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Tanjiro's POV

I don't know how long I've been loitering here for but I think its time I explore the outside world.

I got up from mu place in the infinity castle when I heard the voice inside me. It was Muzan.

"Where are you going Tanjiro?" Muzan asked.

"I want to see the outside world." I replied.

"It's time I tell you the truth." Muzan said.

"What truth?" I asked.

"We are demons, we aren't human. We aren't monsters but everyone thinks we are. If you want to go outside you must disguise as a human." Muzan explained.

"I see." I replied.

I focused hard on looking like a human and it somehow worked. I didn't look like myself anymore.

Kanao's POV

I wasn't really looking forward to this mission. I was just going to kill someone and return.

I wasn't really looking forward to anything anymore. Ever since that day, a spark inside me died. The girl I used to be isn't here anymore. She's missing. I want the life I was living seven years ago back.

"I think we're almost here." Aoi said.

"I see a few houses over there." Inosuke replied.

After walking for a bit, we arrived at at a small village. It had many houses and friendly villagers smiling everywhere.

"Let's investigate this place. You two investigate the people and I'll take a few looks around." I said.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Aoi asked.

"Yes." I replied.

I watched as Aoi and Inosuke walked away.

I was now alone. I wanted to do the quickest part alone so I could get this mission over with. I just wanted to return home and do something else.

I lost my will to fight long ago. It's hard to fight demons knowing that Tanjiro could be the one controlling them.

When I'm alone with me and my thoughts, I question why I'm a hashira. I only do this because I owe the demon slayer corps everything.

I walked around. I saw a few dark alleyways. I decided I should check one since a demon could be hiding here.

As I walked into the alleyway, something inside me felt wrong. It was getting hard to breath. I don't why. I've never felt this way before.

I lifted up my katana and took a few more steady steps. No one was there. What was going on? Before I could do anything else, my eyes shut and my body collapsed to the floor.


Tanjiro POV

I'm finally in the outside world. I exited the infinity castle. The outside of the infinity castle seemed like a small house. It would be hard to tell what is really inside.

As I took my first few steps outside, I saw a girl standing close to an alleyway. She was the girl I saw the other day. She had the Haori with a butterfly design and black clothing. 

I decided I should go up to her. As I walked up to her, she started breathing heavily and even lifted up a sword at one point. Just then, I remembered what Muzan told me.

We aren't monsters but everyone thinks we are

Before I could do anything else, the girl dropped to the ground. Why did that happen? Did I do that? Is she breathing? What if I am the monster?

I walked away from the scene in hopes that she was still alive.

Just then, I heard people yelling so I knew I had to run.





Who is Kanao and why did they kill a demon?

Kanao POV

What was I doing? Why am I lying on the floor? I hear Aoi and Inosuke, what are they doing?

I got up from the alleyway floor and brushed the dirt of my clothes. I then walked over to Aoi and Inosuke.

"Oh there you are Kanao!" Aoi smiled.

"We took care of the demon." Inosuke said.

"Let's head home now." I replied.

Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter.

The reason why Kanao fainted is because she felt Tanjiro's presence  but she didn't realise it. Her body felt a bunch of different emotions and it stopped functioning until she woke up.

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