Chapter 2 - The Devil Incarnate

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Warnings: none
Word count: 1337


Two weeks had past since she'd heard the rustle in Neverland's jungle, and twice a week she still ventured into the forest to retrieve berries for her and the mermaids to eat. Mostly they ate  kelp and other such foliage they found on the sea-bed, but berries made a fantastic treat. Treating themselves was most likely not the only reason for these requested trips. She saw it on her fellow mer-dwellers faces. Why not utilise what they had at their disposal?  A little land girl willing to go on trips into the forest for her mermaid mother. Perhaps one day she wouldn't return, and the shoal would be killing two birds with one stone: Berries that they could eat their full of, and the mysterious disappearance of
Their humanoid companion whom - If she lived -  would pollute the purity of their gene pool.
The mermaids pretended to be beautiful and illusive creatures, dwelling in the depths of the lagoon, but truth be told they were as ruthless as the infamous Peter Pan. Oh Aurora had heard the stories, the ones her mother tried to hide from her. The others whispered about it on occasion. 'The Devil Incarnate' they had said. Why it was certainly a creative nickname. A part of her wanted to meet him, just to see for herself exactly how terrifying this young man was. The thought of it made her blood pump faster.
One of her mother's friends, Calliope she believed her name was, splashed the girl sitting on the shore line with her dark green tail.
"Get us some of those berries will you, Rory?" The other mermaids sniggered at this little nickname, "I've had a craving all day.".  Without saying a word, Aurora stood and walked further out into the line of the trees behind the lagoon.
Her mother watched from behind a rock. it hadn't crossed her mind to leap in to defend the girl. In fact it never did. Fauna didn't have motherly instincts or indeed the intention to mother anything, including her accident. It was almost 18 years ago to the day. She'd always hoped he'd come back and take Aurora away, so that the woman would finally be void of responsibility. All she craved is to escape the guilt that she had to stare at every day, standing on two repulsive legs on the shoreline. But all Fauna did was watch, until her daughter's form disappeared behind a bank of trees.

Aurora had to go further than she ever had before. The mermaid's hunger was returning faster than the berry bushes could grow their fruit. Stumbling slightly on an unseen bank underfoot, Aurora fell into a clearing by a gently babbling stream. Sunlight trickled onto the forest floor from the golden orb high above, and was dappled by the trees. These branches extended their fingers out to touch the sun's rays and play with them. The trickle of gently moving water accompanied the breeze in a slow waltz around the clearing. Her brown eyes strayed to the pebbles on the edge of the stream. They had been smoothed by the workings of the water over the rock surfaces.
A berry bush. Just the other side of the little stream. She worked quickly, planting her bare feet on the mossy ground and leaning to pick the berries. She teetered, but her fingers closed around the edge of a stem before she tumbled into the brook below.
"You don't want those ones." A taunting voice spoke out of the trees. "Unless you're intending to poison your entire family.".
He was leaning up against a tree, and had his arms causally folded against his broad chest. The young man's hair was light shade of chestnut brown, and his eyes - the girl was sure - were brown, but out the corner of her own eyes, she'd seen glints of green. The Devil Incarnate. That's what they'd said. Something about Peter Pan breathed danger and Aurora could sense it in the air. She put the berries in her pocket, still facing away from him. Simultaneously, she pulled a small dagger out of the thick green belt she wore and whirled around to face him. He was gone. That was when she felt his breath on her neck, accompanied by a cold blade.
"I wouldn't try anything stupid, darling" he whispered, "you might not like the consequences." . Her breathing came out in gasps and adrenaline rushed to every part of her body.
"Now." Pan murmured in her ear "introduce yourself.".


"You first" she had retorted. He let out a small chuckle, one he was sure would send vibrations down her spine. He was going to have a lot of fun with this one.
"I'm the one with a blade to your throat. Now be good, drop the knife, and introduce yourself." He replied.
The sound of metal hitting a root at their feet echoed through the clearing
"Aurora" she murmured.
"Do you know who I am Aurora?" He didn't remove the blade from her smooth, pristine neck.
"I've heard the stories. They call you the devil." Her breath was shaky, and Pan was shockingly aware of how much he was enjoying it.
"They'd be right."
There was a long silence in the clearing before Pan spoke:
"If I take this knife away from your pretty little throat, will you try to run, Aurora?" Aurora slowly shook her head.
Pan took the knife away and Aurora gasped, stepping away from his strong body that had been caging her in.
"This island and everything on it, belongs to me. So why don't I know about you." Pan had taken a step back, and despite the sincerity of the question he was asking, he still let a glint of amusement reach his eye.
"Perhaps I've good at hiding," the girl in front of him retorted.
Pan considered asking her about any magical abilities she had, before deciding against it. If she wasn't aware of her magic; then Pan could trigger a memory that would lead to an unwanted...outburst, and if she was, well perhaps she would attempt to kill him; he really wasn't in the mood to rip out her heart - and she was ever so pretty it would be a waste.
"No, that wouldn't be it love." He drifted slightly into his thoughts
"Don't call me that" she spat. This brought him back from his mind, and he slowly took considered steps towards her.
"I'll call you what I want to call you, Aurora.". He was dangerously close to her now, and she hadn't stepped back an inch - almost like she was challenging him.
"And what should I call you?" She whispered. Pan leaned in further, his lips gently brushing against the shell of Aurora's ear. The feeling of her skin on his lips was like a drug draining his system and filling it with passion and need.
"You'll call me Pan." He murmured.
"Will I ever get to call you Peter? That's what they say your name is in the stories." She calmly returned.
"Tell you what darling," she flinched at this emphasised nickname and he pulled out his signature smirk as a response "I own this island and everything in it, so you can call me Peter, when you are my equal."


She looked up to reply, and he was gone. Leaving her with an eerie sense of loss. Not that she wanted him to come back, 'the Devil Incarnate', she had to remember that. On the ground in front of her - just where Pan had been standing - there was a small pile of berries. They were a slightly lighter blue than the ones she had just picked, and identical to the berries she found every week. After a furtive glance around the clearing, Aurora emptied the apparently poisonous berries out of her pocket, and picked up the new fruit off of the forest floor and placed it neatly into the pouch of her dress.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now