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Sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy lately so I don't have much free time. I am trying to finish this chapter ASAP so I don't leave you guys on a cliffhanger for too long

Kanao, Nezuko and 3 other people were there. The shock on their faces was something like I'd never seen before.

I hadn't seen Nezuko in so long but I last remembered her as a demon - a strong one like me. Her bamboo muzzle had completely disappeared.

She wore a similar uniform to Kanao and had a brown Haori. Her hair was long and black, exactly how I remembered it. She seemed happy but she was holding back tears at the same time.

Next to her was a guy with short yellow hair. He seemed to be close to Nezuko. His Haori was yellow with white triangles scattered all over it. It seemed like his yellow eyes were deceiving what was infront of him.

Next to the yellow guy was a guy with a boar mask. His shirt was missing and his pants seemed like the uniform pants. He had to swords attached to his back. Due to his boar head I couldn't look at his facial expressions however there was a scent of sadness and shock.

The final person was a girl. She had a uniform but unlike Kanao and Nezuko, she wore pants instead of a skirt . She short black hair. Her eyes were a dark blue. She had the same butterfly as Kanao so I assumed they were close. She seemed very shocked.

"Hi, I'm Tanjiro." I nervously said.

"WE KNOW THAT DUMBASS!!" The boar exclaimed.

"I-i just can't believe your really here." The yellow guy said as he burst into tears.

"I thought you quit being a cry baby!" The boar replied.

"I AM NOT A CRYBABY!" The yellow guy responded.

"I just can't believe Tanjiro's aliv¹e." The girl with blue eyes said.

"Guys let me talk to him, he's my elder brother." Nezuko says as she ran up to me in tears.

She then hugged me tightly.

"Onii-chan!!! I missed you so much. Why did you have to go?" Nezuko asked.

"I'm sorry Nezuko. Please forgive me." I replied.

"I forgive you. Just please don't ever dissappear again." She replied.

After we both calmed down the yellow haired guy and boar head started asking questions.

"Are you sure he's real?" The yellow haired guy asked.

"I am very much real." I replied.

"Where did Manao find her from?" The boar head asked.

"I found him on a mission once and then again on another mission." Kanao replied.

"You saw him TWICE and didn't bother to tell us." The yellow haired guy replied.

"My apologies, I was doing it for safety." Kanao replied.

"I'm just glad you told us now." The blue butterfly girl said.

Kanao explained everything about me and my memory loss. Everyone had their doubts but Kanao and Nezuko helped clear them up.

Sorry for the short chapter

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