Chapter 9 - Domestic Bliss

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Warnings: none
Word count: 1648


The darkness had fully ripened now. She hadn't wanted to light a lantern, for fear of burning down the tent. Honestly, the girl had never handled fire, and the thought of it brought a lump to her throat.
The cot she had slept in the night before now felt foreign, as if she had never rested there in the first place. So the girl sat perched on the edge of Pan's bed, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. Rustling made her stop. The tent flap began to swing back and forth. Fear clamped her heart from beating. Abruptly, she stood from the bed, and simultaneously and swiftly she pulled a dagger from the her belt. With shaking hands she held it. The blade glinted in the moonlight. Moonlight. The tent flap was open.
There was something comforting about the sudden and cold metal against her throat, for she never would have slit an intruders's neck and the tension was killing her quicker than this knife ever would. As soon as the dagger hit her throat, the lights in the tent came up warm. A handsome face grew out of the darkness. Its owner, was holding the knife to her throat.
"Pan!" She breathed, keeping her neck movements to a minimum in fear of penetration.
"Do it. I dare you." Pan's eyes were flashing with the same intensity that she had seen in him this morning. Aurora held her ground, slitting her eyes and gripping the knife. It didn't stop her hand from shaking as she lifted it and slid back beneath her belt. Pan's knife dropped to his side, and she let out the breath she'd need holding.
"I'm glad it was you." Pan muttered.
"Why?" she smirked, her confidence returning, "did you miss me?"
"Oh so terrible by darling Aurora." His words screamed domestic bliss, but the boys movements were one of a tired man filled with dread. He leant up against his desk, covered in papers, palms spread on the wooden surface. God he looked like perfection. "I just didn't particularly want to fatally harm any else tonight, I'm ever so tired."
"Never mind."
Aurora herself was far too exhausted to push his further on this.
"Why aren't you in bed anyway? The Lost ones went to sleep hours ago now." He still hasn't turned to look at her.
"I don't have a tent Pan." Aurora replied matter-of-factly.
"Oh yes. Uhh right." He seemed unsure, an emotion for Pan that she was far from familiar with. "Sleep in my bed again Aurora." He murmured, turning from her swiftly and opening the tent entrance. "I will get some blankets, and sleep on those."
"Pan it's your bed! You don't have to-"
She was cut short by his figure leaving the tent. A sigh escaped her lips. She was planning on standing by the statement she was about the make, she really was, but her head was becoming too heavy for her body.


He pushed both himself and the extra blankets inside his tent, and stopped in the doorway. Aurora was collapsed on his cot, a soft sigh escaped her perfect plump lips. The girl's hair was fanned out around her face like the feathers of a peacock, and the half-light of the tent left gentle shadows on her tanned skin. Peter felt his body begin to relax, just watching her breathe. How could someone as strong-willed as her, look so peaceful as she slept? The thought of lying down next to her and gently wrapping his arms around her warm body made his eyelids droop and heart-beat docile.
What the fuck is wrong with you Pan? He pulled this idea from the forefront of his mind and threw it far back into the depths.
Laying down the blankets on the tent floor, he took his shirt off over his head, and tossed it to a nearby chair. Pan then resolved to turn away from the girl spread out on his bed, as he tried to drift to sleep. Her face in the new-found darkness was just as distracting as it was in the light.

Screaming. A body writhing in the dark. Peter leapt from his place on the floor. He was at her bed-side in seconds.
"Aurora!" He was shaking her shoulders violently. Tears rolled down her delicate cheeks. Her eyes were wide open but she was pointing, into the corner, and screaming one word 'Calliope.'
"No please, please, Calliope wait,"
"Aurora," he was begging her now, his chest ached to her words. "Wake up now. She isn't here. I promise you."
His words were not working.
"I'm here. She will not hurt you, because if she rose from her shallow grave and tried, Aurora I would burn this island to the ground before she had the chance, Aurora, I swear to you."
The girls eyes refocused into Peter's green ones.
"Peter?" She stuttered.
"Fuck Aurora you made my heart stop." Pan let out a sigh, his breath moving over her lips. The girl in front of him reached up to touch her cheek, and wiped away a single tear from them. She brought her finger to the front of her face to inspect it.
"Pan, was I crying?"
"It's alright now love. You were...just having a bad dream. And-"
She was touching his bare chest, with the tips of her fingers. Just absentmindedly.
"Why are you uhh not wearing shirt?"
"I was in bed Aurora." He smiled. A real smile.
"Right yes of course you were." She sung a sleep giggle.


His chest was warm. So warm. His muscles under her finger tips felt new and...reassuring.
"Aurora." He moaned her name, "fuck you're driving me insane, please."
His groans spurred her forward, but she couldn't stifle a yawn. Pan chuckled gently.
"You're tired Aurora, go to sleep now."
"Pan, are you going to go back to bed?" She felt her eyelids begin to drop, but she wanted to persist, question Pan on what had happened. What had she been saying that got him looking so scared? Jumping up from his bed with all the abandon of a lover running to his partner's side. That is not what they were. Although, she couldn't help but linger on the thought, as his lightly toned body loomed over hers.
"Get some sleep," Pan cooed in the darkness.
"What are you going to do?"
"I've got some thinking to do. I'll be okay, but you deserve more rest than I can give you."
Aurora didn't understand his words, and even as she tried, her sleep riddled brain was sweeping her mind away.


Pan sat on the chair by his desk, the cold had set in now. To keep it at bay, he wrapped his discarded shirt around his shoulders. Aurora was sleeping again. Leaning onto her left side and facing away from Peter's shattered form. The breathing was deep and long, not like the panicked, shallow pants he had heard before. They couldn't go on like this. Passing eachother and clinging to those moments they created in between. He needed Aurora, in her every inch. The idea that he needed anything made him sick, it was something he wanted to fix. Efficiently and ruthlessly.
Pan could change anything with power like his. But, he couldn't change Peter Pan. He couldn't change Aurora.
The girl stirred again, and Peter stood, ready to destroy anything that tried to hurt her. But she simply turned in his bed and let out a small sigh. Warily, Peter sat back down on the edge of his seat.
Pan didn't fall asleep that night.


Pan was planning something. Aurora was sure of it. She had been in the camp of the lost ones long enough now to understand when her leader was distracted. She didn't exactly know how long 'long enough' was. Some days night came before morning had begun, and others the days seem to drag on for weeks.
Almost seven nights after her arrival, they finished fixing the camp, and Pan decided - despite his source of distraction - that the boys deserved a celebration.
"Okay boys," he nodded to her, "girl." A smirk grew on his sharp features. This felt like the first time he had payed her any part of his mind in days. It made her shiver to remember the way he had touched her before then.
"You've been working hard to fix the storm damage, and as of today the camp is restored.". Cheers ran round the gaggle of guys. "So I think a proper celebration is at hand...Toby, Devin collect fire wood." The boys he gestured to nodded. "Oh and take Finn would you? I don't want him hanging around, we've only just fixed the cages..."
As Aurora had seen in her time here, for someone so young, Finn had quite the talent for causing mischief. He'd already twice made attempts to destroy Alister, Toby and Aurora's hard work to reassemble those cages, by clambering all over them - both outside and in.
"And tonight, a celebration by firelight!" Pan finished with a yell and a malicious smile.
The boys dispersed slowly around the camp. Before he could disappear into the flaps of his tent, Aurora ran for Pan and grabbed his arm.
"Are you ignoring me, Pan?" She seethed.
"I suggest you take your hands off me Aurora before I put you in one of those pretty new cages you built for me."
Reluctantly, Aurora removed her fingers from his bicep. "Inside the tent. Now.". Aurora walked past her leader. Slowly and deliberately, she brushed up against his chest. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Pan's lids flutter shut at her touch. She had to stop teasing him. He was a dangerous man to play with, but god did she want to win this round.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now