still jumped into her mouth and then down to her stomach from the sudden movement.
Aurora had bared North when she'd first seen the ocean through the tree line. The girl then cleverly counted her paces: 200 north, 20 east again and 55 south to doubt back. She couldn't afford to be lost again. Memories of her small episode in the storm came through her mental flood gates, and the fear of it happening once more kept her wary and smart. The aforementioned double-back had been a crucial element of Aurora's plan. The beach was to her left now, and the pirate's vessel stood about half a mile in front of her. Curiosity, had almost got the better of her, and made her stray further down the beach. But she wouldn't catch a pirate on a pirate ship, Aurora knew that.
For her plan to succeed, she was working off of the assumption that Pan would head for the pirate ship, and then work his way south, down to where Killian was camping out. Therefore if the pirate left on the ship had escaped the lost boy's grasp, he would make his way north to evade their hunting parade moving south. The second step was to set a trap. She had been watching Pan plot and scheme for what felt like months now - although it could hardly have been that long. Stolen whispers to Felix and then shouted commands to the boys as he devised strategies for rebuilding his beloved camp. Aurora used what she had seen: carrot and stick. Well...of sorts. The clearing was one she had carefully chosen. It was small, but the ground was flat and almost exclusively shrouded in moss. The rich green would make the dagger stand out. The 'carrot' of this trap.
Carrots of any trap do not need to be exciting, just distracting. This was the first knife that she had stolen from the armoury. Her second knife, would come in handy in the latter half of her plot, although currently she wasn't sure exactly what that would be. This, Aurora decided, would not be allowed to phase her.
Crunching leaves. Bristling branches. A single boot broke through the foliage on the opposite side of the clearing. Then the upper part of a leather-covered legs, before its owners torso and head followed. Her blood was rushing with excitement, and its pumping kept her vigilant and unfeeling.
This particular pirate was far from the Broad and bulky type Aurora had heard stories about. This sea-faring man was weedy and thin, with a grey stubbly beard adorning an equally slim chin. He had no weapon, to Aurora's relief. The last thing she needed right now was hand-to-hand combat. Pan may have been obnoxious but he was right, she wasn't ready.
The pirate knelt and picked up her dagger, right below her seat in the trees. Aurora acted without thought. She dropped and collided with the pirate's thin skull, and there was cry and a sickening clunk. As they both hit the ground, the impact shook her body with jolt. He did not jolt, he slumped and Aurora rejoiced.
"Woooo!" The noise escaped her ecstatic lips before she could stop it. The girl felt like dancing for all her happiness, for she had actually done it.
"I've done it." Aurora mumbled, voicing her thoughts quietly, but aloud.
In all her excitement, the joyous girl had almost forgotten to check. Crouching slowly by the fallen pirate, she placed her ear next to his frankly disgusting mouth, and his breath warmed the shell of it. Just unconscious, she breathed out the breath she was not aware that she had been holding.
If she had calculated correctly, that meant 55 paces south, and 70 or so west and she would reach the camp. Paces would be probably be an inaccurate word to use, perhaps 70 hauls south then. Efficiently, she picked up his left arm by a wrist, and hauled him head first back through the foliage, and out of the clearing.


The trip hadn't been a fruitful one. 23 tired boys trudged back into Pan's camp void of a pirate prisoner to call their own. The mood was gloomy, and that, was something Pan couldn't stand.
"Oh come along now boys, just because you didn't get to drink your fill of pirate blood tonight, I assure this will not be your final chance. And if Toby and Finn have done their jobs, a firelight celebration is still at hand by night fall!" The boys around him seemed to perk up at the very idea, smiles on their pale and dirty faces.
"Hello boys!" A feminine voice that could only be accredited to the angelic Aurora, rung through the otherwise empty camp. "Hello Pan, I wouldn't speak so soon...". She was standing next to one of the re-built cages, it was suspended a few metres from the ground, but the cord in her hand would lower it with a pull. Fuck she just looked so perfect standing there, he wanted to pull her from her feet - away from the beady eyes of every other lost boy - and fill her on his bed until she was moaning his name.
She pulled the woven vine that formed the cord.
The cage came crashing onto the forest floor, and its contents shook.
"I give you one very unconscious pirate accomplice." She was grinning from ear to ear with pure malice and the sight made Peter crave her even more. Then Pan remember his order: 'stay in the camp, or go collect firewood.' That is what he had said. Despite the pride he felt for Aurora in that moment, he knew he had to make an example of her. Favouritism was a weakness.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed Aurora." He approached her slowly, and confidently. The girl gave him a half grin that told him she was enjoying his praise. "But I believe I told you to stay at the camp. Did this man here just stumble into your arms my love?" He was risen to his full height now, and standing inches from her petite form. Oh her eyes were almost lustful, was she enjoying this?
"Now i think every boy would stand beside me in saying we are grateful for the help, but..." he leaned down to speak into her ear, but he made sure to be loud enough for every other boy in the camp to know just who she belonged to. "...but it would be unfair if I didn't devise some sort of punishment for disobeying my orders." Aurora was blushing a dirty shade of red, and the older boys wolf-whistled and whooped, understanding what their leader was alluding to. The younger ones laughed, pretending to join in with the joke. There may have been 30 odd boys in the clearing, but to Pan, they all disappeared when Aurora looked into his eyes. "Aurora!" He hollered now to the clearing and his half-mermaid, "can cook food for us tonight, whilst we celebrate our achievements. He turned back to the girl, and muttered to just her, "please, Aurora dear, leave the cooking area how you found it.".
An unspoken look passed between leader and subject. This was in no way the end of her punishment.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now