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"WHERE ARE YOU RUNNING OF TOO?" The girl yelled.

I have to take a leave." I replied as my arm slowly began to regrow.

"I won't let you touch Nezuko." She exclaimed.

"But she's my sister." I replied.

Kanao POV

I was about to charge at Tanjiro until I saw a demon run up to him.

"Master! We disobeyed your rules and now my brother has been killed. Please remake him." The demon cried.

"I am afraid I can not remake your brother. However, I will keep you inside the infinity castle as a punishment for killing humans." I explained.

I used this as a distraction to find Nezuko.

"Nezuko!" I yelled.

"Kanao, is that you?" I heard a voice say.

"Yes it is." I said as I looked around.

After a while, I found her.

"Have you killed the demon?" I asked in hopes that she would say yes so I wouldn't have to bump into Tanjiro again.

"Yes I have." She replied.

I sighed in relief.

"Let's head home now." I said.

*The next day*

Ever since that moment, the same scene replayed in my head. I couldn't escape it. The anger within me grew and grew.

"Master please train us!" Sumi, Naho and Kiyo exclaimed.

"Not now, maybe later." I replied.

I felt guilty for not training with them but I was too focused on Tanjiro to do anything. I decided too visit the two people that could help me.

I walked for a good hour until I arrived at a small graveyard. It was empty and grey. I walked over to two graves which were put next to eachother. They read out:

"Kanae Kocho and Shinobu Kocho."

I felt comforted as I sat down and let my tears out.

"Please help me." I whispered.

Just then, I saw someone place flowers onto Shinobu's grave. They were dark purple flowers that Shinobu would've loved.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing anything." Inosuke apologised.

"Oh, it's you." I replied.

"Do you mind if I mourn with you." Inosuke asked.

"Not at all." I replied.

"The same demon that killed Shinobu killed my mother. I don't know where she was buried but I'd do anything to see her again." He said while staring at her grave.

Ever since the fight against Muzan, things weren't the same anymore.

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