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Before I left, I wanted to say one final goodbye to Kanao. She had helped me so much and I owe her everything.

"Kanao?" I said as I knocked on her office door.

She was busy in her office. She was organising it.

"Come in." Kanao replied.

"Sorry for disturbing you while your busy in your office." I said,  apologising to her.

"Don't worry about it I'm not really doing anything. I'm just giving the office back to its rightful owners." Kanao explained.

She had cleaned it and gotten rid of all of her stuff. She hung her Haori and placed two butterfly clips on the table. One was pink and green like the one Kanao wore. The other was purple and white like Aoi's. Except it was broken and smelt of wisteria.

)The purple and white one Aoi has was one of Shinobu's spare clips. The one on the table is the clip she wore in her final moments.)

Next to the two clips were two paintings. The girls in it had the same clips as the ones on the desk. They both had the same Haori as Kanao two. Beneath them was a paper that had some writing. It read out "The office of Kanae Kocho and Shinobu Kocho."

"This looks so nice." I said as I looked around.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" Kanao asked.

"Yes." I replied, " I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it. If it wasn't for you "

Kanao smiled ever so beautifully. I couldn't just help but fall into her soft pink eyes. The way she just stood there seemed so mesmerising and her unique personality was something I really loved.

"I didn't help you that much but your welcome." Kanao smiled.

The way she did it was so elegant and majestic. She was just Kanao. Why was I obsessing over everything about her?

"Onii-chan we need to go now!" Nezuko exclaimed.

"I have to go now, I'll visit you and the others another day." I said.

"Bye!" Kanao said as she softly smiled.

I walked out of her office and down the hall where I saw Nezuko. She was going to accompany to Lady Tamayo's house where I had some work to get done.

Lady Tamayo had been working on a cure which could turn me back into a human. Me and Yushiro tried helping her but she was quite talented so we couldn't understand her complex medicines. Although, we did what we could.

As we walked there was something stuck in my mind. It was Kanao. I don't know what caused this. Everytime I began to the think. An image of her popped into my mind.

I couldn't stop thinking about her pink eyes and short silky black hair. Something about her warm smile seemed to please me. Her kindness made me smile. I thought about all the memories we shared and I want to create more.

It was almost as if I loved her.

"What's on your mind? I can tell your thinking about something?" Nezuko asked.

Nezuko was quite experienced at love since she was dating Zenitsu who had been thinking about proposing to her. I assumed she'd be able to help me.

"How do you know if you love someone or not?" I replied.

"Well I really love Zenitsu. I used to spend time with him and we were very close. I don't remember how I fell in love with him or why I did. He just asked me to be his girlfriend and I didn't hesitate to say yes." Nezuko explained.

"I see. I've been wondering whether Kanao is the one I love or not." I said.

"Just think about it. If Kanao wanted to be with you would you say yes." Nezuko responded.

Nezuko made it sound so simple. I thought about it. If Kanao asked me to date, what would I think? It didn't take me that long to realise what I felt.

"Yes, I'd date Kanao." I replied.

"Very well then." Nezuko smiled.

We finally arrived at Lady Tamayo's house. Yushiro followed us to a room in the basement. There I saw Lady Tamayo sitting down next to a table which had all sorts of things on it.

"I have finally developed a cure." Lady Tamayo said.

"Wow." I muttered to myself as I looked down in astonishment.

I could tell everything had carefully been made and set out.

"You managed to create all this?" I asked in shock.

"Yes. However, there is something missing." Lady Tamayo said.

"Missing?" I replied.

"Muzans cells can not be killed so we need someone strong to take them in. It's basically the opposite of a donor." She explained.

"I see. Why don't you be the donor? Your a strong demon so you'd be perfect for the role." I suggested.

"He's right!" Nezuko added.

"Me? As the demon queen? I don't know Tanjiro." She replied.

"Please just think about it." I replied.

"Are you sure you want this?" Lady Tamayo asked.

After a while, I finally persuaded her and so the operation began.

Me and Lady Tamayo sat down at the table. Nezuko had to leave the room while Yushiro stood on the side to make sure everything was going well.

Lady Tamayo cut off one of my arms but I hadn't taken any medicine yet so I could still regrow it. She held the arm that I chopped off and started disecting it. She made sure all of my cells were absorbed into someone liquid. She then took a sample of my blood.

I was then instructed to drink a cup of some medicine. I drank it while Lady Tamayo injected my blood into her arm and dranked the liquid with mine and Muzan's cells.

We both passed out for a while but when we woke up Nezuko and Yushiro seemed relieved.

I tried using my demon powers but they didn't work. I was finally human. However, Lady Tamayo was able to use them.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me and Nezuko." I said.

"It's no problem." Lady Tamayo smiled.

End of chapter



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