Chapter 8 - 18 years

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Warnings: mild violence
Word count: 1995


He watched her walk away. Through the camp, through the boys and he still followed her with his eyes. Reluctant to let go.
"Do you want to see him Pan?" Felix spoke from his leader's shoulder.
"Is he weak?" Pan asked, he still had not taken his eyes of Aurora.
"Is he alone?"
"Yes. One stumbled into a trap Devin set" Felix smirked at the memory, "and the other fell straight off Dead Man's Peak."
Pan frowned upon hearing this, "Dead Man's Peak Felix, that's on the North Westerly side of the island. I thought you told me that they were going South East?" At this, Felix simply grinned.
"Oh he was very lost by the time he stumbled down that cliff face." Felix finished. Pan finally turned to look at his friend and second in command.
"Take me to Killian Jones."


"Aurora?" Toby called from the opposite side of the cage they were currently repairing.
"Could you pass me that vine, the one by your right leg?" He asked the older girl.
"Coming right up!" She called back.
They'd been working for hours now, and Pan and Felix had long since disappeared from their company. Aurora didn't care. She kept her head down and her mind focused on the work. The girl had never done anything like this, and the thrill of constructing something new gave her a feeling of excitement like no other.
The boys she was working with had seemed wary of her to begin with. Toby looked to be around 11 years old, but she was yet to ask how long he had been in Neverland. In a way, Aurora and this boy looked as though they could be siblings: he had tanned olive skin and darkened brown eyes set deeply into his skull. Toby had slowly become more receptive to her as they worked side by side, even answering a few of her questions.
"What is Pan like as a leader?" Aurora had queered him mere moments before.
"He is heartless. But there is an unspoken bond of trust between lost boys like me and our leader. He wouldn't let any of us come to harm unless he himself deemed it a fit punishment." She had grimaced at that idea. Pan obviously had his Lost ones under fierce control.
"How do you know he truly cares for you?" She had pushed Toby to answer.
"Well, he has never gotten one of our names wrong. There is probably near to 30 lost ones on this camp now, and he knows every one of us...personally.".
Aurora didn't know exactly whether to find this endearing or terrifying, but she had began to see that with Peter Pan, there was usually a combination of both.
Alister had not been as open to the new visitor as Toby. The thin, bony boy of around 13 had not spoken a word since Aurora had arrived. If he wanted something from her, he would simply point and then grunt in response. You'd think his social skills would leave a little less to be desired, living with so many people in such a small space, Aurora pondered. She concluded that perhaps her gender was the issue Alister was having. This was something the girl had never understood, and she hoped to prove to the begrudging Alister that she could do all that he could.

Aurora held onto to a long plank of drift-wood with one hand, and with the other, she grabbed the piece of vine she'd been holding in her teeth and wrapped it securely around the wooden slab. It was only when she stared up into the canopy, that Aurora realised the sun was setting. A sudden gloom had set in over the camp, as the trees greedily gobbled up the last of the sunset. Pan and Felix were yet to return.
What if he never came back, she thought. What would she even do then? The girl didn't exactly feel 'safe' with the lost ones, but she certainly felt more comfortable here than with her scheming family. Despite her unwillingness to return to them, the missing sound of tails hitting the lagoon's surface had picked a small chunk from her heart. Aurora knew it would never return.


Felix and Pan were perched in a tree, around 8 feet from the ground. Their legs swung down from the branches and the boys faces were shrouded in foliage. Felix was certain that Killian's course took him past this spot, and Pan didn't want to doubt his second in command.
"Felix, are you certain?" Pan asked into the blackness. The sun was hiding now and night had overtaken the skies.
"Yes Pan, of course I am sure."
Pan's reply was silence, he hoped this would be enough for Felix to hear his doubtfulness. Pan was grateful of this choice, for moments later the leader would've eaten his words. Killian Jones stumbled on unsteady legs into the clearing.
Pan and Felix had been companions on Neverland for longer than either boy could recall. In that time, they had developed a set of codes - a mix of words and hand signals - that had come in ever so handy for times like these.
Peter gestured with his index finger downwards before pointing at Felix and running his entire hand flat through the air. This meant 'I will go, and you stay back, wait for my signal.'.
His did a small stabbing gesture like he was using a knife, this meant the signal would be a violent one, and Felix grinned at the thought. With that, Pan dropped from the branches softly onto the forest floor. Killian did not turn at first, he was inspecting a nearby tree, and Peter could not tell for the life of him why.
"Are you lost Jones? I'm afraid I can't provide any guidance," Killian whipped his head around, quickly brandishing a long silver sword. "That..." Pan continued "...Would be against the rules."
"Pan," Killian's tone was urgent, rather than the accusatory one that Pan had been expecting. "Please I mean no harm."
"Funnily enough Hooky, I'm finding that hard to believe..." Pan shot him a sceptical look.
"I don't want to start old fights-"
"How long has it been?" The demon-boy shot him a glare.
"How long has it been for you, since we last met?" A pause hung in the air, and Pan silently prayed that a rustle from Felix would not give away their plan. They didn't want Hook in the camp. At least not yet. If the Pirate Captain had come back to retrieve something, well, it had to be valuable enough to be worth coming back for. That, sounds like something Pan would want. Besides, it belonged to him already, it was on his island after all. Hook finally spoke:
"It's been 18 years Pan.". Peter tried not to let the shock show on his face. Simply cocking his eyebrow to disguise it. Inside, god did it ache. The world kept on spinning and Neverland stood still.
"You don't look too bad on it." Peter scoffed.
"I'm sorry you're still here, Pan." Sympathy from a pirate? No fucking way Pan was putting up with this. He stalked towards Killian Jones, arms folded, eyebrow arched.
"I believe you miss understood me Killian," he threw his arms out wide, "there is no where I'd rather be."
Hook reached out a sympathetic hand to the supposed teenager.
"Enough. I came here to ask why you're here. And suggest that we play a game. For old times sake of course."
Pan mused at the hook-handed pirate.
"I'm not here for your games." Pan raised a skeptical eyebrow to Hook's words.
"Then what are you here for?"
"There is something here I have been asked to procure. But I don't have to tell you any more than that." Hook spoke wearily.
"An artefact?" Pan countered.
"Of sorts." He replied with stale answers.
"No matter, I wouldn't usually use such...simple methods of threat on a man of quality such as yourself Killian, but desperate times-"
"You're desperate are you Pan? Hmm well that's always good." Jones mused. Good, Peter thought, he does want to play. He didn't want Killian getting a word in edge ways now. With a flick of the boys wrist, the pirate was against the tree. He was sustained there by powerful lore.
Foolishly, Killian began to mutter a counter curse.
"Sorry mate," Pan used the pirate term mockingly, "But just as you have grown older and wiser in our little 18 year stint, I have grown more powerful." He spat. The demon-boy walked slowly up to him, and gently drew the sword from his enemy's holster.
He was swift and unforgiving. The slice was thin, running from Killian left hip to his knee. It ran deep, and blood dripped into the black leather of his trousers. The pirates let out a groan of pain, and Pan, Pan smiled maliciously. At this act of violence, Felix dropped from the tree.
"Oh you brought back up huh demon-boy? Glad to see you weren't confident." Killian taunted him between groans of agony. Peter ignored his words.
"Now Hooky, you will play my game and this is how it will go: I don't know what you're here to retrieve, or why the fuck you came back for it, and I don't need to know. But you will go from here, walking on that bashed up leg of yours, and you'll lead me right to your precious little bounty." Pan smirked at the perfection of his own game.
"That doesn't seem like much of a game, Pan."
"Oh but it is, isn't it? You see you know my plan now, and I've given you yours, so we both must evaluate our next move based on how well we know the executive skill of the other. Sounds like a game for the two of us eh? Like old times." The little devil in front of Killian Jones was grinning, and his back-up - Felix - still hadn't moved an inch. He stood in the shadows, a cloak sloped over his slender shoulders.
"And what about him?" The captain grunted, and Peter raised his expressive eyebrows.
"Oh him? Well I brought him in case I'd miscalculated how much more powerful I was than you Hooky. In case you needed some more persuading to play this little game of mine." Pan chuckled.
"Why injure me?"
"What?" Pan spat.
"Why injure me, you hate an unfair match, don't you Pan? Why are you giving yourself the upper hand."
"Because, 18 years ago for you, felt like far longer for me. I had time to bitter all that rage I felt for you, until it was stale and sour." Pan seethed now.
"Enough Pan." Felix finally spoke from the darkness.
"No Felix." He whipped around to glare daggers at his second in command. "If Hook wants to know why I will tell him." He turned back to look at the injured pirate: "I'm not giving you a fair start because you didn't give me one. We had a deal Killian. You broke that deal, so I broke your lying skin."
The silence in the clearing was a deafening one, the foliage had stopped rustling in the breeze to listen in. Killian said nothing at Pan's outburst, so the boy continued: "This spell will wear off in 10 minutes, and Felix will run and I will teleport, so do not attempt to follow us Killian. The game begins." Pan turned to Felix, and his second in command slunk back into the shadows. And as soon as Pan saw Killian turn his head to watch him go, he wished he was back in the camp.
The ground beneath his feet momentarily wavered and the air around his face clung to him. This feeling was one a teleporter had to familiarise themselves with. Pan had done just that. It never got less uncomfortable to teleport, but the foreign nature was gone. What remained was a powerful and ruthless leader, of the land with no king.

Lagoon ( Peter Pan x OC ) - OUAT fan factionWhere stories live. Discover now