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Sorry for the late chapter.

I had two concepts for this chapter and then I wrote the first one but I didn't wanna make Aoi seem like the villain so I rewrote the chapter and did this concept instead 😍😍.

I was completely lost in my thoughts. I just lay my head on my desk. Why is it always me having to hide such big secrets? As if hiding the real cause of Shinobu's death wasn't enough. I have to hide the fact Tanjiro's alive.

After a while, I eventually began to fall asleep.

Tanjiro's POV

Ever since I found out the truth, I've hated myself. Lady Tamayo and Yushiro try to tell me it's my fault but I just can't listen to them. I let innocent people die before my eyes. I shouldn't be able to live. However, before I die there is one person I'd like to see.

Kanao's POV

I didn't wake up until I heard the sound of my crow.


I got up and got ready for the day. I then began to leave for my mission.

As I left for the mission, I was scared that I'd see Tanjiro. However, that was probably a once in a lifetime thing. Atleast, I hoped so.

I arrived at the location for the mission - it was a forest. I began to regret leaving so early because there were still many hours until the sky would become dark.

I wandered through the forest, it was  quite dark yet a lot of sunlight managed to enter the forest from the gaps between the trees. There were all sorts of rocks laying around.

I decided to sit on a wooden bench.

As I sat down, I saw someone appear out of nowhere. I quickly looked around but it seemed like the person I saw was getting closer. I didn't think much of it and just sat down.

Just then, the person came next to me. It was Tanjiro. My eyes widened in horror. I had forgotten he was immune to the sun. There was no way I could fight him alone. From that moment, I knew my fate was sealed.

"What's wrong Kanao?" He asked.

The way he said it irritated me. At first he didn't know my name and now he is going to use it on me in a moment of weakness.

"What's wrong?" I said, "Your wrong! Everything about you is wrong. I know I'll die fighting you but I'll get revenge for all myself and all the people who've died.".

"Go ahead then." He calmly replied.

"Are you insane!" I yelled as I asked towards his neck. My attack was fueled with anger.

I attacked him however he just stood still. It didn't even seem as if he was trying to move. I began to panic. I know the demon king wouldn't just die like this. My sword had reached his neck but it wouldn't budge. It was almost as if someone had glued to my katana to the side of his neck.

"What are you planning to do?" I asked.

"I want you to kill me Kanao." He replied.

Kanao. He used my name yet again. It began to trigger me. All I know is that I want to kill him.

"What type of sick joke is this?" I exclaimed.

I couldn't tell what he was trying to do. I only had one goal, which was to weaken him until I die. After that happens, my crow would call backup and Tanjiro would hopefully be killed.

"Kanao, I'm not joking." He replied.

I was confused. Have I landed in a trap? I continued to push my sword through his neck but I reduced the amount of force I was using since I was sure this was a trap. Tanjiro did not move at all. He just stood still and smiled.

"Are you really going to do nothing?" I asked.

"I won't do anything, I'll just stand here until I die." Tanjiro smiled.

At this point I was sure he had gone insane. He wasn't the Tanjiro I knew and loved. He was a monster. I don't know what he was trying to do.

His words made no sense at all. I had been trying to get through his neck for atleast 5 minutes now and all I had managed to do was a few centimeters. As the demon king, Tanjiro should know that he isn't able to be beheaded.

What is he really doing?

"What kind of trap are you trying to lure me into?" I asked.

"Please, stop with the questions. Just kill me already. Please... end my life. Why are you holding back? By the looks of you would know that people like me don't deserve to live." He said.

I knew that he was a monster and every word that came out of his mouth was a lie but for some reason it felt so human. It made me feel sympathy.

However, I had to stay focused. My goal was to make sure he dies so I used all of my strength and pushed my katana through his neck. It had managed to go through a fourth of his neck. (Kanao activated her mark and this is her at full strength. Tell me if I made Kanao a bit too strong)

I began to push my katana a few more millimeters into his skin until I heard someone.

"Stop this! He's innocent."

It was Yushiro.

At first, I thought I was hallucinating but now it all made sense. Since Yushiro was a demon Tanjiro must've taken over him.

Tanjiro's POV

This was it. She had managed to push through my neck. Considering her strength I was sure it wouldn't take much time until I was dead.

I was so sure I'd die until I heard a voice.

"Stop this! He's innocent." Yushiro yelled.

They must've found me.

I was about to die but my beautiful moment had been ruined.

"Let her kill me." I replied.

Yushiro and Lady Tamayo came closer.

"Tanjiro, you can't die like this." Lady Tamayo said.

"She's right! Are you going insane?" Yushiro added.

I hope this was worth the wait.

Your a monster but I still love you || Tankana || DKT AUWhere stories live. Discover now