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Guys I'm trying to write more often now so you guys won't have to wait a long time for the next chapters 😍.

I knew that I had been lured into a trap when I saw Lady Tamayo and Yushiro show up. As I was about to signal my crow for help I felt my eyes close and I collapsed to the ground. Luckily, Shinobu had always made antidotes for this type of blood demon art so I was able to stay conscious yet I couldn't move.

Tanjiro's POV

As Kanao was about to try and escape Lady Tamayo used her blood demon art. Which made her fall unconscious onto the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"The young girl was about to use her crow to get backup. They would've killed you Tanjiro." Lady Tamayo explained.

"Why did you come here? I wanted dieţ alone with her." I said.

"Tanjiro you can't give up just yet." She replied.

"Stop making Lady Tamayo sad!" Yushiro exclaimed while glaring at me.

I had to admit. The way he looked at me scared me.

"Fine. I'll live on. I'll find Nezuko and I'll make up for all the evil I've done." I said.

"That's good to hear." Lady Tamayo said.

"So what are we going to do with Kanao?" Yushiro asked.

"We'll have to tell her the truth and hope she believes us." Lady tamayo replied.

"Kanao would never believe us. Right now shes unconcious on the floor but when she wakes up she'll attack us." I said.

Just then, I heard someone mumble. It was kanao.

"I-i d-don't understand." She mumbled slowly while trying to catch her breath.

It looked like her body was in pain.

Kanao POV

I listened closely to their conversation.

I understood the words but not their meaning. Everything was different. Their conversation sounded completely different from what I had perceived them as. Were they people of my own kind?

"I don't understand." I said.

I tried to move but my body was in pain. I felt weak. Even slightly moving my arm or leg felt impossible.

My body got weaker by the second.

Tanjiro's POV

I noticed Kanao's body. She seemed like she was in pain and she was struggling to move. I quickly picked her up in my arms.

"We need to get Kanao to safety." I said.

"If we take a certain route we can get to my house within half an hour where all of my cures are." Lady Tamayo said.

"Let's quickly go then." I said.

I was scared. I grabbed Kanao tightly and ran. I wanted Kanao to live. I didn't want another innocent person to die because of me.

"Kanao, please don't give up on me" I whispered.

Her body seemed frozen.

"I didn't know my blood demon art would be this dangerous." Lady Tamayo said.

"There is a chance Kanao can still recover." Yushiro added.

I ran and ran as if my life depended on it. It was strange. My feelings towards Kanao were different. I did respect Yushiro and Lady Tamayo. I also liked and admired them. But the way I like, respect and admire felt different.

However, it wasn't the time to think about that. I needed Kanao to wake up.

*Half an hour later*

I had finally gotten Kanao to safety. I entered a spare room which Lady Tamayo had provided for us. As I entered the room, I could feel that Kanao started to breath. I was relieved.

Kanao's POV

I opened my eyes but I wasn't at the forest. I was in Tanjiro's arms.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"What do you remember Kanao?" He said.

"Everything. I remeber everything. From the moment I saw you until the moment my body weakened." I replied.

"Wait here." Tanjiro replied as he put me on a bed.

For some reason, I didn't scream or get panicked. I felt relaxed.

Tanjiro came back with a cure for the blood art. At first, I was a bit suspicious of him but I drank it and it surprisingly worked.

"Thank you." I said.

"Don't thank me, thank Lady Tamayo" He smiled.

"Can I ask you something Tanjiro?" I said.

"What is it?" He replied.

"Are you really a monster?" I asked.

"I am but no one treats me like one. Except you Kanao, that's why I like you so much. Your the only one who understands reality. That's why I wanted you to be the one who kills me." Tanjiro explained.

"Wow.." I responded.

I was too stunned to speak. His awnser was genuine and honest. I saw something different in his eyes. I saw the truth in his eyes again after a full seven years.

"What is that you want to do, Tanjiro?" I asked.

"I want to find Nezuko and make up for all the bad things I've done." He replied.

"Very well then." I smiled. "Come with me tommorow to visit Nezuko."

"You would really do that for me?" Tanjiro responded.

"Of course I would." I said.

Tanjiro's POV

As I looked at Kanao, I suddenly got a flashback.

"Your Kanao, Kanao Tsyuri. The insect Hashira's tsguko. You have a coin. You had fast reflexes and mastered total concentration constant before everyone else did." I said. "I finally remember you.".

I was so happy I finally remembered someone other than my little sister Nezuko. It was a feeling I couldn't describe.

Your a monster but I still love you || Tankana || DKT AUWhere stories live. Discover now